FF14 is better than WoW

Why not lol. I will say that leveling/questing in storm blood and shadowbringersis far superior than its predecessors.

They have a world visit system now - you can visit other worlds to play with other people in the same data center - and they are going to be expanding this in endwalker to data center travel too.

So maybe you don’t need to even transfer.

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Yea. one of my guildies told me about that too. I wanted to transfer because I would like to participate in the future on FC activities likev crafting for the guild house etc which I prolly wont be able to do in Masamune now since most english players are gone.

Can warrior and drk be dps as well when I am solo hunting in world map? I remember back in Heavensward drk has this mode where it can basically be a dps class.

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You do enough damage and you won’t die, which is easy. DRK doesn’t have darkside as you remember it. It’s all automatic and you have a burst window. But I usually change to redmage for any soloing stuff. Good damage, meaningful self heals. Cool hat.

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Yes Red mage is awesome. Was disappointed they made samurai somewhat cloth wearing instead of the mail wearing version back in FFXI. Really loved the look of samurai in FFXI. Is red mage melee or more range?

Mostly ranged with melee resource spender. You have a gap closer and disengage type ability to help with that.

Its one of the most mobile casters since ever other cast is instant

As for Sam - most of the new armors you can find mail looking glama for it if you want. There’s a lot of glam options that are armor type agnostic these days.

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Nice. FFXIV should be xmogs account wide as well like WoW instead of us still needing to have it on storage physically haha. I think ill just continue my old character then since most of his crafting is also almost 60. would be a waste to just leave it haha

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Yeah, it’s pretty limited. Its a bit of a pain compared to WoW. This game’s transmog is the best in the industry.

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THanks for all the info Sal. :slight_smile:

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Both games have their good and bad points. There are things about both i enjoy, and things about both i don’t.

When the cards are on the table i prefer wow. I have friends here and i enjoy playing with them, but FFXIV is fun to play on the side.

If FFXIV’s endgame content was more like wow’s it would be better, imo. If they had something like M+ there, flexible raid sizes, and endgame open world content beyond beast tribe dailies or relic grinds, i would enjoy it much more than i do.

In any case, i’m looking forward to Endwalker and the new healing job, Sage. It’s about time they added a new healer.


We’re on the same page. Agree on all points.

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Will they listen to the players who say from the bottom of their hearts to tell Squenix to remove microtransactions then?.. :thinking:

I’m hoping they listen to their players about the stubble facial hair. We’ve been asking for it for a while now, YoshiP even mentioned it a few times IIRC during Shadowbringers, but so far nada.

The facial hair options in this game are pretty pitiful.

Like I said. They “listened” to their fans by making outfits not gender locked.

But they introduce one set type with male and female variants…and charge you $18 each. So…yeah LOL

Sunshine and rainbows it is not.



That said, most of this stuff is just cosmetic (save for the SDS Fenrir, which does offer a tangible game-function related boost via the speed boost) or paid boosts which WoW also has. So not complaining TOO much. Just funny.

I am looking to play a 2hander dps but both drk and war are tanks. can they also function as dps outside of dungeons? been mostly paladin and dragoon before and want to play something different if I race change to Hrothgar. Also considering monk but heard it is broken at the moment?

As far as playing a tank as dps - you can DPS outside of group content to your hearts content. It just isn’t as strong.

But that said, tanks aren’t really weak, either.

For example, in a single target situation, middle of the pack DPS does around 20k personal DPS, and tanks do around 12-13k DPS. Plus, there’s not really anything that’s actually challenging to fight outside of group content.


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i remember my drk before in heavensward doing decent dps outside of dungeon because of dark arts. The reason i want to be able to dps outside dungeon is because i will probably do crafting in ffxiv and we need to go to areas where we need to kill stuff to get mats haha.

But I think you are right that as tanks we can probably solo most stuff since we are meaty. I remember my dragoon having a bit of a hard time in those open dungeon cave things to gather mats for quests and crafting

they basically folded dark arts damage into the base skillset and modifiers. you won’t have trouble killing quest or overworld mobs on any job

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Any job does enough damage to function out in the world. So do that with whatever you feel like. I main a healer, and do most of the content as a healer and have never had a problem.

Even in instanced raid/trial content, if you’re the off tank, and there’s no swap mechanic, you’re basically a glorified dps until a second thing to tank comes along.


Between warrior and drk which do you think is more fun?

edit: tbh really getting the itch to play ffxiv lol especially since 6.0 will be a big finale and big beginning of a new story so the new xpac is double good

This is what I like with most of the ShB changes to tanks. All of them have some mitigation use of their defensive they can cast on someone else to make the role feel less useless

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