you’ve never done an ultimate.
What is a fad??? Just wondering it was in the title lol.
By all accounts you’re basing this on conjecture, and not even on accurate information. So for one, you can’t even begin to understand the difference in the raiding structure between WoW and FFXIV. You also assume that the game is just “for kids” because of its aesthetics and supposedly because it’s “way easier” (which, way to generalize because I know kids that can handle hard content better than I can at 30) and that right there is just completely baseless generalization on nothing more than your own uninformed observations.
I highly doubt you have ever played FFXIV because everything you’ve said so far in this thread is so horribly misinformed that it’s either intentional or you’re masking the fact you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Not gonna lie. Half the people that I see trash 14 have never even played it…and it shows horribly
Not really, lots of people were playing it before the streamers moved over.
The reality is WoWs in a bad state and the devs have shown they dont listen so people are quitting, its not complicated
Its been around for quiet a long time now for a fad.
Well look at that? Everything that I said would happen has happened. Asmongold quit, Method and Limit quit. Pretty much every WoW content creator that “quit” for FF14 has not left the game. The game can now barely break 5k viewers on Twitch, which is even less than the train wreck that is New World. Endwalker is coming out in less than 2 weeks and there’s basically 0 hype surrounding.
@ the title.
No u.
It’s not a fad. They have over 20 million registered accounts.
You can type that in Google and hear it from the main developers themselves. Or YouTube. Or Chrome. Or Edge. (Point is you can search for your “citation needed” stuff yourselves)
WoW–the developers keep taking things away, man. Brawlers Guild, Mage Tower, specialization of professions (in Vanilla you can choose a path for your blacksmith to take to make it more personal and rewarding), decent mogs (black and gold warlock quest robe and many, many others), archaeology is gone, shaman lost their totems for a couple of expansions…hello! That’s what a shaman is all about!
WoW devs removed class quests, convoluted the storyline, has phased almost everything so it’s practically single player, toys and doodads are on a 8 HOUR cooldown.
8 HOURS. For 10 seconds of looking like an Ogre. (Not exactly those numbers, using them as an example)
With FF14–the developers are on YouTube and many other gaming websites and forums and Reddit and they give interviews about almost everything! If something is messed up, like the delay of Endwalker…the head honcho game developer himself made a video and apologized to his player base.
With FF14–my first mount was a UNICORN.
Screw WoW. WoW took away all of our fun for the sake of forced systems on top of currencies on top of systems. Forced.
With FF14–I can log on, wear a bird on my head, and ride my unicorn into the city while playing a harp.
See the difference?
It must be hard for the FFXIV fans. To see that even after a massive content drought of an expansion, a large “WoW bad. FF14 Good!” campaign from content creators, and a huge corporate scandal at Acti-Bliz, Wow still remains more popular and more relevant than their game will ever be. I know it’s hard, but try to get over it. Grats on your pony.
Citation needed.
WoW is dying very quickly.
[Citation needed]
Also, FF14 barely breaks 4k viewers on twitch if a giant streamer isn’t playing it. WoW on the other hand consistently averages 50-60k. I know you will immediately resort to the “vIewErS dOn’T mAtTeR” excuse, but it’s plausible to say that a game with literally 10x the viewership of another game on Twitch is probably still bigger.
My issue with FF14 is simply that it has no real open world or any real reason to explore previous zones. WoW actually does have an open world in my view and so the two are nothing alike for me therefore FF14 cannot replace WoW in my eyes.
You’re basing your entire argument on Twitch viewership?
That’s dumb. There’s YouTube, Reddit, and many other platforms that gamers use to stream.
Here’s my question to you. Give me a website that I can look up the current number of active WoW subscribers.
And find me another that states the current number of subscribers in WOTLK or MOP.
There’s no reason to go to previous zones in WoW, either.
That’s a problem almost every MMO makes…they make previous expansions completely irrelevant.
Well, he (might) say that because viewers aren’t always players of that game, let alone determine the quality of the game though popularity.
I wouldn’t say WoW is dying though.
As well non-gamers.
That’s not going to be possible. Especially with websites like MMOpopulation, takes numbers from reddit users, as well keeping track of dead games like Wildstar. Reddit users that might not even play the game because Reddit doesn’t check for that.
Twitch views don’t really matter. What do I care how many people are watching a game? I’m more interested in how many people are PLAYING the game. In FF14’s case, even in this content drought before an expansion, the cities are still full of both old and new players, and I have no issues getting a group for any content I wish to do. That’s all that matters to me. I don’t really care about having more numbers than WoW, I just care that the game is thriving… which it is.
I was even finishing off some of the old Beast Tribe (not current expansion ones) quests today, and still saw other people doing the same.
That website just runs a formula based on the MMOs reddit information. lol I’ve seen it being referenced in other MMOs reddits/forums as well.
Blizzard doesn’t post their subscription numbers. Only their MAU and revenue.
Blizzard had higher subscription numbers during WOTLK, but they made half as much money compared to the modern WoW which pulls a lot of money from the ingame shop + services.
Shadowlands Cinematic: 12 million views
Endwalker cinematic: 3 million.