FF is not killing WoW

Final fantasy is an atrocious game with the most boring stand and watch combat I have ever played.

At best it is just “fresh” right now and the weird cult of asmongold will follow him anywhere.

That being said, FF just isn’t good enough to kill WoW, we all need to relax and wait for the league of legends MMO to kill WoW.


Casts Shell and Protect You’re going to need these


Thank you. Wasn’t sure if my barrier would be enough.

Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like uh, your opinion, man.


Why is everyone obsessed with one game killing another instead of them coexisting to provide varied MMO entertainment to a wide range of people?


No FF won’t kill WoW. WoW will kill WoW, which is what is happening

FF is just an alternative that players are swapping too because of the state of Blizz right now


Mine is definitely satirical, but I assume it has to do with people feeling the need to devote 18 hours in a day to an MMO, so having two good ones coexist would be difficult to already your time.

There can only be one.

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the issue is that there’s two camps:

  1. One group want WoW to die or somehow transform themselves into their competition because they want said features from one MMO but in WOW
  2. A Highlander mentality where there can only be one MMO, thus some will flaunt every MMO as a WoW-Killer in order to push some weird competition.

Because fanboys are the absolute bottom of the barrel people. They can’t enjoy a thing without the rival thing failing.

They need their toy to be the best.


I hope both games continue doing well. Competition is great for gaming.


Its really funny you point this out because its almost as if ARR isnt going to have complex rotations with tripleweaving and dance bosses because its meant to be the introductory part of the game.

What is funnier is that you treat FFXIV as some kind of wow expansion and not, you know, a completely different game.

Funny how people have the same exact complains about WoW before max level and get told to wait until max level where classes actually flesh out, and yet, it magically doesnt to FFXIV because…?


Oh, the microtransaction focused MMO? :clown_face:


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The more the merrier. I hope Amazon’s New world does well, I hope Ashes of Creation does well. I hope ESO keeps on trucking and I hope GW2 up coming expansion does well too! Lots of choices to scratch that gaming itch!

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It’s really funny to find someone white knight about it here, the main complaint about FF is the combat is bland.

I played a black mage to max, also played dragoon and gunbreaker.

The post was satire, you can google it if need be.

Final fantasy is a different game to WoW and has some great things in it, in my opinion, and seems like a lot of others, combat is not their strong angle.

This is a very nice strawman because at no point I said ‘‘no ffxiv combat is super good!’’, all I said is that its certainly not ‘‘stand and watch’’ outside the early levels… just like WoW is and has always been and the GCD gotcha doesnt really change that.

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I would love for a guild wars 3 that goes back to how they did the first.

I truly miss the first GW. I go back and look at my hall of monuments every once in a while :disappointed:.

Not sure why everyone keeps saying Asmongold, when AnnieFuschia was first to stream it, then Asmongold saw she was playing, so he tried, as well as Rich, then Stoopz, Pint, Summit, moistcritical, the reason why is because everyone had this thought of ff14 being lame because it looks Asian, which it does, it’s from japanese company, but then when few WoW streamers started, now everyone’s giving it a try.

It’s sort of bandwagoning, but at same time not. It’s mostly seeing this thing you weren’t going to try being tried out by people around your spectrum and seeing they enjoy it, so you give it a go.

I mean there is literally a video showing the insane rise of finally fantasy 14 searches/metrics the day after asmongold streamed it for the first time.

I tried the original Guild wars but not being able to jump just bugged me so much.

That’s because he has bigger viewbase than Annie, but Annie went from 1-2k views to 20k when she started, before Asmon, because people playing WoW wanted to see ff14 being played by someone that plays WoW, to see if a WoW player would find that game enjoyable.