Final BOSS: Throw your cards, who will be the final BOSS of dragonflight?

One of those mutated things from hellfire peninsula. Razorfang Ravager. But it’s uglier more distant cousin

:dragon: :ocean: :dracthyr_comfy_blue: :dragon: :ocean: :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

That is the way of the monkey paw! Get something you didnt ask for and suffer the consequences!

3 CHoice!

Murozond Raid Version!
Galakrond(Alexstraza and Nozdormu’s Father!)

dude has a very punchable face. every time i see him the first thought is always idky but i really want to punch his face.

Impossible, he has been completly destroyed by the Dragon Soul

Alternate universe Deathwing. Or something. Complete with mythic Spine.

Well we already beat a guy big enough to stab the planet so whats a mountain?

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I really can’t stand this youtuber’s voice and persona so I can’t base anything off from the video.

Likely some new Galakrond or elemental beast, who knows really. Deathwing is beyond dead so he’s out. Everything about the bad guys is elements and proto-drakes. So some Galakrond copy or elemental.

That or an Old God. Primalists seem pretty twisted in mind for sure.

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Why are old gods always the bad guys? Wouldn’t at least one of them be more neutral and just a generally chill entity?


I was going with Danuser

Jailer. 100%


For sure this.

Ahh but a single cell survived. That cell had his conciouness, will, and ambition.

From that cell he has been griwing his power, and he will return!

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primalists are most likely either raid mobs or a dungeon boss
Edit: If there is a more alive Old God I will most likely save it for the last dragonflight raid when the expansion is finished like this They jump to the next theme of the next expansion

Deathwing comes back and wipes out half of both major contintents. The rest become either similar zones or new zones. Orgrimmar and Stormwind are fully destroyed and a new sanctuary for both factions united is built.

Azeroth arises at the final patch to help stave off a cataclysmic event and this leads into the next expansion.

The light becomes corrupted and we need our void friends to help fight it.

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What Murozond can do is make a time jump and move to a certain time event but it could be that Murozond takes you to a certain moment In which Deathwing is alive and we stop him again

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I’d love to see it

Yea it made sense in BfA that it went in that direction especially after watching the Azshara warbringer clip.

I suspect we might see something similar

Why does everyone say that Galakrond can be the final BOSS of dragonflight if Murozond can time jump and move us when Galakrond was alive I think Galakrond will be the boss of the last raid of dragonflight but it will not be the final BOSS because the final BOSS must gather all the bosses of the last raid and I think the one who can do that is Murozond

My money is on Maruzond or maybe Galakrond I remember someone saying that the bones are gone from Dragonblight in the pre-patch build data mines or some such. I would LOVE(and it wont happen hes from a book) Chromatus the great last work of Nefarion.

Seeing as they all have different endings BOSS of dragonflight how Galakrond alive or chromatus could be raid boss and the or one last Old God alive or maybe Murozond or The return of the primalists who knows maybe they will give us one last battle Wing Death in a time travel I think Blizz reflected and a last patch of the dragonflight expansion