Ff14 sucks… back to WoW!

I don’t think it’s weird to like cute things. I love my catgirl, she’s really cute.

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Because if this game was truly dying, the servers wouldn’t even be running. Anyway its still a terrible game, WoW will remain the best mmo ever and people like you will someday accept that you outgrew the entire genre or games in general. Not my problem you can’t accept reality.

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Its a different game so I wouldn’t judge it expecting it to be WoW

In your opinion

Normally I’d agree with you. But just 20 minutes? That’s too short for any piece of media. Let alone an MMO.


The servers not running would mean it’s dead not dying. You have to understand the terms and what they describe. It is absolutely true that WoW is on a decline, and the lawsuits going on right now and the surge of interest in FFXIV (worse still among the largest WoW personalities trying it out, and many long standing content creators leaving), we’ve seen it’s on a much larger downward spiral.

If you don’t like it, that’s fine. But you’re wrong in that it’s a, “terrible game”. I’m not sure if you’re a troll at this point if you think WoW is, “still” the, “best mmo ever”.

Not sure how I outgrew the MMO genre when I’m playing one right now.


Again you don’t need to shut down servers when everything is cross server… blizzard doesn’t make money on subs it’s makes money on TOKENS AND CASH SHOP!!! I get it people still love WoW and want to play it… why the heck is it a big deal of people go play final fantasy? And no WoW is no longer #1 when it comes to player count and it will only get worse when the oceanic servers come out for FF with endwalker.

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Why is this always the go to argument?
How can you complain about graphics/how characters look when you play WoW?
I’m seriously doubting you even played the game.


Imagine saying that WoW has better graphics, characters, models, and “everything” than FFXIV or virtually any other MMO today.

WoW relies heavily on an archaic, low-floor combat system that is simple and is easy to get into and is fast enough that it distracts from how boring it is. You can like it if you want, but it’s not good compared to modern MMOs anymore.

FFXIV’s system isn’t great either, but there’s far more depth to it and the different jobs actually feel different.


Oh, also, this just supports what I said that the majority of FF14 posts on these forums are people knocking the game, not the people that actually enjoy it.

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Not to mention that you can make the game look way better with a simple reshade. FFXIV’s vanilla game is a bit grey/washed out, but that’s about it. With a bit better lighting - which is held back by console/computer limitations of some players - it looks fantastic. Especially the effects in game.

The nature of an opinion is that its subjective. It shouldnt be necessary to say “it is garbage in my opinion”.

in my opinion :sunglasses:

inb4 SJW simp for ff.

You played 20 minutes…
I can guarantee if you’d never played WoW before, and you played 20 minutes in any of the starting zones… you’d say the same thing.
Your opinion is biased, so I would suggest, yes, you are too used to WoW.

I played the first 20 minutes in FF after leaving WoW, and didn’t like it either. But certainly didn’t like the first 20 minutes in WoW any more than FF.
I’m level 48 now and enjoying it thoroughly. The combat is a huge change of pace, but if you’re not 100% focused on combat, then the game has a lot to offer.


I’m confused when people say cat girls… when WoW has weird fox creatures and goat girls that people ERP with… WoW literally has more furries than final fantasy…. But WoW isn’t a weeb game? If anything this community has beastiality fantasies.


I can guarantee you are incorrect. As soon as I loaded up my character and stepped into the Troll starting zone, I was hooked. I loved the look, the characters, the sound, the story, everything. Twenty minutes? I was hooked in about 20 seconds.

This same reply could be used for every posts in this thread.

LOL 20 mins

Do you know what weeb means? Here is a hint. It doesn’t mean furry.

FF14 isn’t a weeb game either.