FFXIV is the new king

Male bunny people announced ggs

Oceanic server announced, even more GG.

They took the stuff off my account so I guess i could resub. Been so long tho.

You made a fresh thread with the exact same message. Why?


My RP experience with both games have been the opposite, and this is from someone who has WoW mains on MG & WrA, played on Silver Hand and Twisting Nether, and FFXIV mains on Balmung and Mateus.

I experienced that PvE friendliness among RPers in FF, like the time I was new to the game and was randomly whispered by someone whose character had the same last name as mine. She helped me learn the lore and got to RP as distant cousins. Iā€™ve yet to experience a walk-up in WoW.

RP in FFXIV does give me a better feeling of a world since I run into RPers everywhere - every main city, questing around, or the Gold Saucer - and not just huddled in specific spots.

The game itself is more RP-friendly mechanically, with a marriage system, housing system (even if you canā€™t get a house, people donā€™t even bother mentioning thereā€™re apartments), better character customization (look about Blizz feels about it here), tons of emotes, and far more variety of stylish mogs (so many restrictions here; I still prefer WoWā€™s mogging system, though). Instead of a TRP mod, players use the card maker website - Carrd.co - which is what RPers use in ever other game; no worries of getting your profile wiped from losing your WTF folder due to game or PC issues. I think these features alone may have RPers more vested in the game.

Plus, even though SquareEnix donā€™t condone it and banning is still a possibility, players get to modify the character models like how WoW players used to. SE is just more passive about it.

In WoW, Iā€™ve seen and heard people deal with mogging discrimination. I didnā€™t even know it was a thing - where folks were looked down upon, dismissed, and/or assumed to be an ERPer just because theyā€™re wearing a skimpy mog like a midriff and warbear woolies. I havenā€™t seen such behavior in FF.

Not to mention that whole volatile connection between MG and WrA RPers, and stereotypes about MG.

Based on your experience, I think the RP communities in both games can be equally good and bad.

How do the apartments work? Limited like the houses? or you talking about the FC house rooms?

I do agree the game is more Roleplay friendly however creating a roleplay community is like growing a garden even in a good garden environment you cannot just planet some seeds the garden needs to be cultivated either by the gardener (GMs) or have the garden set up to cultivate itself (The playerbase) however I have found in FFXIV neither has happend instead the rp quality has devolved into the equivalent of Moon Guard Goldshire and those few rps who do decent RP hide themselves in their guilds and cliques and make it very difficult for new players to join in.

Because I thought my post would be burried.

technically limited yeah, but since they have no exterior SE can make as many as they want really. i just checked the housing subdivision iā€™m in and thereā€™s two apartments open, and i think each subdivision has 90ish or something? theyā€™re basically just like FC house rooms, maybe slightly bigger size-wise, and you have permanent access to a chocobo stable outside

Ew., More limited housing.

Well anyway, opened a new trial account since i canā€™t buy the expansions for my existing one. Weā€™ll see how it goes.

So you spammed? Great way to make a statement.

What is a ā€œnormalā€ FF game to you? The newest FF games are all like this.

If you want to give it a shot, you donā€™t even need a timecard. There is easily two monthsā€™ worth of free content on that game. They donā€™t rush you to level cap in under two days like WoW does.

I managed 30 in two just on msq and Iā€™m over leveled for it.

They streamlined a lot.

30 of 80, though. Not 60/60. Iā€™m curious as to how long it takes you to level cap just on the MSQ. I know itā€™s taken me forever because Iā€™ve been leveling all classes at the same time, along with all the professions.

30 of 60, Iā€™m still on the free trial. Iā€™m debating buying again though.

Just disappointed i canā€™t play my existing account. Stupid region locked. Moving overseas made it impossible to use my credit card for anything Squeenix and a NA account.

So i rerolled on Phoenix EU.

Might be able to get a ticket in to deal with that. Not sure that theyā€™d do anything about it, but still worth a try.

I tried.

They will not change regions.

All they gotta do is let me pick an EU country for my billing/shipping address! And apparently you need a shipping address for digital downloads now.

You are the type of person Blizzard avoids when responding to feedback. Criticism is far different than being mean.