Ferals in 8.2

It’s comments like this that highlight your ignorance on basic class fundamentals.

In just one sentence you have proven that you do not understand the difference between DPE and DPS.

Predator builds fall short on long lived mobs do to the length of the fight, Less procs, less energy , less uptime on JF, etc… This is also true for st boss fights, which is where the BT/sabertooth builds shine. That explains why your sims, and it explains why top end ferals running higher keys opt for BT/ST over moc/pred.

On shorter fights however, such as trash pulls in mid range m+, Predator pulls ahead, granting us infinite energy and high crit from TF.

Ferals have two limits to their dps. Energy, and the gcd. Predator eliminates the energy problem. So the only thing holding us back from going nuclear is the gcd.

You simply cannot spend if fast enough. The game won’t let you. Now DPE is irrelevant. It’s all about DPS. Making use of every global to produce the maximum amount of damage.

So back to this …

But if it does less damage than a swipe according to your logic you would be wasting a gcd. Just like how using an insant regrowth for a bloodtalons proc to buff your damage is a waste of a gcd too, right?

Wasting a gcd on a heal so that you can buff your next 2 attacks by 25% at the expense of a full attack is a dps loss in this scenario. That heal essentially did 50% of the damage of what swipe could have.

With back to back predator procs, If the mobs are close to death and you already have rip applied. Yes. Swipe away.

As proven, It does more damage.

But this is a case by case scenario and generally no, You want to dump those cps, and use the free attack.

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All you are doing is repeating misinformation that has been proven wrong by statistics and numbers.

I really think its you who is having a hard time understanding what dps is.

The spell with the highest DPE is going to be your most efficient spell, why would you not want to buff its damage?

With your same logic, if they kept tigers fury off the gcd like at the start of BFA. It would be a waste to press it since it does 0 damage but buffs your other abilities. Bloodtalons is the same concept.

If you are using predator and you are spamming tigers fury just because you can you are doing it wrong and wasting energy. You use it when the damage buff is falling off or you need energy to keep your rotation going. Wasted energy is wasted dps.

Sure you could do a swipe for 40% of the damage you do in a bloodtalons pm, but you would still be using 1-3 globals to do the same amount of damage the pm wouldve done for you anyway. You would also need to have 100% uptime in that short window to do the same damage, which is not always possible.

Sorry you dont like it, but thats the way it is.
You dont have enough experience to tell anyone otherwise.

You havent proven anything, you made a claim and have provided no evidence to back it up.

So yeah, you agree with me that sabertooth/BT pulls ahead over MoC. Case Closed.

I linked the logs to go with it.

You’re deliberately choosing to ignore it.

Again… DPE doesn’t equal highest DPS

Your 40k rake for example. It takes 15 seconds to run its course. If the mob dies in 6 seconds… well… suddenly that highest DPE attack just turned into the worst.

You have a clear lack of understanding of basic game mechanics. You continue to question my experience based on the fact that I choose not to raid in bfa. You conveniently ignore my decade+ of playing this class over your 3 years, of which you haven’t killed any end teir boss at its highest difficulty. Ya basic!


You linked logs of people using bloodtalons build after you tried to tell me they were using MoC. You clearly have no idea what you are looking at or talking about. I dont even know why you are still trying to argue at this point. Must be a slow day going on in moms basement.

Why would you rake a target that is going to die in 6 seconds? Use better judgement.

Once again, you are looking at my experience over the 3 years of this account being active. Not to mention Ive been playing the game since 2006. But you only want to focus on what this acc has achieved which is still more than your decade worth of playing. You must be peanut butter and jealous.

Im choosing to ignore your past experience because whether or not you have been a top 20 raider in 2012 has absolutely nothing to do with your experience in current content. You are living in a nostaglic dream of sunshine and rainbow lollipops. The game has changed from back in 2012 significantly.

Why indeed?!


Plenty of Moc builds.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Generally, when you play in content that isn’t LFR when you open on a target, theyre gonna be around 100% hp. That target isn’t going to die in 6 seconds, especially with bolstering. Also, yes if rake is a dps increase if you keep it up with 3-4 targets.

You might want to look again at those leaderboards with some glasses this time. 7/10 of those dungeons bloodtalons is the more popular talent. 3/10 dungeons is not plenty lmao. That’s the minority of dungeons.

You are also blindly looking at the top 1% players without taking in mind their group composition, and a numerous of other factors like how they probably play with the exact same team every single dungeon and practice with each other to pull in a way that is optimal for the group.

Youre very hung up on this lfr business arent you? It’s adorable watching You cling on desperately!

Logical fallacies.

My best m+ last season was a +13. You don’t have keystone master, So the best you have competed is between 10-15 as well. You’re quite the hypocrite.

The trash in a 13 most certainly falls over in under 15 seconds, even on fortified weeks.

Also… I’m now quite positive you don’t understand how to deal with bolstering if you’re allowing it to stack. That’s bad.

Once again, why are you even arguing?
You keep making personal attacks after the statistics prove you wrong once again like a strung up child trying to get the last word in. Call me bad all you want, it doesnt change the numbers.

We both agree that bloodtalons is better and you can see it is the more popular choice with the leaderboards.

What one group decides to do with the m+ mechanics is going to be different than another group. This does not affect how class mechanic work. It is up to the individual player to find out what is optimal for them in the situations they experience.

How does this make me a hypocrite again?
At least I can say Ive cleared more than LFR.

I said it’s better for higher lvl content and raids, and single target. For the lvl of m+ that OP, you and myself are running? No.

It’s popular for the leaders because they are running higher keys. Lower the key lvl filler on those logs and watch Moc magically appear. Weird how that works.

I never called you bad. I said allowing bolster to stack is bad.

#reading comprehension


#tical vs dip-n-dots

Sorry, I spend more time playing the game and figuring out what works best for me than looking the logs. Seems like you might want to get off the forums and experience some actual content yourself.

Ironically. I see a lot more compotent ferals using bloodtalents becuase they know its a damage increase. Weird how that works.


The state of feral is, it doens’t matter how much you top charts, the mouth breathers that play this game won’t invite ferals to mythic+ groups.

It’s a lot easier to take the braindead classes that do a little more damage with no effort.

Please keep this sh*tshow going I love reading it over my breaks at work.


I bet you work at some lfr level job. Do you even work mythic bro?