Frankly, if I was going to play another MMO, I’d go update my ESO files and play on that for a while. I can do that for nothing if I just feel like wandering around, gathering things and doing quests and such; the subscription is voluntary and there is plenty to do in the game even if you don’t have all the expansions.
I can’t think of any one thing I enjoyed about Final Fantasy and I lasted in it for around a week. I suspect WoW players go buy it, try it for a while and frequently follow my example. Unless they enjoy the Asian style graphics , which I didn[t.
Well, I guess since I’m obliged now…
I’ve been playing the trial the past few weeks and have been having quite a bit of fun with it. Makes me really appropriate what a different team can do to make an mmo really feel different despite being basically the same at a mechanical level.
I’m absolutely convinced though that ff14 has the worst transmog system ever conceived by man. Playing it makes me miss Void storage.
Thats good to hear, despite being engineered for me to hate it I still don’t want to see it fail. More MMOs is always a good thing if you ask me.
Yeah, obviously nobody is going to know for sure how active player count measures up because it isn’t beneficial for companies to release that data. Its still fun though to see the rough estimates some sites make though based on the data that’s publicly available.
It is because WoW should go back to the days of WotLK or Legion, since the real fight against Final Fantasy was shown how far the player went in an MMO and more superior than a Bahamut or going to the moon as his rival shows
And because BfA did not help at all in returning to its old classic Vainilla style while putting a ridiculous burrowed power as it was the Azerite traits, essences and corruptions.
While Shadowlands reflects another world but it is no longer the same WoW we knew before so I still doubt its descent if it will be positive or not to remember this expansion well.
FF14 is cool imo takes getting used to especially since im not a huge fan of like robot’s and all that kinda sci fi type of bs. thus why i like WoW more. combat feels super slow at the start as well but i hear it gets better with more spells and what not.
if i were to quit WoW though rn i’d go to FF14. tried ESO the combat feels super clunky the quests are good though. tried RS many times i dont like the clicking aspect thats the main reason i don’t play moba’s. other then that i’ve tried New World it was alright… it was still in beta then so of course wasn’t as polished. waiting on AoC to check it out but if AoC is solid then i’d likely swap to that.
i don’t read into the hype i look at content, look at reviews from others who played the beta and eventually purchase it myself and test it out. however i think just to get in rn is like $500 idk what it offers and all that so no way in hell im dropping that kinda cash especially for a game still in alpha. assuming it wont even release until 2022
FYI, your info is incorrect. WoW is still on Top up to now. WoW was the best MMO 15 years ago and arguably still the best MMO right now. That’s why you have a WoW account, you troll.
What makes WoW different from other MMO? Becoz WoW has awesome Raid, challenging Mythic+ and good PvP and other MMO’s has none or inferior version. Guess what, I know you hate WoW becoz you fail on Mythic+ and you fail on PvP (becoz you are hiding in your Troll Classic profile). You are just a WQ player. Well, WoW might not be the game for you. Go play your FFXIV. No one is stopping you. See you when you come back here after 3 months when you realize there’s no better game like WoW.
It’s a WoW knock off in a lot of ways, but there are certain things that are distinguishable in of itself. But dungeons not only are story locked, some of them you have to go into the world and find yourself to unlock them. Game is the same price as Warcraft. Their endgame does not compare to WoW’s at all. They have a dance and a rhythm to their combat flow but WoW is more complex.
I agree with a lot of what you said, although considering WoW has done very little on its own I would say it’s more than a stretch calling anything a wow knock off, sorry.
As for the comment about balance/charts. There are no supported dps meters in that game, so it’s debatable at best to use them reliably. It’s also against their TOS, so if you use said third party charts against someone in the game you’re likely to get your account actioned.
At first I found it very alien, but it actually seems to keep a lot of the toxicity out of playing it.
Rotations are definitely a bit on the basic side, but the positioning it has even at low levels is more advanced.
Which is better? That’s just opinion. Which is king? Depends on the site. I’d wager WoW still has more subs, but not by the margin it used to.
FF is riding high because current WoW core game is neglected and many are refugees from WoW going to FF now. With better leadership and management WoW can be the king of kings once more. Lots of ex WoW players would come back in droves IMO.
It’s not expensive at all. You have to complete all oof the game’s main story quests advance to the expansions. Personally, I think ARR does a horrible job at showing the strengths of the game. It’s story is generic and you have to complete all of it . There’s a quest chain in between ARR and Heavensward that’s like over 250 quests., iit takes FOREVER to clear it, but once you get into Heavensward the game dramatically improves.
Early game combat also feels real slow, esp if you’re comparing it to wow. You don’t have a lot of abilities that are off the global cooldown just yet, but when you do start getting them combat picks up a bit. It’s still not as good as wow’s combat but it does improve.
Unlike wow once you clear the MSQ you can immediately unlock flying. You unlock it zone by zone finding these vantage points and they’re not that difficult to find.
It’s pretty nice that once you finish the MSQ you won’t have to do it again. Your character can literally be every class in the game. You also get a nice exp bonus when leveling a new class, the bigger the gap betwen your main and new class the more bonus exp you get.
Their version of transmog is way better as well, you can get dyes in the game to change the coloring of gear , so youve got way more control over how you look.
Tanks are balanced really well, despite their strengths and weaknesses. Healer wise, I main what is considered the weakest of the three but still had no issues getting into groups.
The Golden Saucer is great too, kinda like DMF but its always up - tons of minigames there and a ton of transmog/mounts you can earn just by playing some of the games.
I could probably keep going but, I think you get the idea.
It’s a junk game inferior to WoW in every aspect . Tried it and will never go back . The loading screens itself test my patience.
The combat is the worst thing ever … you can hit a spell , eat a bite of the sandwich and then it’s time to hit another one . No exaggeration . The GCD is so bad .