WoW is currently cratering from a @#$%storm of things coming together
- 9.1 being delayed and disliked
- 9.2 being delayed until 2022
- Bad/Incoherent story-writing
- Blizzard diddling women
- MTX in Classic
- Classic phases taking too long
- Only 10% of the classic players are utilizing arena
- TBC being a heavy raidlog expansion
- Bugs/Bots left unresolved
- Lack of communication
- Lack of customer support
you can play ffxiv right now for free all the way up to lvl60 and play the new dark knight class, its making it very easy for people to switch over.
New World beta is also out, GW2 has an upcoming expansion, FFXIV has an upcoming expansion.
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The only way i see blizzard making a true comeback would be by actually making a new mmorpg on a new engine, and they won’t ever do that. Blizzards doomed to making card games/mobile games for all eternity.
yea there’s no redemption anymore from Blizzard. All of their original devs are gone.
They have OW2 and Diablo 4 coming up, why would anyone trust them with that.
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You tell us. You must clearly play it to have such a strong, valid opinion of it.
Look at his name. And his post history.
You answered your own question. People love those things. Personally I hate furry characters and don’t find anything appealing about cat ears or tails. We live in a pro degenerate society now. Many people even pretend to be the opposite gender and it’s supported rather than scolded. Did you see the story about the man winning the woman’s beauty pageant?
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But why does it have to be sexual?
Man are even better than women at being woman kek
I don’t like Guild Wars 1 much but pre searing Ascalon still looks the best to me after all these years. New World actually looks kind of fun, but I agree that the art style feels very bland to me.
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If you don’t like it, don’t play it.
It shouldn’t matter to you what games other people like.
Unless of course you just want to do what everyone else is doing? In which case I’d like to show you this bridge right over here
Right out the gate the Game is extremely polished, the community is nicer, you find almost no bugs and if there are any they are fixed immediately via emergency patches, The game Director plays the game at a top level so he can understand the balancing required, The story kinda sucks during ARR but once you get past the 2.0 line and into the post ARR stuff it becomes an incredibly well written story, the class differences are amazing, you don’t feel like you need addons in anyway as the game was designed around the FFXIV dev team actually playing WoW to study what was wrong with it.
The Single biggest reason is you never feel forced to log in and never feel like you’re falling behind.
On a side note I find most people who complain often log in, never actually play long enough to get their Job Crystal and start actually seeing their rotations come into full play, The raiding is very much on par with Mythic in Retail at least on the top end without feeling like you’re hard stopped by gear checks, it becomes purely skill, and old raids and content are still relevant, and you don’t need a UI addon to change things as the HUD customization is = to elvui.
I say all this as someone who has been playing WoW for years, But I honestly wished people would stop comparing Apples to Oranges here.
At least story wise I feel an implementation of a villain like Emet-selch is almost entirely what Blizzard wanted to do with Sylvanas. A genocidal maniac that is the hero of their respective story. One is done well and the other is vomit. One actually portrayed as being highly intelligent and the other says stupid one liners as they throw all of their cards on the table.
I liked FF14 until Stormblood. Then the story just got boring. But all in all, the community is very friendly and welcoming.
How do I know I like or dislike something if I haven’t played it yet?
dunno if its because of blizz’s lawsuit but square enix just put a 60% off online bundle edition. 23.99. + 30 day gameplay included.
Their digital (in game) store reminds me of how ESO’s works with all the things you can buy.
Outside of that I still like how WoW does some things, prob why i’m still kickin around here until something happens.
When I played I liked the fact that I could get event stuff I may have missed in the shop.
Not that I’m random string of profanity here about having 5k+ loot eligible kills on the headless horseman and still no mount or anything.
Where do you think you are right now?
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ff14 is an okay game. if it had come out at the same time, and had gotten wow’s initial population instead of chris hansen intervention convention they ended up with i’d likely have played it myself instead of wow.
MMOs are all about community. i don’t like ff14’s. simple as.
I am so suck of hearing about this stupid game. Literally everywhere I go to read or talk about wow someone is always talking about this game and how awesome it is. Hope they’re getting payed at least