<FIGHT> Late night raiding

FIGHT is a new late night guild on Kel’thuzad Alliance. The focus is to progress through mythic raiding and high mythic plus content. The current goal for content is to clear Heroic and move into Mythic.

Raid Times
Tuesday & Thursday 11pm-2am MST

Interested in applying?
Send a message to me (Drop#9879 on Discord or Drop#1623 on bnet) with your previous/current progression as well as the name and realm of the character you intend on playing.

As a new guild (and a late night guild) the challenge will be filling our roster with competent players who have the desire and knowledge to clear mythic raiding content, as well as the patience to allow the guild to form.

OOPS, I posted under the wrong character

Still looking to fill our roster!

recruiting still

Shot you a request on discord