Final BOSS: Throw your cards, who will be the final BOSS of dragonflight?

It is already speculated what the final BOSS of dragonflight could be, because there is no credibility to know who will be the final BOSS and his bosses of the last dragonflight gang. It is speculated that Will they bring Galakrond or are the ancient gods again accompanied by murozond, who knows what spell the final BOSS will do to bring a Amazing army.

I’m really banking on Nozdormu finally turning into Murozond.


will be my guess


I think we’ll see a narrative shift similar to BfA where we’ll be saving the aspects and dragon isles from the primalists and other threats only for another grand/massive threat we need the enpowered aspects help to thwart. I suspect this will be the light and/or void coming to azeroth.

I don’t think the light will be inherently good and will want to wipe us out and the void is obviously bad for us too. Given the aspects role was to safeguard azeroth and our entire point is to reawaken their power, it stands to reason there will be a point to this. Maybe if only to protect or help us and/or our Titan…Azeroth herself.

That’s my guess anyway.

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Probably azeroth herself. We’ll find out that she enjoys vegan chili fries and will have no choice but to destroy her.


Corrupted Alexstrasza cuz it happens every expansion with at least 1 major character

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Isnt he the size of a mountain though?

I mean… when was the last time we tickled a giant’s toe-nails to kill it?


might be the first vehicle/giant raid boss we get

Like fight him with the dragon riding mechanics? Oy! :confounded:

Galakrond but empowered/afflicted by the void. Gotta give us a way to tie in the next expac

I bring more speculation about who will be the final BOSS of dragonflight.

Jokingly. Turalyon after he summons forth super paladin prime Yrel to our universe and both steal a fully charged Doomstone from Magatha Grimtotem and fuse it with the blood of a Naaru.

Seriously. Turalyon after he backhands Genn into a dog days worth of time of a coma and turns what’s that bronze dragon who was a dungeon boss into a trinket of power.


It should be the greatest enemy the wow universe has ever know. The time traveling ret-con’ing monster that is Chromie.

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Murozond is going to be the final boss in one of the raids, that’s for certain. Will he be the final boss? Perhaps. But yeah, Galakrond is the biggest Dragon-themed threat that could appear.

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Me, and to defeat me you must join me in some good conversation for 1 hour, while I provide some Peach Tea, Sirloin Steak, and whatever else ya may want.

How about we let the expansion release and before you start pining for the end already??

I speculated that if he has all the power, murozond could be the ultimate BOSS bringing in all the most terrible raid bosses.
Edit: I go crazy if it becomes like this it would be a band only 2.0 all the best bosses brought by murozond.

Dont time-gate our speculation!


Can you imagine having the best bosses in one last raid and how Murozond could be