And yet you’re responding too since you really want to start something. And clamoring on that your words is the messiah or something when it’s not.
Some heavy projection on your part, lmao.
I am not gonna waste anymore of my time with someone clearly that is defensive and ignorant towards the fact that your words aren’t facts so adios.
But you’ll waste more time making low tier threads, I’m sure.
I mean yea, but it’s also kinda funny sometimes cause I rmb seeing so much fighting over Emet-Selch and male vieras before
I’ve never personally experienced it. Why do people argue about Emet or about male Viera? Most players love both.
Personally, I find Emet somewhat overrated, but I have a friend who is obsessed with him, and we’ve never argued about it once. Of course, that’s just my personal experience.
However, I think we can all agree that in WoW, people argue non-stop about various WoW NPCs. At least here on the forums. Sometimes it gets pretty aggressive. So even if you’ve really experienced something like that in FF, the WoW community is definitely no better.
I think it was some thread about Endwalker story and ppl were going WILD. Haven’t visited the FF14 forums much recently though but I also recently there was NSFW stuff that was left up for a week before a mod cleaned it up. Like that place is chaotic and I mean that in a good way
I’ve seen discussions about Emets morals and a lot of back and forth whether it was justified that he was doing the things he did. Like “What a poor baby, bless this handsome man” vs “wtf he’s a megalomaniacal psycho”. But discussions like these just show that the community isn’t this sort of hivemind that some people here imagine.
Zenos once made a very fitting comment on this, in my opinion. “Would you be more inclined to forgive someone’s actions if that person presents understandable reasons?” Or something along those lines.
Emet undoubtedly committed a multitude of atrocities that, objectively speaking, are unforgivable. At the same time, one can certainly comprehend his motives.
Found it:
**Zenos: **
"If my motives met your approval, would you no longer resent the outcome? Duty… honor… morality… all constructs of convenience, when put to proof. Surely the war taught you how easily power becomes the tool of the self-rightenous? How the people’s ‘justice’ was merely a means to their ends?
Ask any creature of this star and those above for answers, and they will tell you what suits their fancy. And they would be right to do so. What meaning there is to be found in the petty vicissitudes of your existence must be gleaned by you and you alone."
I think it’s more accurate to say that FF14 are more welcoming and friendly to new players than WoW generally is, but a statement like “FF14 has the best community” is kinda a meme at this point
I think WoW is just vastly superior, FF14 doesn’t hold a candle to WoW and the FF guys are butthurt over it.
Game is extremely handholdy, no damage meter, unresponsive mechanics, janky/slow/delayed combat. Boring story, boring cutscenes, boring dungeons. The maps don’t feel open and are full of invisible walls. I’ve tried leveling in FF14 multiple times but I couldn’t get past level 50 or so, it got especially bad when I quit where there were dungeons with I kid you not almost 20 minutes of unskippable cutscenes, just a complete snorefest. Questing in the game is also really outdated, you have to backtrack alot. I think the community is somewhat aware of these flaws but is holding on to some aspect of the game that they like, who knows what it is.
Who cares all online communities have ups and downs, right now Florida wants to ban social media next year for kids,
Funnily enough online gaming seems to be exempt from the social media ban, so all the kids are going to come to FF14 and here…
I used to like the Florida governer for standing up for freedom during covid
I’m not saying WOW has never had good cinematics or plot moments. I’m just saying that none of those rise to the level of FFXIV’s.
Because FF14 is a RPG first and MMO second.
WoW is a MMO first and RPG second.
The main focus in FF14 lies in its story, which is why so much emphasis is placed on a logical narrative and understandable characters.
In contrast, WoW focuses primarily on raiding and attempts to lead its players to end content as quickly as possible. Consequently, the story suffers greatly with countless retcons and nonsensical decisions since TBC.
In this sense, one could say that in FF14, it’s mostly about the journey, while in WoW, it’s primarily about the destination.
I don’t actually think it’s the best community and nobody is saying that. But it’s reasonable to compare the FF and WoW communities in different aspects of the game and how they behave in specific situations. I only came to the conclusion that one community behaves better.
Some of these things aren’t really flaws, just very subjective opinions. Having no damage meters for example can be a quite relaxing experience for many players and the story, as well as the cutscenes, get a lot of praise. The community is however aware of the fact that the ARR base game until level 50 can be a bit boring for some players. Dungeons don’t do that much in this level range. The classes feel a bit slow and the old base story is a bit outdated and just the foundation for the upcoming expansions. Just some worldbuilding and introductions, so to say.
If FF players are asked to rank the different expansions, the base game is usually the most unpopular experience.
I love the story, but yes, ARR feels like about 60% world-building. Of course, you come to appreciate it later when you understand all the connections, but for a new player, myself included back then, it can be incredibly slow.
I took several breaks until I eventually finished ARR. For me, it got really cool towards the end with the fight against the Garleans and briefly in between when you help Haurchefant, but otherwise, it was really boring. I think it took me about six months in total to get through ARR because I kept stopping in between.
Ironically, I then played from the end of ARR to Endwalker in just one month because the story became so captivating.
I think it would really benefit the game if about 40% of ARR were made optional instead of being part of the MSQ.
It’s funny, because they already cut out a lot of filler quests from ARR. And it’s still so slow and feels like it goes on for an eternity without anything happening.
I appreciated it back then because I was a huge lore nerd in WoW and when I came to FF, I was just extremely frustrated of the lazy worldbuilding and lore. So this was a breath of fresh air. But even I lost interest from time to time and when the big banquet happened I was just like “Wait wtf is going on” because I mentally checked out before.
I completely agree that a lot of stuff can still be made optional. Introduce the factions, antagonists, primals and a few main zones and then move on.
Back then, I was extremely frustrated with WoW, and a friend convinced me to give FF14 a chance. Although I do come back to WoW for a month now and then to catch up on the new stuff, FF14 has actually become my main game since then.
I was admittedly very stubborn about giving FF a real chance because I had the typical WoW mentality back then, but I’m really glad she didn’t give up and pushed me through the beginnings of ARR. You just miss out on so much when you get stuck in WoW, which is just… well… very limited and questionable in several aspects.
That being said, I have to admit that FF also had the problem later in Stormblood of putting in too much world-building. At least, for my taste. But compared to ARR, still significantly better.
I must admit that it was, ironically, pure spite and tribalism that led me to FF. I had no friends who played FF at that time, but I was extremely active in the german WoW forums and got annoyed by all these people who started to compare the two games and insisted that some things were much better. I was such a defensive meanie back then with the ‘typical WoW mentality’ you’re talking about.
I only started FF as an experiment with the plan in mind to come back two weeks later and present my essay in the WoW forums that would debunk all these fairytales about the game and proof that I had done my research and FF was the same or even worse in all aspects. Well, that didn’t age well. At first I tried to resist the urge to like it, but then I was completely enchanted.
You got a problem with adorable catgirls, bruh?
It’s always so weird when people complain about the story. Final Fantasy has been heavily story and dialogue-based since the first game for the NES in 1987. Some of these people must only be like 20 and never even heard of the franchise before until FFXIV came out.