FF14 is for noobs and casuals, slow combat long GCD

This is a warning for those who get tricked by the FF fans to go try it. FF14 attacks have a long global cooldown. Much longer than WoW.

The game is designed for casuals and noob gamers due to this. Not sure why so many people are telling WoW gamers to try FF. It’s slow and for casuals. Feels super boring due to this after playing it for a year I just couldn’t deal with that.

Glad I came back to WoW, waaaaaay more fast paced.


Great, another thread about this game. We get it, some of you don’t like it.


I watched all the new FFXIV players dying to raid mechanics over and over while tanking last night. So apparently it isn’t as slow and easy as people expect it to be. But you enjoy what you enjoy!


…And if you don’t care at all about this, definitely give FFXIV a try. It’s free up to level 60 for all classes up to what was released in Stormblood and Shadowbringers (Red Mage, Samurai, Dancer, and Gunbreaker are inaccessible to Trial players until you buy Shadowbringers/Endwalker).

FFXIV is a game about its story. Just be mindful of that. Rather than playing it like it’s an MMO where you have to rush to the end-game to get to “the main part of the game” realize that you’re taking a slow walk through a pretty deep and engaging story with MMO elements on the side to remind you that, yes, this is an MMO.


mmos are more than sweaty content btw, Mr lvl 14 alt
idk why so many wow players are content with Blizz’s Mediocrity and lack of respect for their time.


The GCD is a little longer, but not drastically so. And once you start getting levels going, you gain a slew of OGCD abilities to weave in that makes the action significantly faster.


GCD doesn’t matter when you have a ton of OGCD cooldowns to weave within the window, which is the entire point of the GCD in the first place.

What, did you get to level 10 in 2 hours and then quit?


You weren’t tricked by FF fans into playing it. Most of them don’t want WoW players there. And I say this as a FF and a WoW fan. People were tricked into playing it by other WoW players who apparently have nothing better to do than moan about foe dead WoW is. You really need to get to level 50 and above in FF14 before most classes open up and feel playable and complete. The pruning curve there isn’t hard. So much as very very long and tedious. They keep the kid wheels on until the end of Stormblood, that’s 70 levels of what is basically a tutorial.

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I don’t get how people have fun being loremasters in MMOs, but to each their own. FF GCDs and the average player made me hate every second of it. Yeah you can say, “it’ll be faster at w/e level cap wahwah” like, No bih it isn’t. FF is game for giga casuals

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You bumped an almost 2 year old article to throw a baseless opinion about a game you supposedly don’t like. Rent free. Rent freeeee.


I think what finally got me to stop caring was the outdated graphics and absolutely abhorrent questing. I do think the default GCD does make the game less fun, though. From what I understand it’s an engine/latency limitation leftover from making the game for PS3.

I hate beating the dead horse, but if you’re still in ARR you haven’t really experienced the actual game yet. It’s a slog to get through, no lie. But from Heavensward onward the game continuously improves expansion over expansion. At higher levels when you get all of your abilities, you get so many oGCDs that you weave in between the GCD that combat becomes very action based.

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All I can think is that people are so used to the idea of one spell or skill per GCD that they play FF14 the same way they play WoW. I know my AST is constantly busy though. I have to weave to many cards and off GCD heals that it never really feels slow.

The crappy part is in synced content you lose half your kit and you end up just snoozing your way through it all

Worse if you’re a BLM and your entire rotation and gameplay dynamic changes at different levels

FFXIV is a good time.

OP is not your typical FFXIV player.

Actually, that all sounds pretty good. Maybe I’ll give it another whirl.

Never really peaked my interest beyond the first 5 levels tbh. Yeah i know that’s not much, but i rather be not be bored and forcing myself to playing something i dislike.

Yeah, that’s a problem if the first part of the MMO you have to grind though is a slog and not consider the “actual game”. And you really can’t blame people for giving up around the two hour mark if you acknowledge this to be true. At least you think it seems to be true.

What makes you think Heavensward is going to change anybody’s mind if they don’t like the first 2 or even 10 hours of ARR, which always, if not, most’s people introduction to FF14?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Novik, why do you have a different perspective when it comes to …

Combat is too repetitive and cyclic. The entire 2 minute combat is a rotation. Which makes it feel slow because there is no reactivity to it. Mechanics are also cycling and scripted so the whole raid is basically a 10 minute long tedious dance where most mechanics one shot everyone but tanks.

The company is basically kept afloat by paying a ton to streamers and PR people. Their previous game was also the same way. Now all their new games are failing and they even had to get rid of their studio after the failure of Forspoken.

Problem with the company is it’s arrogance, they refuse to change or fix anything because they are very stingy about spending more time and resources than they need to. The whole reason why this game has a hardcore loyal base is because of the “politics” it enables and some of the degenerate stuff that is not allowed elsewhere on the internet (there is a balance discord drama every now and then - youtube search the balance discord gang FFXIV).

I will respect the game once it has fun combat. When they allow you to skip literal thousands of hours of boring quests (even after paying they make you do the boring quests). I can go on for days as to why the game is a complete waste of money aside from niche solo things you can do in the world. The community is more passive aggressive than WoW and it is filled with the worst.

As a player of both games, I also agree they need to make the game more accessible to new players. Having to sludge through 100+ hours of boring MSQ just to get to the modern game is bad design and needs an overhaul.

Regarding combat, it’s okay, but it definitely lacks the player agency that WoW has. Even if everyone ends up playing the same cookie cutter builds, you have some choice to play different specs if you personally prefer or play a different spec or build better.

Additionally, you aren’t locked to one lockout per account, which is essentially what happens in 14 since you are encouraged to play all jobs on one character.

M+ is another selling point of WoW…with scaling difficulty and weekly affixes, no two runs are really the same, and you have a reason to play these. FF14’s dungeon and small-scale content is just pointless past the first time.