The funniest thing about the whole ~weeb~ game thing is that the high points of FFXIV happen in a french gothic city that looks like it came out of Dragon Age and in a very ironworks western industrial city. Very weeb much japan.
Meanwhile last WoW expansion ended with the player character doing a literal kamehameha to kill Tentacles God.
Yea it’s definitely old to where they didn’t see that as a priority lol.
Some of the best things were the economy, getting to choose a secondary class, so you could be like W/M and have a paladin esque type setup.
I miss a running dervish build they had and doing a thing called eye of the north tours (run people to each outpost so it unlocks for them to travel) for some gold.
lol wrong. Its not “atrocious”, that’s your opinion of it. Also, wrong again on the LOL MMO to kill WoW, WoW is killing itself with the toxic community, time gated content, grind and terrible writing.
No its not killing Wow as many will tell you blizzard is doing a fine job of doing that by forcing casuals to head to other MMOs and catering to the 1% of players like raiders and mythic plus folks. BUT not so much PVP since that is kind of a neglected after thought in Wow.
FF XIV is an amazing game, just because it isn’t a clone of WoW systems wise doesn’t mean it’s bad (these days that’s actually a good thing) I like both games and am subbed to both for different reasons, FFXIV I’m actually engaged in gameplay wise and WoW I’m just grinding daily stuff for mounts & xmogs and hoping that future is better.
Some stuff competition will do WoW good, I’m glad FFXIV is getting the attention it deserves
I wasnt going to mention Mezten’s slavesona self-insert kamehamehaing Deathwing in the most weeby scene of all of Warcraft because its too old and some of the newer players might have never seen it since Blizz kinda conked out most of the pre-BfA story.
FF has nothing to do with wow bleeding out, it’s just place people go after leaving WoW for WoW induced reasons. Activision is killing wow, not other games.
You have to get further into the game (level 30 / post ARR) to get a lot of the breadth FF has to offer. I think the most obvious difference isn’t how “great” FF is, but rather it’s the glaring difference in how the FF devs treat / interact with their players vs how the WoW devs treat their players.