FF14 is for noobs and casuals, slow combat long GCD

These threads have all been removed lately. Things like this should be kept to Reddit and FB.

I smell another 404 incoming. Hate on this response all you want but it seems to be Blizzards thought process. This is one of the few things I happen to agree with. These are the wow forums after all.

However what is considered “too far off topic” is a differant discussion entirely

Well they obviously don’t want a more successful MMO alternative being known to their player base, so much for free speech.

You only have Free Speech in Public spaces. You know this right?

You think you have free speech at a friends house? No. You say something they dont like they can kick you out. This is not a public space or fourm. Its a Private Forum owned by Blizzard. Its Blizzards house. Its no differant than going to a coworkeres house. While there you follow their rules

An airport is a public space. The Plane is not. The plane is private property owned by delta, american, alaska airlines ect ect. This is why while in the Airport you have free speech and free to say and do things that you can NOT on the plane. The only exception to this are very small private airports that are not considered public domain. These really only exist in small towns. The only non public large airport I know of in the US is Jackson Hole Wyoming Airport. The super rich in that area pay for the airport. Its considered a Private Airport on the books and they have to pay crazy fees to the FAA and city to stay that way.

You’ve basically just proven my point, Blizzard fears FFXIV so much they will crush any discussion of it on their forums, that’s what autocrats do, not healthy private companies in America. I have openly discussed pros of DF on FFXIV forums and they never move these posts from General to other forums, just sad all around for a company who houses itself in a state ruled by a party who prides itself on being anti-autocratic.

Just noticed your profile is completely hidden, something only trolls do.

Well you left out the part where you can’t really criticize 14 to 14 fans…love the game but the community is legit worse than WoW its just low key passive aggressive toxic instead of WoW’s open hostility. At least with WoW you know where you stand lol

No its something people who like privacy do. I do the same thing on my FB and other forum accounts. My FB is basically unviewable unless you are on my friends list. My husband is the same way. We like our privacy thats why we live in the middle of nowhere and have to drive to our nearest neighbor. Thats how most people here in Wyoming like it though

Trolls post on classic toons.

They don’t care about FFXIV being discussed on this forum. That’s what it’s for. The reason they get deleted is because morons necro them all the time.

They move FFXIV topics from General to here, some recently posted were outright deleted, so yeah they care.