FFXIV is what WoW should have been

I decided to give FFXIV a shot and it does a lot of things better than WoW. The combat is something that I need to get used to because I’ve been playing WoW for so long (since Vanilla) but overall I can see why MMORPG players would prefer FFXIV over modern WoW.

It’s a shame Shadowlands is such a disappointment. It just feels shallow and the game has lost its soul. For those questioning whether to give FF a try, it’s f2p till like lvl 60. You can play every single class on 1 character.


So… bad?

What do you feel FFXIV does better than WoW?

So is that games forums just dead or something? I’m just curious why everybody post on the wow forums instead of over there?

Or is it simply I’m going to post all my marriage photos on my ex-boyfriend’s facebook type of thing?

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Pretty much. I mean, I’ve made the move but I still find these posts nauseating.

Maybe they post on both?

That seems rather silly to me.

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Then you haven’t read half the Final Fantasy threads. I’m starting to question people’s motives more and more. One of them in general discussion sounded more like a legit recruitment thread for that game than anything else

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I think both games have their ups and downs and can learn from each other. I’m currently skipping over Shadowlands though, I don’t enjoy it. So I’m giving FFXIV a good try, fun so far. :slight_smile:

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sorry for the late reply but FFXIV is overall a better MMORPG (imo) for the following reasons:

  • You can play every single class on 1 character. Don’t feel like tanking? Swap to a healer with 1 button.

  • Your base class has like these hero classes which makes game much more interesting. For instance, an Arcanist (mage type caster) can become a Summoner (Warlock) or Scholar (Disc priest type healer with a pet), Gladiators can become Paladins, Archers can be Bards and so on.

  • Combat is more interesting with the combo system. It’s not just button mashing.

  • The Devs don’t create their game around the 1% min-maxer Mythic raiders or streamers. SE actually makes the game for its playerbase and it shows again and again through each expansion. The quests get better. The story gets better. The gameplay has been tuned a lot since the launch I hear but it still has the FFXIV realm reborn charm. I remember giving this game a try back when it came out and WoW at that time was a lot better.

  • The gearing system is basically the badge system from WoTLK. Two types of badges, one that has a weekly cap. They used the systems that were successful in games like WoW and built on it. Gearing is not as frustrating as Shadowlands because the badge system actually works contrary to what Ion and his team preach.

  • The game is extremely alt friendly. Like I said you can level up any class you like on 1 character but you also get additional xp if the class you are leveling is lower level than your “main”.

  • People are generally friendlier and that leads to a better environment overall.

Probably missing some more points but hope this provides some insight into why a lot of people are switching over to ffxiv.


I see your post got shifted out of GD, as one of mine did. The mods are awake! (:

I dont think wow should ever be like FFXIV.

I think wow should be more like how vanilaa-WOTLK was and not try to be another game thats already doing what it does better.

But thats just me

The irony is not lost on me.

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Dear god no. You are talking from the perspective of someone that hasn’t played a lot of it so you don’t know its flaws yet.

The gearing is very boring and bland in FFXIV and you run out of content super quick, it’s more like a singleplayer RPG that has a little bit of multiplayer attached but many of the systems in place are restrictive.

FFXIV is based off WoW when it was a good. In fact, SE had its Devs research WoW when FFXIV was in development. Systems like gearing is based off WoW’s systems from WoTLK/Cata/MoP. There is a reason why so many people prefer the older version of WoW than the current modern one.

The gearing is very boring and bland? It’s literally based off WoW’s old gearing system which people have been asking to be brought back for years. I am sure FFXIV has its flaws but compared to modern WoW which has turned into an action MMO, I think FFXIV is an actual MMORPG.


To some (namely, WoW players), MMOs cannot be defined beyond the loot treadmill.

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You clearly don’t understand what i’m talking about when I say this. I’m talking about the gear itself, the stats on them, and what they are for and what they do. Not a single piece of gear in FFXIV has any sort of aditional effect on it or any sort of interesting unique effect at all. Even leveling gear from the oldest days of WoW has this. The gear upgrades in FFXIV are all very minor and none of them make you go “WOW” or anything, and you most certainly do not have anything like trinkets, tier set effects, legendaries or crafted special effect stuff.

You say FFXIV is the actual MMO? I say the opposite. You sit in cities most of the time in FFXIV and you teleport into literally everything. The raid environment (the one that matters anyway) is 4 boss rooms that you again teleport into for each one as well. Dungeons and the other style of raid are all hallway designs in which everything is done the same way always, WoW has more variation and less certainty.

And while FFXIV has a complex crafting compared to WoW, none of it affects the gameplay beside your basic dps increase potion or food buff. FFXIV also has very little reason to go out into the open world and less of an open world in general.

To further clarify; when were you ever excited about a piece of loot that dropped in FFXIV beyond maybe that it looks good? The stats on FFXIV gear is incredibly simple and it even has been simplified further over time compared to what was before. Meanwhile in WoW you have people wanting those amazing trinkets, legendaries or set bonuses and whatever else. Even a leveling loot drop in classic can be amazing and a gamechanger, like the axe drop from herod which makes you whirlwind spin which my shaman friend is having fun with in dungeons.

Just because it’s “based on” the old loot system of WoW does not mean it’s actually like that. It’s the most basic version of a gearing system you can think of. Each patch the upgrades are minimal and there’s not even a real incentive to get it. It’s only based on WoW’s loot system if you miss the entire point of what makes WoW loot so good, it carries weight in pvp and other areas of the game that FFXIV does not have and it has more interesting stuff on there.

In WoW if I get a great upgrade for my character i’m gonna feel it, in FFXIV not really.

You seem to know a lot about the game given you hate it.

Gear in FFXIV is important but it’s not as important as it is in WoW which is actually a good thing. If you’re looking to play gear simulator at max level then yes, WoW is the game for you.

The gear upgrades being minor is another great thing. Your gear does not become obsolete as soon as a new patch is out unlike WoW.

There may not be trinkets in FFXIV but the classes themselves are a lot more interesting than WoW. Almost every class has more complex rotation than WoW and the skills combo system makes playing them interesting. It’s not all about button mashing and popping that trinket for maximum DPS.

Yes, FFXIV is an actual MMO. Massively Multiple Online game. WoW is also a MMO. So is Destiny and Diablo and so on. The difference is FFXIV has RPG elements, namely old RPG and JRPG elements. THis is why FFXIV is a MMORPG and WoW is not only an action MMO like destiny where your goal is to get to max level and play gearing simulator.

Raids are much better in FFXIV because they hardly ever have any irrelevant trash. I doubt you’ve raided Savage because Savage boss fights are actually much more harder than your hardest Mythic fights.

The teleport has nothing to do with RPG elements. You need to discover the places first anyway. The teleport makes it easier to get there and gets you playing the actual game faster. The RPG elements come from the story, the unique classes/jobs, amazing professions and crafting system, the story lets your character make choices, leveling is non linear and the alts system is far superior to that of WoW. The fact that you can forge your character as any class even if you start off as something else puts FFXIV ahead of WoW in terms of RPG.

And yes, the loot system is designed after MoP. That’s what the SE Devs played when they were creating FFXIV. It’s far superior to the Shadowlands system and many people want the old badge system back for a good reason.


I imagine you are in the “honeymoon” period with FFXIV. From lv 1 to 50 right ?. “Wait when they force you to play 150 hours of mandatory quests and we’ll see if you still love that so much hahaha”

Well I like FFXIV better at these points

1.- Socialization in FFXIV limsa becomes roleplay on all servers.

2.- The end game of FFXIV is much better

3.- The combat system in FFXIV is slower but has more “Serious”, “Complex”, “Deep” rotations and you can enjoy what is happening. In WoW-RETAIL it is extremely fast and that ends up being the problem. Not always “MORE” is better sometimes you need a middle ground and wow it’s so fast that you can’t enjoy it.

“It’s as if I invite you to eat a delicacy at a luxury restaurant and you DEVOUR everything in 3 minutes instead of having a quiet dinner”

WoW destroys FFXIV in the “Lore”, “Quests” and the “Characters”. In FFXIV its story is insufferable, its characters are simple, emotionless and only the Samurai that looks like sephirot is worth it.

If WoW makes its gameplay slower and focuses on giving a better end game. That certainly has what it takes to beat FFXIV again.

Blizzard took a different path, made the game so it can run on a toaster. FF has more of a hardware requirement than wow ever has that is why WOW HAD such a larger consumer base in the earlier days. Who knows what the numbers are now.

In short, you play FFXIV as WoW and expect it to do better within that incredibly narrow scope, ignoring everything that doesn’t feed into the endgame loot treadmill that WoW has become entirely focused upon.