FFXIV, WoW, RP, and game health


“18 times the detail.” That is all I will say.

And please we ALL know the REAL reason why FFXIV has player housing. Its because Square Enix was trying to clean up their server by basically brushing the filth under the rug.

You keep dancing around the question: Why do you think RPers should be okay with the state of the game any more than another player? Why is the burden of keeping the servers up on us when Blizzard has shown they don’t even consider us?

Because RPers are not bound to the content Blizzard creates. RPers create our own content.

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Why are we making content for Blizzard? Why am I expected to pay $15 to make them content? :thinking:

I’ll just go to the other threads. It’s okay, everyone! Content drought is over, the rpers are here!

We are making content for OURSELVES using the world Blizzard has created. And if you actually explored the Shadowlands you would find plenty of spots perfect for RP.

From my experience Emerald Dream has lost a majority of its RP. The game has shifted from the focus of guilds and realms and it’s more of a single player experience more than ever now.

WM On / WM Off / Phasing has just completely obliterated server communities imo


I could rp Blizzard’s world in discord. I pay $15 for server access to content on top of it.

Look around on WrA/MG and compare /who to what you’d usually see. Check out Silvermoon, Orgrimmar, Cathedral Ward. Take a head count.

You have a handful of people still on. It’s not like the week of launch where streets were packed. RPers aren’t sub fodder, and we shouldn’t be depicted as accepting of scrap content because wE aRe MaKiNg CoNtEnT fOr OuRsElVeS.

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Who cares?

The reason we have seen a lack of RPers has nothing to do with blizzard. If that was true BFA would have a similar trend. No the real reason is either people were forced to unsub to pay for rent and food because of Covid or those who simply refused to RP in Shadowlands Content.

It’s true that roleplayers will wait out a content drought or “bad” patches longer than most other players due to the nature of roleplay effectively being player-created content.

But let’s not pretend WoW has enough people who actively engage in that sort of RP to be some kind of pillar of the game’s health.

Because it doesn’t. Full-blown RP is and always will be an incredibly niche sect of the community. I feel like sometimes people forget to look outside their own bubbles sometimes.

Tavern RP is Tavern RP. More in-depth RP happens in Guilds, just like in WoW. And those guilds are everywhere in FFXIV. I feel like you’re just more familiar with RP in WoW. The addon support we have is a great boon, but it’s not as if FFXIV has no real RP.


I have bad news about the downward trend of RP server pops/participation, and it started with the segregation of Horde and Alliance to MG/WrA back in MoP.

I thought we made our own content and thus do not need SL to rp?

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[quote=“Ventorath-wyrmrest-accord, post:32, topic:997083”]
Tavern RP is Tavern RP.

I said MOON GUARD Goldshire I am NOT talking about Tarven RP. As for FFXIV guilds they are very clique ish and exclusive. This sort of elitism is not friendly to people comming to the game.

FWIW, WRA was very healthy for both factions for the longest time. It’s only more recently that it’s swung more and more to Horde. I mean, I definitely bailed to go to MG as an Alliance player because I could tell it was declining and MG was still incredibly active. But it was a slow decline and it wasn’t really super noticeable until maybe Legion or so? Definitely not MoP.

And in fairness it’s -still- fairly healthy. It’s just not much compared to MG.

It won’t be long until we get X WoW expansion will kill FF14 threads.

I know what you said, I just don’t agree that it’s equivalent. MG GS is very blatant. Quicksand RP on Mateus seems a whole lot more like standard Tavern RP to me. At least the stuff thrown out publicly. Maybe Balmung is different, in which case it’s no different than MG being different.

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So says you? Not any RPer I’ve been around. We’ve always done campaigns with prog/bgs in between. Your experiences are extremely niche.

I never said WoW is dying. The RP community sure is, though. It’s just an observable fact if you have been on these RP servers for any decent length of time. Most people have swapped from casual content/hardcore RP to casual RP/hardcore content.

I have also only been back a month and been catching up, which is depressing that I’m getting close to chewing it all through, having returned so late.

You have my full sympathy :frowning:. I stuck around to watch the decline of MG Horde until it was just too sad to stick around. Sat in Org a couple of times where it was just myself and someone’s bank alt

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Exactly. People just aren’t moved to do it like they used to anymore.

You’re really funny :slight_smile:

This can’t be serious. The RP in WoW is straight up trash and is actually RP from an addon not the actual game itself. The FFXI devs add character actions/emotes specifically for RP purposes.


Rp is more can just Environment it also about community.

That is because currently the events of real life are more exciting than any video game.

I am serious money is the language companies understand.