FF14 NA servers are maxed out

Might I recommend freezing small loaf size dough using double the yeast (to combat the effects of freezing) and a high protein flour like bread flour that you’ve initially over kneaded (again, because freezing)?

You’ll be able to take a piece of dough out of the freezer before work, leave it out in an oiled bowl, come back after work, slight shaping, pop it in the oven, and voila- fresh dinner roll.

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They don’t need to. Blizzard brought this flex to themselves and to their community. If Blizzard did their games better the community wouldn’t be doing so much comparisons between games. Blizzard community been hurting for years because we all wish for the company to do better. Trust me I know what you’re saying, but that’s the atmosphere Blizzard brought onto themselves and the community.

Right, what do you watch? CNN? :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Fox news is the only reliable source not bought and paid for by the Liberal elitists, but it sometimes takes time for people to come around to it.

Incoming Chuck Norris jokes times 50 million everyday for a year.

Trolls love that stuff like prime rib.

OMG I want prime rib now…chews hand :astonished:

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Actually, I espouse the wisdom of Groucho Marx.



lol! I have my sourdough starter in there now! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It’s no better than WoW.

Like, look. I play FFXIV and WoW. Played FFXIV since it started. It’s still a grind, it still has systems. To new players, it’s full of content, but then you do the content and then it’s still an MMO.

FFXIV is fun, not saying it isn’t - but half the people who praise it as better than WoW are looking at it through rose colored glasses.

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This is only true if “outside” players are flooding to FFXIV.

Realistically, it’s a set amount of players in the existing MMORPG market shifting around.


Baking bread


Ding, this is the correct answer.

I swear, y’all been playing WOW so long that the idea of a dev team actually trying to make the game more convenient for players is a totally foreign concept.


Gratz to their 30 players

Join them PLEASE…and Please use the BIG EXIT SIGN behind you.~

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Probably from wow, I hope all my former Azerothians are enjoying themselves in [forgot FF world name] as much as I am enjoying myself in Azeroth :smiley:

And please don’t join if you’re after personal greatness! /Blocking exit

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was that t words moi ?? No exit to false paradise in my schedule…

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