Case # 20201105
Responding officer: Special Agent McGarnegal, Norman
Agency: Horde Beureu of Investigation
Orgrimmar Law Enforcement and Justice Department
Coroner Investigation Report
Name of the deceased: Knuckleduster, Braxx, E
Age: 46
Height: 4’ 10"
Weight: 96 pounds
Affiliation: Swiftsilver Cartel (former), Steamweedle Cartel, Horde (informant)
Remarks: Subject is a goblin male. No visible wounds or injuries, and no obvious cause of death. Subject was found unresponsive in the third floor of the Inn Building in the town of Booty Bay. The Steamweedle Cartel has jurisdiction, however, due to the subject being a horde informant, an independent investigation has been launched, and an autopsy conducted. Subject was last seen alive by members of the Steamweedle cartel who report that the subject was healthy and in good spirits at last visual contact. He was inside of a locked room, under guard, and no one was observed entering or exiting the room before the deceased party was discovered. No signs of foul play have been documented, and the subject was pronounced dead at the scene by responding officer. Autopsy has been conducted, and the remains of the deceased have been released to the family.
Autopsy Report: Subject appears to be in the moderate stages of liver disease due to chronic alcohol abuse. Subject’s liver was recorded at 1.5 times normal weight for a goblin of his size and weight, however this was not yet fatal. Subject’s heart shows damage from poor diet and tobacco abuse, but no sign of cardiovascular distress. Subject was above average body fat composition, and there are signs of early stage cardiovascular disease. Subject’s brain appears to be within normal limits. Stomach contents include frog venom brew, and pineapple pizza. Toxicology results pending. The body is in a state of minimal decomposition, and there are no visible injuries or wounds.
Additional remarks: Remains of the deceased have been released to next of kin for burial. Case is currently regarded as death by natural causes but remains open at this time pending toxicology results.
Point of Contact Special Agent Norman McGarnegal HBI
Cause of death: Unkown at this time. The deceased has no obvious injuries or wounds, and no medical determination can be made for the death at this time. Toxicoligy reports are pending, and although signs of chronic alcohol and tobacco use were noted, there is no medically definitive cause of death. COD is undetermined at this time.