Field Report #20201110

Case #20200603
Responding officer: Special Agent McGarnegal, Norman
Agency: Horde Beureu of Investigation
Classification: Secret For Official Use Only

Orgrimmar Law Enforcement and Justice Department

Field Report#20201110

This report is submitted at the request of the Assistant Director of the Homicide Division of the Horde Beureu of Investigation, in cooperation with the Gang and Organized Crime Task Force, and Narcotics Enforcement Administration. The purpose of this report is to update and amend the ongoing investigation into goblin organized crime and smuggling operations, as well as justify continuing said investigation in light of recent events.

I was first assigned to this investigation over a year ago as of this report with instructions to investigate criminal activity involving goblin organized crime stemming from Booty Bay and infiltrating Horde territories, trade routes, and government offices. Specifically, I was instructed to focus my investigation on the Swiftsilver Cartel, lead by Senneca Swiftsilver, in relation to a several murders and disappearances of Horde citizens in and around Booty Bay that were suspected to be related to the “Trade Princess” and her organization.

The HBI has long been watching the development of goblin organized crime, and the wars between various cartels and factions as it pertains to our own interests. The Horde has long attempted to crack down on narcotics and weapons trafficking from neutral ports into Horde lands with various degrees of success, but when the Fourth War broke out with the Alliance, Ms. Swiftsilver was able to take advantage of our focus on the Alliance and over the past year, was able to all but monopolize the trade of weapons, narcotics, persons, and information, while using her newfound power to make anyone who ran afoul of the Swiftsilver Cartel disappear.

I was originally tasked with investigating the suspected murder of Jak Blastcap, a Horde Citizen who went missing in Booty Bay after being shaken down by Swiftsilver thugs. His wife Sevi reported him missing, and his Horde citizenship gave us the justification we needed to investigate Booty Bay, which is outside our typical jurisdiction.

As I dug deeper into the case, I was able to uncover multiple similar stories of goblins going missing or being blackmailed after run ins with Swiftsilver enforcers, and after months of diligent police work in the shadows, we were able to establish proof of a sophisticated narcotics and weapons smuggling ring, organized by Ms. Swiftsilver, and extending deep into Horde territory, and we suspect deep into the Alliance as well.

As we were finalizing our case, and preparing to move forward with prosecution of Ms. Swiftsilver and her organized crime syndicate, the Fourth War came to an end and the Steamweedle Cartel felt emboldened to act. Approximately 5 months ago, Trade Princess Swiftsilver was assassinated by who this agent suspects were Steamwheedle Cartel hitmen. Very little evidence was left at the crime scene, and Ms. Swiftsilver’s bullet riddled corpse was recovered at the scene and pronounced dead before being disposed of at sea as there was no next of kin to claim the body, and her cartel dissolved upon news of her death.

It was at this point that my investigation, after months of gathering evidence in hopes of proscecuting Ms. Swiftsilver, for crimes against the Horde became an investigation to bring her killers to justice, as the fallen Trade Princes had dual citizenship dating back to her Bilgewater days and therefore her death fell under my jurisdiction.

I watched and observed as several high ranking Swiftsilver Cartel conseguiri seamlessly took their place within the Steamweedle Cartel, as the Steamweedles quickly took back control of Booty Bay. However, it is at this point where my field report diverges from the official record.

As of this report I have been ordered by the Assistant Director, and the Joint Chiefs of the Investigations Buereu to file this case as “solved” and close it, however I believe recent events not only justify keeping this case open, but suggest there may be far more at play here than first assumed.

As of this writing, there have been multiple reports of high ranking Steamweedle Cartel members suddenly and medically unexplainably dying within rapid succession, and although no medical or obvious cause of death can be determined, I believe they are connected.

The fact that nearly all of these deaths have occurred in Steamweedle jurisdiction, and the lack of cooperation from the Steamweedle Cartel have made establishing a pattern difficult, however the death of Knuckleduster, Braxx, E Case # 20201105 who was a Horde informant, and subject to an autopsy by our own medical examiner, has provided substantial evidence to support the pattern of no obvious cause of death, and negative toxicology results.

The Steamweedle Cartel is clearly spooked, and these deaths in such quick succession, and under such mysterious circumstances remains unexplainable at this time.

I would like to note, in making my case for keeping this investigation open, that the first deaths did not occur until the recent troubles in Northrend were reported to have begun, and have been steadily increasing in frequency since then. I have no proof at this time, but the single common thread that links these deaths together is a connection to the Swiftsilver Cartel, and ruling out all other explanations, I believe we may be dealing with the paranormal.

I am respectfully requesting that the Assistant Director the of Homicide Division of the HBI, in addition to all other parties who may be concerned with this investigation allow me to continue my investigation into this matter as I believe the truth is out there. I believe there is something that connects these deaths, and that the common link is the deceased Trade Princess. I can not explain it at this time other than a “gut feeling” but I believe it has something to do with the recent trouble in Northrend.

Respectfullly submitted for your approval,

Special Agent Norman McGarnegal
Horde Beareu of Investigation
Homicide Division