Ffx14 is just a dumpster fire dressed up with a cat girl skinsuit.

I’d rather run my face across a cheese grater, daily.

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You’re just mad that someone who plays WoW knows what FF people do in that game. Everyone knows dude, it’s no secret.

The gearing isn’t bad.
You’re only capped so people don’t rush to the end of the content and then complain about nothing to do.
Standard practice in an mmo.

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I liked my time with FF14, but the main story quest grind was really exhausting. Also no offense to the weebs out there, but it’s just not my thing. Especially the male character designs. It’s kinda cringey… not that WoW doesn’t have plenty of cringe in the story nowadays, but at least I can skip the cut scenes.

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The gearing system in FF14 is almost identical to what we had back in Wrath, and it’s one that players here have been begging to go back to, with currency vendors and less RNG on gear. You can’t gear multiple jobs in savage at once, but since when have people in WoW been able to keep multiple classes mythic-geared at once, with essences and cloak/neck maxed? One of the main complaints about BfA is how bad its been for alts.

Yeah I know, I’m familiar with that person. Unfortunately. I’m just making it clear for everyone that he’s talking out his butt like usual.

It’s the same thing many people do in WoW.


I keep seeing this weeb argument all across WoW forums, but I don’t think anyone actually really understands what weeb is if FFXIV is your definition of weeb lol

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FF14 was a lot of fun for a few months, but the endgame just feels…empty. It’s hard to explain why. You do content for gear just like WoW, but it just doesn’t feel as fulfilling to me.

I honestly think it’s just the appearance of the races that turns people off and makes them think of anime or whatever. Which is fine but just say you don’t like the races, don’t throw out a “weeb” insult when it’s inaccurate to begin with.

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iT’s jApAnEsE bRo!!!21!!

Who are you to tell anyone they shouldn’t be posting somewhere?


I haven’t seen any. But I don’t go looking for it, either.

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Oh, please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Grohrnurrohm, I’m a Leo and an altoholic.

Forums are places for discussion, this one is very specific to a certain thing, posts not dealing with that should be taken elsewhere.

About the only unifying reason lol.

Except, I’ve seen it applied to Korean mmos lol

I want to try FFXIV, I’m already playing ESO and GW2 on top of WoW, but there’s a few questions I have. For starters, leveling sounds absolutely awful. I hear the single player storyline is absurdly long. I tried the free trial but got bored after two days, the combat seems like it picks up at a much later level. I forget what profs I tried out, but Lancer seems like it would ideally be my spirit animal. Looking it up online I saw that you get a second combat ability at level 40 (When I told friends this, they said “No you’re just not supposed to play that, you go for the profession it merges/turns into or whatever.”) which put a sour taste in my mouth. So from what I can tell, it looks to be that you’re really limited to a few professions for leveling at lower levels, right?

I guess big questions:

  1. How long until you get to the Fun part? (Some people say the fun starts at the beginning, but I’m talking PvP, endgame raiding, etc), how many hours before I get here?
  2. Does PvP scale with gear? How so? Is it like WoW in the old days where you get 1-shot by mythic raiders and you’re not even allowed to play?
  3. Since some professions appear to just not be designed to be played at low levels, which ones are fun and captivating to start off with? Ideally give me one melee and one ranged here :slightly_smiling_face:
  4. Is the DLC required? Obviously at surface level, no, but are Levels, Battlegrounds, Gear, Raids locked behind it all?
    To anyone that answers this, thanks for the help! I’ve been putting the game off for a while now.
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You know what sucks? I feel like WoD had WOTLK potential but something about it just…sucks. I can’t even level in Draenor anymore.

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Leveling gets okay at 30 when you get your Job, massively improves at 50 and kicks into high gear at 70.

FFXIV has some of the best crafting in the mmo genre hands down, it just starts slow which it should.

PvP is really really meh.

DLC is required if you want to do endgame stuff or new jobs.

Each class you get starting off morphs into a more advanced job at level 30.

The thing you need to remember is, this is a Final Fantasy game before it’s an MMO, really. The main story IS the focus of the game. You’ll ride the main story all the way until max level. If that doesn’t interest you, it’s likely you won’t enjoy the game.

PvP is all scaled down to a set level. If your stats are lower, you’ll be scaled up to match everyone else. It’s all skill based.

Are you talking about crafting/gathering professions or combat jobs?

Not until you hit level 50, unless you want to play an au ra or a viera/hrothgar. After that yes, everything is locked behind expansions.

What is your definition of fun? I’m not at level yet, but I’m having fun.

Scholar is great at range, but I like pet classes, so that is why I like scholar. Archer is also really fun. FF14 has a lot of complexity to its rotations. Abilities buff other abilities, unlike WoW. It isn’t faceroll.

I don’t know about melee.

Nope. It has expacs which you have to buy like WoW does, but no DLC. Unless we’re talking cosmetics?

FF14 is just a superior game in every way.

The only problem is no world chat. Game is pretty lonely until you get into a guild.

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Hmm I’ve seen videos of FF14 raiding. It looks like a disco with the various ground coloring mechanics where it colors the ground a solid color an opac yellow to indicate something you need to get out of.

Which I guess is arguable. Do you prefer the effects blizzard draws on the ground or would you prefer someone took a marker and drew over the screen saying “this is bad”.

Wow thanks to all of you who replied, that was really, really fast!
By professions I guess I meant jobs, sorry, the terminology is a bit iffy for me. Jobs/classes I guess is what I meant, less so on the crafting part. And yeah, iffy when I said “Fun Part” but I’m more of an end-game player. I’m having the most fun when the leveling is out of the way and I can take part in end-game group activity like raiding. Also for what it’s worth I know nothing about Final Fantasy to begin with, but I have a hunch that the story won’t really interest me so much. Usually I play MMOs for the end-game cooperative side of things myself.
Edit: How many hours /played would it take to get to the end-game, where raiding/endgame dungeons are?

But you cap all specs in favor of one, thats not how the game plays out till this very end. In the end it timegates unnencessarily and even more arbitarly than wow.

Not that this is from a major relevance since most people in the west seems to avoid it due the art style.

Its… not?
I mean the games are pretty distinguished in that regard.
I also remeber players asking for pvp be about skill and not gear then the outcry of people against templates was enormous.
I dont really trust these forums. Particularly i enjoy the systems in place after a break from 8.0

You cant do it in multiclasses but you can do in your main.
Whereas the meta for FFXIV is having alts for optimal gearing which is pretty antagonic to the fexibility the game purpouse.