FF14 is just a fad. Nothing more

They moved a lot of D3 staff over to WoW before Legion iirc. No coincidence that’s when more seasonal approach started to ratchet up.

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I hear a lot of these people say they are waiting for Riot’s MMO or AoC. I’m not sure if they realize those games won’t be released for another 3 or 4 years. Maybe a bit shorter for AoC.

I think Lost Ark might satisfy the Diablo/WoW lite needs in me. That’s coming out soonish

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Lost Ark does look kind of cool. Diablo 2 Resurrected look great too. I only wish D4 was going to be released soon, but it looks like it’s still years away.

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Yeah and people are allowed to have opinions about your opinions.

That FF 14 is easy is not really an opinion though, that is why kids mostly play it while adults 20+ massively play WoW according to datacore and pretty much all stats website.

You can also look at Salhezra very nicely written explanation in this very thread, and also you can go full fanboy for FF 14 as you have been doing on their own forums, no one will contradict you there.

man if there ever was a false statement boy is this post it. No one actually cares if you buy a story skip or boost. They only care when:

A: You talk about/review a story you never did.
B: Suck at the game and never bother to learn mechanics.

ARR got nerfed and they cleaned up a lot of the tedious quests that made it a “slog”. Now its not any more of a slog than leveling on WoW.

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Its no more easy than wow is…

no one talks on 14 forums.

I disagree, WoW only has Raids, PvP, and M+. That’s it. Its very dry at max level and the tedious tasks you have to do to “stay optimal” are at best boring but in general feel painful to do when i would much rather be playing something else.

14 theres a lot of maningful things you can do outside of raiding and if you also just want to raid log you have that option as well(unlike WoW).

6 months from now Endwalker will have dropped and the hype train will keep rolling. Imagine WoW being hyped up during a content drought like 9.1.


just going off of the message yoshi-p put out that says they’re apparently having difficulties getting their hands on some new servers, i’m concerned about endwalker’s release. the servers are really busy as it is, but when early access comes out and all the veteran players of 14 come back i’m really worried we’re going to see some serious connection problems. hopefully they manage to find the new hardware before then

Eh, depends. FF is due to drop an xpac this winter.

I think wow is due to get… uh… um…. Isn’t 9.3 supposed to drop next year or some such crap?

I think next year the other shoe drops.

This is pretty much the one area where I feel like players are largely justified in disliking streamers. Their presence can create a lot of disruption where previously there was none and change the player dynamics on an entire server if the streamer is popular enough. Overcrowding a server to the point that the stable community can no longer reliably sign in is just one facet of that.

It’s not a bad problem to have from the perspective of the game creator (a boom in popularity and subscribers). They’ve still got a few months to get things in place, however, so it’ll probably work out at least okayish.

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It will probably suck but the good news is that there’s little rush to max level, and most of the MSQ will be solo duties anyway.

The same advice will go here as it goes to WoW - never take time off during the xpac launch. Shadowlands did the same thing and people were pissed.

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Obviously if someone thinks FF is easy they hasn’t tried to do ultimate raids, extreme trials, or savage raids. I’m talking about doing these all at min ilvl and no echo. If you want a challenge go do those.

Also FF makes good use of old content from previous expansions. WoW has so much old content they could use and they don’t. Let’s be honest timewalking in WoW is an absolute joke.

As far as RP goes there are tons of options and if you were having trouble finding it you must not have looked very hard. The amount of events that are held in FF is amazing too. Search up FF concerts or look up something like Lunarcon which is an in-game convention.

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You think Square Enix isn’t paying them bundles of money?


I disagree, there is absolutely nothing that comes near the challenge of a mythic +20 run in FF 14. You can even pug raids without comms and one shot them. Raids in FF 14 are like LFR in WoW

Couldn’t figure out what guilds were but you totally cleared all FF endgame. Sounds legit.