FF14 - Why is it so loved?

Believe it or not SB is considered one of the best expansion a MMO ever have lol

Much because of history and quest system that is pretty cool

Im my modest opinion wow isnt a loved game like days passed if because devs dont have the pation like before, they only think in raid system and loot system and forget about lore, quests, pvp…

I researched it at the time, and a lot of the people I asked mentioned a prune in SB that really hurt the early game for some jobs.

Don’t get me wrong, WoW sucks now. Pandaria was the last great expansion, everything after has been okay to mediocre. That doesn’t mean I’ll give FF a pass.

I disliked the story and the early game, the post ARR quests, all of stormblood, and sort of liked hw.

Might come back to try Shadowbringers, but I’m not exactly psyched for it.

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Well, at least I won’t be bored.

It’s an MMO RPG that remembers its an RPG and not an E-Sport. It also remembers that min/maxing isn’t essential and is far more flexible, which makes the overall game more enjoyable.

Better than this disaster-piece treadmill of a overly competitive MMO.


It’s either a corporate mandate, incompetence on Blizzard’s end, or both at this point.

All of these things are bad. :confused:

That’s a good point. If they don’t seem to care – why should anyone else? The passion of going over and beyond regardless of how long it takes doesn’t seem to exist anymore. You don’t hear them talk about fun, when it used to be #1.

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I cant get into it, the elbow drop to the back of the head that is storymode stopping my grouping and making me do it.

I agree, i really miss mop scenarios… SB have a similar system in quests
an example of SB quest system taht should be in wow, drustvar quest end should be a 1 player scenario that you encounter goraktul and the fight isnt only like an elite mob fight…

Have mechanics, is challenging.

They do love them cat/ hare girls over there. Shadowbringers has a great story and their rendition of flying is really well done. I just couldn’t stay with it. I think it’s got a lot going for it though

I’m basically on a break from FF right now. I played wow for 10+ years and then during a break from wow I tried FFXIV and just kinda stayed for 2 years.

I used one of the wow tokens I had stashed to get a free month of wow so I’m doing wow for a change. By the time the month runs out we’ll be heading into the next patch on FF so I’ll be returning for that.

There are some things I like wow better for, but more I like FF for, and I have friends there.

I’m betting it was a pretty innocuous thing at first; introducing timed Dungeon runs as a new form of content in Mists of Pandaria as another ‘thing to do’ for transmogs.

Then the popularity went to Blizzard’s head, undoubtedly propped up by Activision to hungrily monetize yet another game for E-Sports despite the Overwatch League starting to fail in the most spectacular way.

Now we have MDI, the awkward step-child of the Arena E-Sports that were limped out during Wrath. Now we have this undercurrent of insufferable number punchers driving this game into a bland, instanced-only game.

Using the WoW token as payment, and switching between the two games makes sense. But wow, 10 years on one game is a long time. It must have done something right.

That is one of the big differences. The whole dev philosophy is so different. When the devs see something the players like on FF they give them more. They even have competitions for players to design gear, which is often then added to the game.

In wow it seems like the devs are often fun police, putting arbitrary restrictions on things players like. “You will enjoy it the way we want you to, when we want you to!”

And yes, I am still salty about seasonal restrictions on transmogging cosmetic gear.

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I have no idea why it’s so loved. It’s boring, grindy, the much-vaunted story was just bad melodrama with magic, the maps are confusing, and good luck with the combat if you can’t memorize hundreds of combos. It’s pretty though and the community is very friendly, so that made it easier to bear while I was trying to figure out if I liked the game or not.

Totally. I am not knocking wow at all. Both games have strengths and weaknesses. One of the things that kept me in FF and which is why I’ll be going back is that I made a bunch of friends there. Although I played wow a long time I never built up any long-lasting friendships, or I might well have stayed.

I was reading an article about the guy who took over the reigns of FFXIV during the redesign, and what he did to make it better. He said he looked at all the negative feedback about the game, no matter how insulting it was, to see what people didn’t like. Then he went against corporate wishes by communicating with the players. And finally he incorporated some of the standard designs in MMOs that were lacking in the original version. Seems to have paid off.

Thats only because they added a system for being good vs bad or it would be the same as WoW.

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I heard that. No one even stays in groups for very long here. It’s very much oriented around pick up groups. Feels more like a Destiny or Diablo at times. But that’s how the game is designed.

Actually to add to that, he presented WoW to the team for them to play to see why it was a great MMO at the time and what WoW got right, and how could they learn from it for the re-launch of the game (the FFXIV devs at the time were egotistical enough not to bother to understand why WoW got a lot of attraction).

I hope the WoW dev team does the same now (I think they do) to learn what that MMO (and others) improved upon to incorporate into WoW in the future.

Careful, I pointed this out in another FFXIV thread, got flagged and suspended for a day…

That just sounds like Tumblr with extra steps.

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