Not really a spoiler for someone that has already done it all lol.
Ohhh. Hahaha. Agreed. K I’m slow
Many of the people making FF14 threads that are full of hyperbole and bile towards WoW players are actually people that are only still leveling their characters
We know, we also know you think that gives you the right to bully others.
Hah, many of the FF14 posts contain all sorts of nasty assumptions and hyperbole toward WoW players, especially if they try to highlight any flaws of FF14
You are also one of the ancient ascian leaders btw, and hydaelyn is the one that split the world into multiple
I think biggest difference between now and then was fourms was really the only placed outside some niche fansites or MMO champion, we have places like Discord now that can host many people that can easily have real time discussion with others. I use to go on MMO champ and these forums daily, now I check them every few days and sometimes go months without looking.
You could not open the thread. Weird, I know.
Could always ignore the threads like a mature person, but I guess that’s too hard for you.
Are we playing the same game? I spend most of my time inbetween the 5min or less duty queues sitting and talking in Limsa and that place is packed. I havent seen this much people in the same spot in a very long time in WoW.
WHM can just spam Holy.
Never played SCH but I’d assume out of the three supports WHM would have the easiest time soloing PotD
I play both games, I don’t make any of these threads.
But again learn some self control and just ignore things you don’t like or just mark the thread as spam if it breaks the rules.
The only time wow felt kinda sorta dead was that last week before 9.1, and that was for obvious reasons. My favorite aspect of the game is M+ so it’s constantly go go go for me. Never any long wait times…. Except for that last week of 9.0 lol that was pretty bad.
But yeah I’m a WHM so it’s pretty much go go go for me in FF14 too
I honestly can’t even compare the two, the only reason why I made this post is because how much it’s been in my face lately. Forums, YouTube / twitch / misc gaming articles/write ups/ my housemates. Everyone acts like WoW is dead and they don’t know wtf they’re talking about. … that’s all.
Lol you’re so salty, and kind of dumb. You think the “FF14 shills,” don’t already know what happens in the story? I mean, it is “their game,” right? They probably played it already. New players aren’t going to remember the spoilers when they don’t even know who they characters are. Besides, they’re probably busy actually playing the game while everyone on the WoW forums can’t stop feeling threatened by another MMO
Idk what a goober is but yes, you are correct. I sit around in the square and socialize, its fun because I get to see the same people everyday on the same server as me.
For me WoW is dead in a sense that it lacks a place to hang out at and socialize which is why I play an mmo. I used to hang out in Legion Dalaran Sewers all the time. I knew every person that came down there regularly. WoW only has dancing on the mailbox in Orgrimmar nowadays and the only recognizable people are the bank toons running back and forth from AH to Bsnk.
They are the ones spamming their crap on other forums, so doubt it. Besides, see my other post where I say that at least some of these are players that are still leveling and don’t know the flaws of their own game yet.
If we’re gonna talk salty we should also mention the leadership of Ishgard hiding the truth that they started the dragonsong war by attacking and killing a dragon for its power and they have kept this lie all this time
The meol bread is people, and king fatty eats tons of it and becomes a (beautiful) sineater
This post was made by a wow player trying to say FF can’t be doing better because it has less streamers, but please continue talking more about the FF story, seems like it has way more depth than wow and you’re actually kind of getting me interested in the game.
It’s the only thing that “MMO” does better i’ll admit, but WoW has never had a story-first focus when it came to designing the game.
All of these threads comparing that game with this one and future releases coming the same answers…
At the end of the day you want wow dev’s to get worried they need to do better because currently it’s garbage… and if they arent up for the job might as well step aside and let others do it.