Final Fantasy 14; Anyone Played it?

It’s absolutely fantastic.

But if you’re starting out from fresh, be aware that a sizeable chunk of the Vanilla 1-50 is pretty slow. However the first expansion is great and the current expansion, Shadowbringers, is truly phenomenal and I consider it the best Final Fantasy game and story out of the entire franchise. With the best villain in the franchise.

Also the music is amazing and shows how much music can make or break a game, and really makes me wish WoW did more than ambient background pieces or songs that only seem to show up in cutscenes. The way the music is utilized during most major boss fights is perfection.


I’ve been playing the game for the last 8 months, and I’ve loved every minute of it. I don’t think it’s necessary to go into too much detail about why I enjoy it because at this point it’s mostly repetitive. One thing that should be made clear, though, is that, despite both being MMO’s and rather similar on the surface, I’d advise you not to approach XIV the way the average WoW player approaches WoW. Rushing to max level and min-maxing the hell out of the experience will most likely make it a miserable one. If you decide to play the game, please take your time and enjoy the journey.


Can you explain?

My only disagreement with your post is about the 2.5 second global CD. FFXIV gets alot of flak for that, and I think it’s unwarranted. With some of the classes the 2.5 GCD is lowered down to 2 seconds because of skillspeed ( haste) buffs.

Not nearly as much, in my experience. And I’ve played most of the DoW/DoM classes and most of the classes in WoW. Bard is notorious for having a OGCD ability to use between almost every GCD, which basically gives you a button press every 1.25 seconds (lower with skillspeed buffs) – basically the same as WoW!

P.S. Found a Actions Per Minute guide if anyone is interested:


WoW: (first tab down)