Fieldarmy and his constant multiboxing

Can we please do something to stop this it makes BG’s for Honor gearing no fun its clearly a Multiboxer and is just griefing the entire BG’s.


Whos Fieldarmy?

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We’ve reported him and included muti boxing in the reports.


How many characters are they multiboxing?

Key points :
Follow doesn’t work in PVP
You can use addons to do your rotation (GSE) (with assist on your main)
Mouseover a window and scrollwheel combo you can have all your windows and just move your mouse over each window and scroll the wheel.

There’s nothing wrong with anything above.

This is extremely ineffective. It wasn’t too hard to kill a multiboxer when we had broadcasting available, but now? They must be sitting ducks.

It’s not multiboxing, they are different players with similar ID. It’s an old pvp guild from China and they used to name their ID like that (with guild name).


I was curious about this because I’ve seen their Shaman moving independent of the boomkins still fighting, and I’ve seen the Boomkins in bgs split up fighting.
When some of the old multi boxers would be around they were always stacked on top of or right beside each other.

Exactly. It’s not multiboxing just because they name themselves that way. Anyone that has fought them will see they fight independantly and not waste time reporting them, lol.


I’m convinced they named themselves the way they did just to screw with people, lol.

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This makes it make sense… perhaps limited proficiency in english so they just do that. Actually, i think i recall a person in BG chat advertising their community or something… lol

Looking for a real fight.

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Not a multiboxer, just similar names playing together. pick a different fight man.

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Alright so this ‘clan’ made 6 druids and 1 shaman and you’re telling me they are not multiboxing.

Blizz plz.

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hes def not multiboxing . I was just on their team and i can confirm it wasnt multiboxing . leave them alone they are cool asf .


There haven’t been multiboxers in bgs since BFA. I know because I was playing with him. They changed follow in pvp because of him lol.

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Miss, no one in the world knows the Field Army better than you. Even Trump


i enjoyed that fun bg had a blast

IOC? AV? Wintergrasp?

av i was on my lock :dracthyr_nod:

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That’s a fascinating observation. One of the druids in the group has such rapid targeting that it raises some eyebrows. It begs the question: how is that level of quick targeting even possible? I’m not insinuating that it’s an exploit, but it’s definitely intriguing.

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How rapid are we talking about?

Are they scrolling through 40 targets constantly?