What is this?
Completely untrue.
It takes no time at all to level an alt class lol (FFXIV main here).
It’s even more simplified by the fact that most classes share endgame gear with one another.
PLD main, all but my weapon is shared with all other tank classes until they have Artifact Armor (if they ever do Eureka type gear again).
Only two Jobs have gear that you would need to put in extra time to get because they don’t share anything between one another and that;s 2 our of what, 14 now?
It is? The only RNG we had to deal with back then was waiting on a particular piece to drop, they all had set stats. Then you also had currency that you accumulated each week, which you used to buy gear to supplement the drops you’re not getting. Then raids had the tier tokens that you’d take and turn in for more gear. That’s pretty much identical to FF.
I’ve literally never heard that before.
What do you typically prefer playing in WoW, melee or caster/ranged? And keep in mind all of the jobs over there are going to start off glacial slow in the beginning, one of the downfalls of the game imo. The GCD is longer than WoW’s because you have abilities off of the GCD later that you’ll weave in between the rest, it’s much faster paced.
I actually didn’t know there would be abilities off the GCD, I thought the game was just forever slow, lol.
I actually like every damage dealer in WoW, but looking for reccomendations of a mix of both melee and ranged classes
Thats for current raid tier gear, once the new raid tier comes you can spam the prior tier with no loot lockouts to get caught up.
For your first question, everyone find different things fun. Fun is throughout the story, side stories, endgame content, and pvp.
For your second question, PvP everyone of the same class has the same HP and MP so its more about skill and teamwork for objectives, there is no Wolrd PvP its only instanced. You can PvP at low level and you are on the same page as everyone else pretty much.
Your third question, They recently overhauled Crafting with the Ishgard restoration, though you need to have progressed storywise into Heavensward, but you can quickly level a profession from 20 fast if you have the materials. That being said I’d get your professions to 20, then ignore them until later on when you can grind them if you want to.
And for your final question, You just need the latest expansion to unlock the older expansions content. PvP is available base game, but for max level and other end game content you will need the latest expansion.
Melee is fun, though you have positionals which give you bonus damage if you are behind a target or on its flank. A great way into Melee for Casters or Casters into Melee is Red Mage, as it has a Melee Combo.
I’m an accountant and I don’t work for Square Enix lol.
No that’s why so many new people drop the game. They think the combat always stays that slow, but once you hit 50ish you start getting a real rotation. At 80 all of the jobs have at least 2 or 3 full bars of abilities in their rotation.
Personally my favorites are red mage and dancer, but you won’t be able to pick them up right away. I started with lancer/dragoon, which is a lot of fun to play. Pugilist/monk is typically more fast paced than the other jobs and has lots of positionals, rogue/ninja is similar but less so. Bard is the ranged physical dps, you have 3 “songs” that you rotate between that buff the group. Thaumaturge/black mage is the glass cannon, you’re punished for moving a lot. Arcanist is the odd one out, at 30 you can choose between scholar(healer) or summoner, a caster dps that utilizes pets.
Once you can unlock Red Mage you will probably love it, its a caster but also has a melee combo.
You build up your resources of Black and White Mana to 80+ then you use your Off GCD ability to charge at the target, do your 3 part melee combo, jump back and follow up VerFlare or VerHoly then Scorch at max level.
I personally am in love with Red Mage, Dragoon and Scholar/Summoner (Scholar and Summoner is a Healer and a DPS that shares a base class and levels together from Arcanist its two for the price of 1).
But for a starting class Arcanist you can’t go wrong with.
(Commentary): I renewed WoW for a month to unlock Mechagnomes/Vulpera, try Visions, grind rep, and farm some Mechagon achievements to get the Model-W. Unfortunately, I’m probably going to let my sub lapse when it ends Sunday morning and just stick to FFXIV. The drop rates for things in Mechagon is so utterly abysmal it’s thoroughly put me off of the game. The rep grinds for Uldum/Rajani are so slow and tedious I’d rather just do them at the new cap in Shadowlands so its not as painful. Visions are tuned to melee classes and my love is Mage, so I’ll never be able to enjoy them. I’ve tried alts but essences being character-bound makes it impossible to even work up the drive to level one.
(Summary): WoW has sabotaged itself with too much RNG, encounter design that ignores caster classes, tedious rep grinds, and alt-unfriendly systems.
Thanks for the info and for the very detailed post.
I’ve considered playing FFXIV a few times, and I really like the idea of your main character being able to play every “class”, I enjoy doing a quest line and going through the story, even the regular chores that any MMO will bring are ok, the problem comes when I have to repeat everything for every alt I want to keep relevant so the way FFXIV handles it would probably be great for me.
There are a few things that drive me off though, so maybe you can give me some more info on those:
1.- Mythic Raiding is one of the things I enjoy the most about Wow, so my question is regarding those Ultima Raids you mention, are they comparable to early, mid-tier, or late-tier Mythic bosses?. In wow there’s a massive difference between the early, middle and late Mythic bosses. I’d even say there’s more jump in difficulty between the first and the last boss in Mythic than there’s between LFR/Normal to the first/second Mythic boss.
2.- (This is even more important to me than the last one). I like playing Healer in Raids, but every time I’ve a video from raid healing in FFXIV their UI looks like a horrible mess with so much clutter, the “Raid frames” in particular look terrible, as I understand FFXIV is not Addon friendly right? so is there a way to fix that? (Make the raid frames look similar to wow raid frames).
OP will probably answer your question better, but something to keep in mind is that healing is fundamentally different over there. We spend most of our time dpsing. It’s honestly like a balance between doing as much dps as you can, while also doing as little healing as you can. If you’re expecting it to be like WoW’s whack-a-mole style of healing you’ll be disappointed.
Ultimate Raids always stay relevant because they will scale you so its always challenge content though the weapon rewards is more of a cosmetic “hey look at me I did this ultra hard raid”. Savage Raids and Extreme Trials are in between a difficulty of WoW’s Heroic/Mythic raid setting if it is apart of the current tier.
Well yes its not addon friendly however your UI you can customize as if you had a WoW UI addon, so you will be able to set up frames as how you like them with hotbars/frames being larger or smaller. You can customize it in the HUD settings and move everything around.
Also in healing you will have downtimes where you will actually DPS if everyone is in good health. Also for healers there are 3 of them. White Mage is standard heal with no mitigation and has HoTs, Scholar heals but also applies shielding to targets. Astrologian is the middle man and can swap between two stances, they can add HoTs to their heals or Shields to fill in the other roll essentially.
Savage raids are low-mid tier mythic until you get to the last two static fights which are mid-high tier mythic. No trash so runs take faster.
Ultimate fights are on par if not hard than mythic because of how they are tuned.
As for healing, FFXIV expects healers to also dps (every mmo really) so get used to that idea.
Ya I goof on that sometimes because my first Ultimate raid was the one with the Ultima Boss the one from Stormblood Expansion can’t think of its name right now.