99% of my game time is spent in classic thru MoP content. I get what I want out of expansions beyond that, then go back and play content I enjoy to have fun.
The thought of 8.3 bores me stiff. No more mindless numbers grinds on gear for me, please. Had enough of that in Legion.
I’ll wait until they finally take a hint and put out REAL content I can enjoy. WoD thru BFA aint it.

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Seriously, has reading comprehension fallen this far? I didn’t offer an opinion, other than stating I couldn’t get into the game. Perhaps you should pull remove your head from, well never mind I think you get the point.


No, what I mean, you shouldn’t even be posting here.
You have no knowledge or experience that qualifies you to make an opinion or add to the discussion.
How is you stating you couldn’t get into the game relevant at all to the current discussion?
It isn’t.

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It’s a good thing absolutely none of the gear path in WoW is timegated at all, eh?


If youre like me, its the anime/manga in FF14 thing that I just cant deal with.
Seems like an ok game and all outside of that.

I didn’t offer an opinion on the subject, I only pointed out that in spite of trying it a few times it never took. So I was stating my experience with the game, I didn’t offer an opinion on why someone should or shouldn’t play it.

And honestly, I don’t a flying crap what you think that because there is nothing you can do about it.


Solid post. I do think ffxiv has higher quality of mogs though


FF is anime trash.

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You have no experience with the game. You didn’t even really play the game lol.

It’d be like me commenting on Arena in WoW based on the limited matches I’ve played in my 15 years with the game, it’s pointless and not conducive to the conversation.

Don’t get defensive.

Your post has nothing at all to do with the conversation, stick to the point.

Let’s make one thing perfectly clear;

Player housing exists in FF14, because the ERP was so overwhelmingly present in public spaces, that Yoshi-P introduced housing so that the game didn’t look like one gigantic Goldshire Inn.

And even with housing, you could log into FF and walk into Limsa right now and find 10 people standing in their underwear around the benches next to the auction house board.


I would absolutely love to see your source for that.


He doesn’t have one lol

ESO, new DLC is rather good been playing that more then WoW at the moment

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I know he doesn’t, 99% of what he says is pulled out of his butt and intended to cause problems.


Not actively looking… person I knew tried to sell me on it… one thing my laptop was not able to really play FFXIV but WoW’s style… the fantasy of it all, orcs, humans, etc, it all appeals to me… I don’t and never needed to look at other MMO’s because it’s a time commitment. I’m closing in on when I’m throwing in the towel but even in a week, I won’t be considering other MMO’s.

in wow you can spam mythic+ and there are still pvp rewards that can be spammed. There are also 3 timegated weekly rewards rn from pvp, m+, and full visions runs. Whereas FFXIV there is no way outside the only timegated mech.

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So what you’re saying is, the path in WoW is even more timegated and it’s even worse because you’ll likely have to wait weeks or even months to see that one BiS piece that you need because it’s got like five layers of RNG to it. Yes, I know.

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I would absolutely never want to see my source for that again, FF is full of disgusting amounts of ERP.

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Because you don’t have one. Got it.

I didnt play shadowbringers but was pretty hardcore on stormblood. Gearing system is still the same regardless.
Also you should ignore free ad hominem from strangers, especially one whom google very serious subjects that requires specialists orientation, lol.
it will only lead you to radicalism.