Figured I'd try Operation: Mechagon

hoooo boy is that place poorly tuned. i don’t know who this dungeon is for but it isn’t today’s player-base. guess i’ll just be waiting for the heroic version or watching a play through on youtube to experience it.

Edit: seeing a ton of elitism here but i expected as much.

I have no doubt I can heal the dungeon and handle the mechanics. The groups a lot of you describe are basically unicorns for me. I have had groups fall apart after a wipe or two, bad people saying nasty things, etc.

I feel that some challenge is good but within a wipe any random group, regardless of skill/intellect should be able to pick up and move forward, however the content Blizzard is putting out goes beyond that. It feels like a tight group of friends or a raiding team is required to complete this content and that isn’t right. For M+… knock yourselves out with difficulty. M0? Tune it down for ye random pugs.

With Op Mechagon I see the dev team meeting the Fresh Prince meme criteria: “He a little confused but he got the spirit.”


It’s not poorly tuned. I think it’s my favorite dungeon that’s come out in ages. I had a blast going through it! It does require communication and cooperation on some parts, but it’s pretty well tuned.

But Heroic will be there soon for folks who need it, so not a big deal.


I just wish they’d put it on LFD already. I don’t have a set play time and often am only on briefly and at odd hours. Hard to get a group together for it.


It’s a mythic dungeon. You’re supposed to be able to do mechanics.


i’ve cleared it on my 400 ilvl alts…


dungeon too hard = poorly tune

rather than I don’t know.

Get better?


And that’s why I’m waiting for the LFD version. No way I’ll communicate and cooperate. Never! Never ever ever ever ever!


they’ll have to nerf it to normal dungeon levels for it to not require communication. this is like the worst dungeon they’ve ever done. -.-


The trash probably hits harder than it should, but other than that, it’s mostly down to mechanics (that will actually punish you for ignoring them).


What the gnome above me said

The bosses aren’t overtuned, you just actually have to know and do the mechanics.

Some of the trash hits too hard, imo, but I wouldn’t say it’s insurmountable. Interrupt stuff, don’t pull too big, etc.


Don’t say that. You communicate plenty. Not in a productive manner, per se, but it’s still communication.


LOL, that bad huh … I’m with you on waiting for Heroic :+1:


I don’t mean to alarm you, but you’re not wearing any pants.

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But Mortis, you can communicate with me! I’m a good moo. }: D

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It’s the armory, it hasn’t updated for the onesie yet, LOL

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Sounds much like Motherload! dungeon on mythic when it first came out

Too much hard hitting trash in a long dungeon


My first time clearing it we 4 manned it after a DC before we entered the city. Found the place way easier than Kara. Gunna see if I can get a cheevy run together.


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You can literally deck yourself out in 425 benthic pieces from a vendor just by playing Nazjatar solo content yet you don’t even have a single one, let alone Eternal Palace LFR, emissary rewards, etc. Maybe you should put some effort in to get the readily available 10+ ilvls over your current gear before complaining that content is too hard.


I agree.

Very, Very, Very overtuned.

Needs to be massively nerfed.