Final Fantasy 14; Anyone Played it?

if so did you prefer it over WoW or not really?

i got the game long ago just added game time but im kinda iffy like i still enjoy WoW here and there but i aint got time to be playing 2 mmorpg’s. im not too into FF type of things either like idc for stuff like machines and all that kinda stuff. im more into the old school RPG feel bows, arrows, spears, sword and shield.

idk jack about FF either. im only like level 5 though

It enjoy it, it’d probably be my main MMO if I didn’t have friends here. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea though. And even if it is the early game is kind of a slog and a bit of a turn-off if you’re not into FF and don’t get the references.

If you’re just looking to kill time until 9.1 I’d recommend GW2 instead. FF is more of a long-term MMO commitment.


naw im not really looking for short term im looking long term i mean i like WoW fantasy better but idk been playing it for so long now the more years that pass the less content i been doing.

i mean yea im getting more older/busier with work too but idk just dont have that feel anymore cause i have no friends to play with i guess. thats why im just kinda debating if i should stick it out or just switch to ff14. not really too into ff14 looks cool but just not my style. do eventually plan to come back to wow as well down the line

I started recently in FF14, and it slowly started to shine.

The world is a beautiful place, the music is awesome. I found myself thinking about Ul’dah music, and just walking around hunting stuff and not rushing things. People chat with each other nicely in chat channels, i started to feel like i was in an online open world, and not reading WTS KSM X GOLD all the time.

The storytelling is intriguing, the NPCs are meaningful.

Yeah, the game is really looking good to me so far. Try it out and see for yourself!


It’s funny but when I first started playing wow I looked for a great dungeons and dragons game… did a lot of searching… played all the dos compatible games… WoW was the only one that kept the true role playing spirit in my opinion, that’s why I still play it.

Those ‘other’ games are just screen fluff… boring game play and content is really basic… I enjoy WoW plus I have 16 years invested, the content, characters, memories, friends, guilds… achievements… there is more to WoW than just playing other games keep trying to reinvent just to keep up, but WoW is stable and has many good qualities.

IF you install Windows from scratch you can move the WoW folder to a new drive or system no problem don’t have to reinstall, that to me is a good sign because it’s means the developers kept everything together without any dependencies… most games you need to install for them to be playable maybe some don’t need it but the games I have played only WoW can be truly portable in my experience besides being a great game, good performance and never get bored of playing.

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yea i invested about 12 years i mean i enjoy it when i got friends to play with but they all quit already and i can barely play with like 99% of guilds due to my work schedule and time zone so kinda hard to even guilds i can raid with consistently.

not enjoying SL content either so gonna take a break from it for now probably come back towards the end of the expac or earlier depending how i like FF. i mean it looks alright not much other games interest me atm only waiting on 1 to come out next month but i think that is a single player RPG anyways.

Bought it last year. No time to play it yet. Losing interest with WoW. I might have some free time soon.

No disrespect but if you bought it more than 6 months ago… and STILL have not played it, that should tell you something…

I often wait months to open my Christmas presents especially something I have been waiting for… just saying… :roll_eyes:

I’ve always been a big fan of the Final Fantasy series, I’ve played every numbered title in the series except for 11 and 14 since they’re MMO’s. When 11 came out I didn’t have the time or money for an MMO, and when 14 came out I was already invested in WoW.

If WoW went away tomorrow (which it won’t) I’d probably pick up 14 and give it a shot, mainly because of my general love for the series overall. But I just don’t want to play two MMOs at once and I am still really enjoying WoW.

That being said, if you’re on the fence about XIV, my understanding is that you can create a 100% free trial account which gives you access to a pretty good chunk of the game, so no reason not to try it. If you don’t enjoy it, you’re not out any $$.

Once I play it, 30 days sub starts. That’s why I did not use the key yet. Once start, its all in! :smiley:

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I do the same I playbit for one day then go back to wow but these are triple a games. Always behind in wow for years now but I never catch up lol. Nor that I can’t just take too many breaks

I’ve been playing it for about 8 weeks now. After the first three days, I uninstalled WoW and cancelled my sub.

The music is amazing. I never bothered with wows music, personal preference and all that, but with ffxiv I found I fell in love with it.

Graphics are nuts compared to WoW. Remember they were saying in shadowlands they tried something new with painted backgrounds? Yeah ffxiv done that from the start, and it’s breathtaking to look at. I often just stand and look.

Community is totally different to WoW. It’s friendly, it’s fun, it’s a community. From supportive and helpful free companies (guilds) to random players and people in duties (lfg). Not to mention players doing random concerts playing instruments around the place (I kid you not).

Story is superb, well written, engaging, and puts the player in the centre of the action.

It does have a few things that could be improved, WoW does do a couple things better, but for me at least it was an obvious choice to switch.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved WoW since launch, and I have great memories, but WoW isn’t what it was. My old friends all left years ago, I had many reasons to quit.


I’ve been playing it alongside WoW since Heavensward was current (2015); pretty much says how much I’m enjoying it if I’m paying for two subs.

I enjoy it for the reasons people have stated already. At this point, I enjoy every other MMO more than WoW. It was only once I started playing these other games did I begin to realize what’s out there and see what features others have had for years already that WoW is only just now getting or unable to get at all. For me to enjoy an MMO nowadays, there need to be more side content that aren’t tied to dungeons and raids. Though, if I do play a dungeon-hub MMO, it needs to be action-combat.

Being a RPer, I also appreciate FF for the systems that caters to them - housing and marriage. Although trying to get a house in the game is like trying to get a 30-series GeForce card now, the option is at least there and I can look forward to getting one… one day.

The reason I quit FF14, and prefer WoW, is this.

I like to quest in the world. I might do a few instances with friends. But my enjoyment
comes from questing in zones. When I am done with one zone, I move on to
the next.

In FF14, they have great zones and the same type of quests WoW has
(kill this many, gather that many). But in order to move on to the next
zone. You must complete ALL the zone, instances included.

I wasnt even at level cap, not even half way, and just to get to the next
zone to quest. I found myself queuing for one instance after another,
after another, after another. Not even near level cap and I was running
instances as if I was at end game when all I wanted to do was quest
in the open world zones.

I looked up where I was towards getting to the next zone and saw
that at least for me (I dont remember the number now), I had way to
many more times of queuing to go before getting to quest again.
That just killed it for me on the spot and I quit.

In WoW:

Magictecnology and advance Tecnology, uh … after the success of Ulduar we have the true concept of high tech in Azeroth thanks to a lore of the gnomes.

We got Mechagon and everything about being in a dumpster in real life.

  • Dance in Castle Nathria: dance or die… And not, not a good epic reference to the best video game about vampires and the Belmonts clan. (even Kharazan has a better reference).

IN FFXIV: everything I said and summarized.

That is why Legion was such a success and a worthy rival for Final Fantasy XIV to compare the power it brought from lore and gameplay at that time, which BfA and Shadowlands are getting out of their line of success.

On the other it would be a pride to play it, but with it pays 30 bucks now in wowsubs, I prefer to stay in WoW and hope it returns to its glory, if hope does not die.

Yeah the leveling quests are very much the same as SL - On rails. The one plus for WoW is that you can go threads of fate in SL to skip all the story quests and level alts how you want. I’m guessing this is not possible in FFXIV.

It’s not a bad game really. Despite not being a seamless world, (each new zone requires a quick load when moving through the barrier) it is much easier to get around thanks to teleporters. The global cooldown is 2.5sec, but as you level, there are more abilities not on GC you can use to fill the time.

I’m on the free trial, which is pretty good. Despite all the restrictions you can actually play all the content up to the latest ex pak.

Actively in the middle of a ‘challenge’ with it due to the state of WoW.

Final Fantasy XIV isn’t bad, regardless of what the WoW Old Blood says. A Realm Reborn, which is the 1-50 experience, is one of the most horribly paced experiences I’ve had in an MMO to date.

The best way I can explain Final Fantasy is that it is the exact opposite of WoW. It has very little meat to it prior to max level. The main story captures your interest and even if you aren’t interested in end-game content, you can play through the leveling content and still get the tried and true Final Fantasy story we’ve enjoyed for like 18 installments now since the 80’s.

WoW is, however, much more fun to play. Mechanically speaking, the classes in WoW offer a much more customizable and enjoyable experience. End game content, however, is where Final Fantasy wins. Hands down, Final Fantasy trumps WoW. It’s just better all around.

The community is also LEAGUES better than WoW. You can join a PuG for even the harder stages of content and actually play the class you want. Sure, the classes in FFXIV don’t have -any- customization -at all-, but if you want to play a mage, you can play a mage. Hell, there’s -four- types of mage in the game you can play.

  • Tab-targetting is terrible in FFXIV.
  • The UI is fully customizable, but no add-ons are permitted. You have to manually adjust the UI, but thankfully, it’s fairly painless.
  • 2.5 second global CD. It’s agony. It contributes to the poor reception I’ve had of the game, regardless if there’s off global cooldown abilities you can use. WoW has those too.
  • You are not allowed to adjust half of your character’s appearance post character creation without a phial of fantasia. WoW’s barber lets you do everything even sex swapping.
  • Final Fantasy’s community is WAY better, though. Like, a breath of fresh air better. You are treated like a person.
  • Final Fantasy’s PvP is lackluster, but the factions are chosen, not race-bound. Again, points to Final Fantasy.
  • Final Fantasy has no Vulpera. :frowning:

All in all, I’m scratching my head on where I want to stay. I love WoW, but Final Fantasy grows on you big time. It grows on you like magical tattoo. It has one of the best zone’s I’ve -ever- played in an MMO, that being Coerthas. Once you get to Coerthas, I HIGHLY recommend turning on in-game music, because it just- It’s so good.

But… WoW has 16 years of tuning when their combat and mechanics. It feels more fluid to play. The community of WoW sucks for the casual, solo player and Shadowlands is a massive disappointment, but I just can’t shake how good WoW feels in comparison.

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I’m not sure what part of the game requires this, but I’m working through Heavensward right now, and I haven’t found this to be true at all. You need to complete the MSQ, and that’s it. Sometimes the MSQ includes instances and trials. SL is no different in that regard. The first time you run through it, you’re obligated to complete all the story quests in the Maw before moving on to Bastion. Then you’re required to complete all the story quests in Bastion before moving onto Maldraxxus. Then you’re obligated to complete all the story quests in Maldraxxus before moving onto Ardenweald. Finally, you’re obligated to complete all the story quests in Ardenweald before moving onto the final story quest line in Revendreth. The only difference is that the story quests segue into dungeons that you can choose to bypass if you want.

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You don’t really need to do that in FFXIV because you can level every single class to max on a single character. The purpose of threads of fate is to allow alts to skip the story. There is no need for an alt in FFXIV. Also, have you tried threads of fate? It’s absolute garbage. You’re much better off just redoing the story.

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i feel attached to WoW lol despite i really dont have any major incentives to play anymore since they killed off probably the only 3 characters i really liked; garrosh, voljin, saurfang ( somewhat partial to him cause idk much about him but the BfA stuff just hit me )

other then that it’s just the money aspect i’ve bought a lot of WoW things, CE SL box version, some WoW books which weren’t cheap especially the first book which i got for like $120 it’s used cause i can’t find any new ones but in really good shape excluding yellowing pages of course. lots of WoW mounts i bought cause i wanted to ( i think i would of had the entire Cash shop by now if i had my old account ), CE version of MoP and i think legion too?, CE version of BfA, TONS of character xfers/name changes/race changes. at least $500-1k sank into xfers/boosts.

i mean it’s all just money i can make more of it just the after thought not like i buy it just because it’s offered but rather i like the looks of things, battle pets mostly for charity.

other then that yea. maybe when my last friend decides to quit for good then im done. he only plays once in a while in SL usually he’d play daily and be the casual one but in SL he did everything excluding M+ but now im the casual one