FF14 is better than WoW

Well as many have stated, it’s got pros and cons, just like any game. 14 is objectively a good game. But nuanced discussion and comparison to other games in the genre is pretty normal.

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Im going to try it out. As someone who had played FF wince the first one was released on NES I am interested. Which realm is s good one?

I don’t really know much about different realms. I am on Diabolos - Crystal datacenter. My understanding this is the more “RP” focused datacenter, but I don’t know for sure.

Thanks! Ill look around


If you are australian then Tonberry is the unofficial english server in Asia region. If U.S then U.S data centers are all good :slight_smile:

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I’ll be on US servers. Game is downloading now.

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Yea. I will prolly try to move to tonberry. Will buy the expansion this week since it is a good deal getting the last two expac for only 20 dollars. Hope you enjoy the game. My advice is take it slowly since everything will seem new

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See you in game once datacenter travel happens!



I was actually thinking of not server transferring since you guys mentioned data center travel but i discovered that Tonberry is in Elemental while Masamune is in Mana