Figured I'd ask here first

I’ve noticed recently that, while mining, if I use Steady Flight and hover just above the mining node, that it won’t dismount me. As far as I know this isn’t something I’ve been able to do previously.

I just wanted to check in to make sure it’s not a bug, or if utilizing that method of mining is going to get me in trouble or anything.

If you think it is a bug, then you might want to report it as a bug.


Yep I’ve done that. Just kinda covering my own butt here lols.

Where are you mining at? Dragonflight and The War Within allow mounted mining if you spec into it.


Mining Fundamentals

The primary ring in Mining Fundamentals Mining Fundamentals should always be the first section you max out, given that investing 60 points here will allow you to mine while mounted in Khaz Algar. Along the way, you’ll pick up a good base of Deftness, Finesse, and Perception for all types of mining.

Rich Deposits Rich Deposits and Seams Seams are very low priority, and should be among the last you do. Rich Deposits Rich Deposits is slightly more useful, since they are more plentiful, and you have a better chance of getting ore from those. Seams Seams are so rare to find in the open world that it isn’t worth investing points into until you finish everything else.


It is something that has been possible for quite some time, possibly back into DF. You have to get the flight position just right which is nearly impossible. I have accidentally done it a few times because I don’t hit dismount, I just click the node and let it auto dismount. Every once in a while…I don’t! I stay hovering like an herb picking druid. It seems that that is the sweet spot. That flying but not flying state where you should be dismounted but somehow are not. I have never been able to intentionally repeat it. I seem to just sort of stumble into it from time to time.

Not new. Probably not intentional. Not game breaking though. If you are worried about it, feel free to report it as a bug via the in-game bug report tool.


Thanks folks. I came across the info on the latest expac mining while looking into things. I was just concerned because my character is currently level 69 locked, mining Saronite in Northrend and doesn’t have those traits.

I’ve already done it a bunch though and decided to just let the chips fall where they may. It’s pretty easy to take advantage of as a dwarf on a small flying mount (I use the Malevolent Drone).

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