We shouldn’t be wanting a “WoW Killer”. We should want a game that gives WoW a run for its money so Blizzard has to try again and maybe, just maybe, they’ll get the kick in the butt they need to turn the ship around and get the game back to its roots instead of this Frankenstein we have now. Having competition is good for a company.
Now complete with heaps of pay to win; they straight up went Phone game levels of bad and killed my interest instantly.
FF isn’t the WoW killer.
It will be the own company who destroys their own game.
FF isn’t any better or worse than it was. People just up in arms about it all the sudden because “influencers” are speaking out on it.
The number of people who didn’t realize that this is satire is… embarrassing.
FFXIV is dog lol, I cant believe people even give this a thought… that UI alone makes me want to vomit
Prove it i dont see any reason to believe that. Final fantasy does a better job with is old conter 100 % it as terrible pvp no world pvp no real reason to get gear since you dont need to defend any one or kill any other player. Gear basically irrelevant in f14
pvp is god !
I took a 9 month break from classic after BWL and I tried FF14 a month ago…it’s got some amazing eye candy on my system (10900k with 3090 with a 48" OLED display) but I just couldn’t get into it… even with a 60 level free trial. I’ve heard others say the game isn’t fun till 60… ??
So I subbed for TBCC… and am having a blast on my 70 mage and priest that I brought with me from classic.
(The cartoony WoW graphics look great on my OLED too)
I’ll be here for TBCC and a Wrath classic… and then I’m done. I quit retail in Cata and will do the same here.
Okay I can be honest!
• I play Wow because I enjoy it.
• I have played pretty much every mmo out there except for Aion, Archeage, and BDO.
• Some were a fun and definitely temporary diversions. Some weren’t fun past the beginning.
• I choose Wow because I enjoy it.
• Wow is a wonderfully colorful place for me to call home.
• Making blanket statements that are supposed to be for “all people” is never a good choice.