FF14 the WoW Killer?

I think this is it guys, we’ve finally found the WoW Killer. I know people have talked about this before, but it’s different this time. Look at the state of the game. Have we ever had this amount of negativity on the forums at the same time a new MMO released? Things are DIFFERENT this time. I know people have said the same thing in the past with Rift, SWTOR, GW2, other FF titles, Warhammer, Aion, Age of Conan, LotRO, ESO, and a few others, but I think this of the one. This time it’s DIFFERENT.


You mean the game that’s been out for ages and still hasn’t killed WoW, yet?



FF14 been out since 2014 I think.

Amazon’s new game is out in couple of months though

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You must be new here.


Yeah, a game about European Imperialism. I’m sure that’ll be a hit in some parts of the world… not others.

So you are saying it’s a woke game ?

Just to give you an idea of how many people are playing TBC. The latest version of Questie:

Jun 27, 2021

One million downloads in two and a half weeks. This excludes players in China, because they get addons from their own websites. China is around 1/3rd of the TBC Classic playerbase.

Not everyone uses addons, not everyone uses Questie and not everyone updates their addons when a new version is released. If you include China, that’s 1.3 million users of the latest version of Questie in two and a half weeks.


Nothing will kill wow. However, FF14 is good competition. Blizz hates any mmo that challenges their seat on the laurels so hopefully this spurs them to do something for retail


The true “WoW Killer” or any “insert game name here” killer is and will always be…the company and its employees.


why do people on GD care so much about FF? yall act like WoW having competion is somehow bad

if anything, everyone should want FF to be popular/overtake wow, then Blizz may actually stop with their garbage design choices.


Well I thought this would be obvious satire of all the people shilling for FF14, what with specifically pointing out ten other times people have freaked out about the same thing, using the same arguments, and all have been wrong…. but………. I guess not? :grinning:

Only wow can kill wow. But they’re doing really well at it right about now lol


Apparently obvious satire isn’t your bag. It’s a tough gig, so don’t sweat it too much.

New World honestly looks unreal. Gonna get myself into the open beta!

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Let’s be honest with ourselves here - anyone still playing retail is only doing so because they more than likely don’t want to switch to another game solely due to spending the last 5-10 years of their life building up a character and getting all these cool items and achievements. Switching to another game makes them lose all of that, of course most people don’t want to switch. People love comfortability, even when you have a game that’s clearly cuts above WoW, majority will still play WoW because its their “comfort” zone and they don’t want to leave that zone. I personally stopped playing after Cataclysm and tried to come back a few times and the amount of useless stuff they added just made the game more of a chore than anything.


Literally every single MMORPG released after WoW was hailed as “the WoW killer”

Literally none of them “killed” WoW.


Nah. People who fail to recognize a decade old recurring meme just won’t get satire.

Or, you’re really emphasizing how much you failed at your attempt at satire.


Actually I might take this back, POE 2 might siphon a huge demograph from tbcc and retail

put it on the next tombstone.