FF14 NA servers are maxed out

Aether is the DC that Asmongold decided to clutter up. THIS is the real reason why it has been so bogged down. They try to keep Servers and DC’s BALANCED but people keep either joining Aether on subs or free trials to try and get on the same DC/Server Asmon is on. So the DC gets shut down until the other two balance out.

The game has always done this but this is also the first time a streamer has brought their huge fanbase to the game. This happened in classic, too.

Who cares where it comes from? Plenty of people play terrible games all the time. :woman_shrugging:

Thread needs to get kicked over to off-topic.

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this is such a silly question.
We are playing it on our other monitors right now.

It really doesn’t matter where they came from.

Then go post on their forums to tell everyone what a wonderful game it is. We don’t need that spam on our forums.


So your just trolling here for the lols then?

Well, I am offering advice in here etc.
But mainly that’s the whole point of WoW GD. This is barrens chat without the chuck norris jokes.

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Well, getting upset isn’t the correct emotion (I think) I understand where you are coming from as I also understand where they are coming from:

Vicktoria - you got me there, that’s taking some getting used to - still weird, and not in a good way.

And this:

That said - nobody’s trolling, maybe too opinionated. It’s two different game styles. If you’re purely dedicated to end content you won’t like it. If you’re a big rpg you will like it. Pvp, mmm nah, doubt it. That leaves the in-betweens.

The story plus quests. Then add in the the things you’ve wanted to do, but every time you tried someone with Details or raider i.o. or nasty player decide to shout it from the rooftops you aren’t good enough to even go get get good enough for their standards. SO - add dungeons, plus end content without feeling ashamed or embarrassed (that you actually get better at because you’re not so worried) - then this is a solid alternative.

If you don’t like story, and tbh even though I do some places can get a little long even for me. But I relax there, I enjoy my time, which is after all what a game is supposed to be.

Blizz got lazy. Period. Instead of quest lines they had to develop to move you through story they figured a couple NPC’s standing in one place handing out daily chores to get you to the next chapter was easier and cheaper. Throw in some (literal) roadblocks, funky, random tripping, small areas - break what wasn’t broken, add things people Specifically said they did not want - and skate by on the back of the giant turtle of tokens, shop, and six month subbers. Yup - straight up got lazy. OH, and then forgot to actually play the game other than raiding or M+++++++++ to feel if it was FUN!

So, a game I loved and stood behind through BFA because the questing and stories were engaging despite the other flaws basically opened a big abyss similar to the Maw and fell in - killed their game (albeit temporarily) in less than 2 patches.

Naturally many will look elsewhere - some pleasantly surprised, some not.
To each his/her own. :butterfly:

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I knew it!!! FF14 is now all borg.

I got the tech…

Transphasic Torpedoes - YouTube

Not if I hide in fluidic space! Muhahahahahahahha

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Wow daily/weekly grinds make me feel like the orcs in Netherwing ledge who scream, “WORK IS DA POOP! NO MORE!” and get angry and leave.

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So many drama queens putting down Wow and glorifying the latest supposed contender.
Wow is still the best online game by far. There is a reason it beats out all other games. Man if I had a nickel for every “Wow-killer” game post…
If you like another game go play it. Nobody cares. Why go on and on and on and on whining about a game you supposedly quit? You will be forgotten like last week’s stale bread. Honestly… :thinking:

This sounds like you are buying too much bread or not planning your bread baking properly. It’s fine to let it proof another day or two if you have too much bread right now.

Most from WoW of course, but also new players who are trying out a mmorpg for the first time or coming from another mmorpg. It’s healthy overall because with FF14 as the new top goat at the moment gives Blizzard a new purpose to catch up with them and also realizing their errors…hopefully. If anything this brings life to the mmorpg genre and future products to come such as Riot Games mmorpg. 2020 era is going to be very competitive and I want WoW to come back hard.

The mods tend to send them to the off topic section anyway so it’s not a big deal. Seeing how events went down easily FF14 threads can flex. I do like seeing users converse with their opinions.
Very :popcorn: worthy indeed.

Facts. I just hope they got the crew to do it because we still have Ion on that squad. That could backfire if he wishes to continue with the systems crap.


Ya, I buy a few loaves but I don’t eat much, so I freeze the extra and it gets tough when it thaws out. At least birds eat well around my house. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Who said it was a “WoW killer?” Drama queens? Who’s being the Drama Queen now? lol

This thread is now about animals.

(I don’t even like Fox News, but you gotta admit the song is catchy).

I do not see in FF14 thread people glorifying WoW on there forums. Why are they here trying to do it here with there game? Seems all one sided.


SHHHHH… it doesn’t take much to start that up! :woozy_face:

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