Ff14 sucks… back to WoW!

What an argument. “I didn’t use this word. I used this other word that conveys the exact same sentiment.”

If you’re even comparing ff14 pvp system to wow you are clearly biased. Wow pvp May be unbalanced and unfair at times but people have clocked thousands upon thousands of hours of play time in pvp. It’s almost it down thing. Ff14 pvp is like duck duck goose on quicksand.

I’m not saying it’s total garbage but it’s not as fun as wow and it’s not even as fun as guild wars 2.


Honestly, I think the OP is just used to WoW - it’s usually the case whenever I go around asking others how they enjoy game ‘X’. If there’s nothing new or just something that stands out to “snatch” them into game ‘X’, it’ll feel no different than any other game. I’ve also noticed how often people would spend the time comparing every little detail between the games rather than trying to enjoy the difference. This is very much the case with FFXIV - it may do things a little different here and there, but on the grand scale it really feels like just another average MMO.

Would an MMO entertain you in the first 20 minutes as the OP stated? Granted, when it comes to MMOs, as grand of a scale a game is from that genre, one may need to play for a period of time (whatever that length of time is, is up to you) to capture its “essence”. However, at the same time first impressions do matter, and how a game introduces itself to you can make or break, restricting a portion of MMO fans that could have been otherwise enjoying what would be a great game. Though, this may also depend on the kind of MMO you’re coming off from. Some issues some players may have transitioning from WoW to FFXIV:

  • Poor selection of races - Some people coming off of WoW love having race variety - races that have distinct visual differences, like “savage” races and anthropomorphic beings that actually look like the animal they are. FFXIV has kemonomimis - human-ish beings with animal features tacted on like ears and a tail. Not furry enough to some players.

  • The poor GCD - I’ll take this with a grain of salt. Every MMO early in the game has slow combat that gets better, but some players wish it was just a bit faster.

  • The initial cutscenes - We have players today that want to just hop in and play, not watch an interactive movie. FFXIV is meant for those who want to casually take their time and enjoy the story, so not for everyone.

Now, stating that WoW is “better” than FFXIV in that 20 minutes of play is going a bit far, because WoW has its own limitations that turn new players away that we don’t seem to talk about. When one is not distracted by the fact they already have a leveled character, when rolling a new character as a new player today:

  • Locked races - Some of us are so far along in WoW that we forget that the allied races aren’t available to new players, and I’ve already come across threads of players quitting within that “20 minutes” because they wanted to roll them.

  • Poor character customization - Not just compared to MMOs today but all games in general. Having a variety of races doesn’t mean a thing to some players when they can’t customize them in detail and having the same amount across all races.

  • Graphics - WoW textures may be updated but it still uses “painted” meshes, vs layered, showing the game is from the early to mid-2000s and turning some folks off. This is the main reason why mogging options are limited.

Let’s say a player gets past these things and starts playing, starting that “20 minutes” when your character is ready to pick up the first quest. Both games have you doing errand quests killing the local wildlife and gather stuff for NPCs which is hardly something that’ll convince me either one is “better”. When it comes to combat, I may have to give the slight edge to FF, since you can figure out your DPS rotation just by reading the ability tooltips and not relying on third-party sites.

However, I prefer MMOs with action combat - always faster than tab target, I find class immersion better because action combat makes me feel like the class I am, and I can make my own DPS rotation chains and not be stuck with a stringent rotation. This alone makes leveling fun AF.

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Nope! You’re trying to tell me what my own experience was rather than accepting the reality that it’s different from what you’re incessantly trying to push for some bewildering reason.

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Yes u were lol

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Just by seeing the races they have, I ran away :face_vomiting:

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ESO is a far better casual game.

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I played it all the way through SB after literal pushing uphill from my cousin to stick with it. “Stick with it because there’s no way you can feel that way about the game! It’s just too great!”
I cannot anymore… It is too much like boot camp/indoc power points with an MMO attached.
I gave him my verdict and he acted like I just used heat vision to give him a lobotomy.

So for me FFXIV was mostly boring for the most part, i get why people do like it, and more mmo around the better.
Yes, lots of the classes look different (not a one toon all job guy) but most of it to me looks like shadow swirls , slashes, and screams of bad guys from Guilty Gear.

It’s not worth hating, but to try and tell people it’s “just because they didn’t play enough” isn’t always accurate.

I gave it valiant effort, and reward it with a C rating.

I tried and went to 80 with SB… It just didn’t do it for me. I don’t need 43 panels of unvoiced dialogue to go kill some spriggan or whatever… BUT THE GAME DOES NOT SUCK.
It’s a fantastic game IF you skip the entire FF storytelling experience accustomed to in SP. The combat is VERY good ,if not exceptional. The crafting is superior. (Just my opinions)

Story and pace-wise, too much “power point” for an MMO, my veteran mind just makes me want to sleep and then wake up expecting to do jumping jacks and mountain climbers.
I like SP FF infinitely more because of the sense of apotheosis and FINALity, just my opinion.

FFXIV DESERVES the refugees it gets if WoW can’t get its stuff together and they continue to wow their base with the content produced. I don’t think it’s it’s necessarily a better game, but that it’s a better workplace and has a more in-touch head of the game and content creator in Yoshida that seems to listen to stockholders less than gamers, which is what WoW used to be, which seems to be shared by more than just my opinion.

People are sick of WoW because of all these systems,systems,systems… Expansion features. The thing FFXIV has is that it continuously just has powers, no talents, and raid sets. Raid is the endgame on FFXIV and they can be downright brutal. (Opinion of MANY)

No one is complaining on FFXIV that they do “boring tier sets and the new raids to get new sets every 6 months” because I loved getting a whole tier set on WoW and our pace was much like this!

The system wasn’t broken, and shouldn’t have been “fixed” with 7 years worth of expansion features because of the 7 talent rows introduced 2 years before that. (Save the legion order hall, that was awesome).

Voice acting for all that cutscene would have made FFXIV less painful for me in the MMO setting, IDC as much in the single player… I had the first one waaay back in the day.

Not even Naoki Yoshida wants WoW to fail. The guy loves Blizzard games. They were some of his BIGGEST influences and both EQ and WoW were used as influences for FFXIV.

Competition makes us both better if WoW can get away from this toxic brand they now have.
I mean “competition” in the sense of revenue going up/better content like WoW used to be and FF is, not like “FFXIV vs WoW, Goku vs Superman, Star Trek vs Star Wars” RABID fanboys, in my opinion.

I would bet if Blizz announced tier sets with bonuses worth getting, and destroying the “improved” 7 row “duh” talent tree for the 51 point trees, people would absolutely come back providing meaningful content is there.
FFXIV has no plans for changing their old systems, but have refined them without gutting them.

TL;DR, FFXIV isn’t my favorite game, It doesn’t by any means suck. I love WoW, I hope it does better.

20 minutes isn’t even enough time to set up your UI, or even go out and start questing.

To me, the only other better UI is SWTOR. The FFXIV is truly astounding, however. Very nice and like elvui by default… sorta. You get me.

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