you seem to have a personal stake in thinking FFXIV is anything but doggie doodoo, so I honestly got nothing for you but pity, buddy. enjoy your catgirls
You have insider numbers, or is that based on click baity articles that don’t hold up under 2 minutes of scrutiny?
you seem to have a personal stake in thinking your opinion on FF14 is objective truth
it is. I have a phenomenal sense of taste and judgment.
you’re playing a human paladin. this statement is factually incorrect
What is it that’s making you so bitter and joyless?
I don’t think it’s these games or people having fun, do you?
Ah. He’s just a prick.
Problem solved.
One of the base characters to what the original style and lore of Warcraft is? you’re playing a cheap tack on race that was made to justify adding blood elves so they could sell the game better in Asia. honestly, FF might be the game for you.
I’ve heard the gameplay pace picks up later in the game. The GCD is abysmal at low levels when all your abilities are on it.
Given that both require monthly subscriptions while GW2 and ESO require a one time fee then a one time fee to get the next expansion everyone should actually be amazed that GW2 and ESO aren’t the top mmos with those payment options.
The irony that Yoshi P is a huge LOTR and Warcraft/Diablo fan and the FFXIV story reflects that, and the GW2 writers are big anime fans lol.
I mean I was trying to just make a tongue-in-cheek joke, didn’t think it would trigger you so hard
Then again I shouldn’t be surprised given your blind hatred for a genuinely good game that just happens to not be your thing
The beauty of the way that FF14 opens is that it weeds out the exact kind of people that should not play the game.
You want nothing to do with the game, so call it a wasted hour and enjoy WoW.
GW2’s story has certainly gotten worse over the years. But then, they tend to put a more concerted effort into their expansions, so I have some hopes EoD will be a stronger play. But generally I’m more in the WoW/ESO camp these days. ESO isn’t perfect but just has a lot of RPG elements that other games lack.
This is what a damaged brain looks like.
If you like high fantasy story like LOTR/Warcraft/Diablo then I would definitely give FFXIV a try, because I’m not a fan of anime but the story in FFXIV definitely satisfies my high fantasy needs. GW2 just seems like a crappy anime story, and the ESO story just felt completely disconnected from the original Elder Scrolls story that I played in Oblivion/Skyrim/etc.
it definitely does. most classes start out feeling really sluggish because the slower GCD is made up for with plenty of oGCD abilities you fit in between abilities, and a greater focus on spectacle and boss mechanics distracting you from complex rotations…which are also absent from the early levels
like I said earlier, the game’s biggest weakness is how slow it is starting out. people going in just need to be prepared to stick with it before it gets going, like a really long book. the good news is they fairly recently extended the free trial to go all the way to Heavensward so at least you can really get a feel for things before committing to actually buying!
ooh no, my heckin catgirls and everything looking like generic high fantasy vomit, with poorly rendered assets that all look paper thin and meaningless, full of tedious lore characters in awkward cutscenes are so precious, with classes that have no versatility or depth, it really is valid to think FF is anything but trash nooooo
You’re making it worse. I’m done with you. Have a good day.
I mean at this point it’s kinda your loss then, I guess it’s probably better the game won’t have such upstanding dudes like you in it lol