Well isn’t Ff14 just taking it’s sweet time killing wow. Noone mentioning that the active population on most of those larger servers are like half of what used to be reported?
WoW has been fundamentally dead since WoD.
Let me point out that FF is not the only MMO that is seeing high pops. SWTOR and ESO are jammed. Not as bad as FF I suspect, since there are no queues… but crowded. Everyone is talking about new subs.
WOW’s loss is everyone else gain. I don’t think the devs realize how fast things can change. WOW has never had this huge of an issue before because it was the only one on the block.
Blizz needs to pull its crap together and fast.
I wonder what the mood is over at Blizzard.
Are they just like… we’ll just keep milking this a bit longer?
Or are they game planning on how to retain people?
The WoW killer turned out to be WoW.
wow died when they got rid of 40man raiding.
I tried it. not into ff14
During Cataclysm, a lot of players went to play Skyrim.
Yeah. I don’t disagree with this. I’ve actually thought this, too.
Yes. These are the complaint forums. (imo at least)
Is it really though? I wouldn’t bet on it.
it’s no different than the complaining we heard since Cata…
I mean, I already quit. I stopped playing months ago. My sub will eventually run out and I won’t be able to post to the forums anymore, but…
The only thing that I think would be able to bring me back is if Blizzard stated, “We are going to make things harder for people. We are going to remove all the changes we’ve made to TBC.” (and maybe some other things that make things more difficult) — I’m not up for things being easier. That’s just not my game.
But good luck to those who stay.
you should cope with the fact that final is doing better than wow atm
I’d only have to cope if I cared.
I think the fairweather fans are the ones that you should be talking to about coping.
The difficulty can easily benaltered by us players. The vanilla content could have been made more difficult by if ignoring the guides, lists and metas. Roll into a raid without buffs and consumables… Or take a few "meme spec players. TBC doesn’t have world buffs, but the same philosophy would work.
I never understood how repeatedly nuking bosses down before mechanics matter would be fun. Especially if it’s the first time in a raid. Being able yo do so upon entry makes the gear inside rather trivial, too.
I did.
I wish we could go back to the very first wow killer post and pin this up next to it.
You float game to game playing what you’re told is fun. The rest of us stay here and have fun.
Doesn’t make either game better we just approach them differently
this game trash should have die during WOD.
People say a lot of dumb things… only Blizzard can kill wow. No other game will do it. And Blizz is doing an amazing job and doing it.
Was this supposed to be intelligible?
the game as no pvp so maybe wow could work on its strenght and keep living. its something completely missing in ff14 il keep playing classic vanilla for sure
WoW Retail is already long dead to me, which is why I play Classic TBC.
This is purely a nostalgia trip, because it was during TBC I started my WoW journey. I’m also mainly in it for Classic Wrath. When it comes out I will transfer my Classic toons there, and be happy in Northrend forever, or for as long as Blizz deems it profitable to to keep the Classic servers open.
I have no need for Retail. I haven’t even bought Shadowlands.
But then again, I have no need for FF14 either. Every now and then I play ESO on PS4, and that’s enough for me.