Ferals buffs are too much

Ferals were already hidden op , nobody want to play this spec because of the reputation but it’s not even bad .

Ferals will be turbo broken now .

Warriors need more buffs

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I agree. Delete rogues.


No it was severely lacking in AoE. The changes are good.


We have massive ST burst, thats our gimmick. In no way shape or form are we op. Once our burst is done we drop off hard and middle out till its back up. We bring nothing but ST damage and a roar. These buffs were needed as we have sweet bugger all AOE, and even with the buffs its what, a 3-4% total increase to our overall damage?

Bruh it’s it’s just a little kitty cat man.


In dungeons I would say at least 5%. You know it’s 3% bare minimum because of the base damage increase and then whatever the aoe buffs add which I’m guessing at least 1-2%

Because every time Ive tried to run Feral after about an hour of holding down the bile I end up swapping back to Resto.

If you’re getting beat by a cat in dungeon or raid you’re getting severely out geared or out played.



If this is a PvP thing… Interrupt the convoke, protect your healer. We’re pretty docile if we don’t get you on the opener.

They need PvP-specific nerfs, not overall.

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I can also link charts that say what I want them to say:


And as for the second chart, I’m sure the difference between 99.9 and 99.5 is massive…

As you’re well aware I collected data that illustrates what the practical output that differences in a normalized score means. And with a very convincing meme you stuck your head in the sand with data as well.

So there’s all the data, and then there’s whatever is going on in your head.

You keep linking overall data to make a point. There are too many uncontrolled variables for that data to mean anything.

You’re only telling me that this is a cake, when I’m asking for the nutrition facts.

Yes I’m aware there is no acceptable evidence of your infallible opinion.

Have a wonderful day.

There absolutely is evidence that will change my opinion. That’s just not it.

They’ve been very bad in Mythic+ this whole expansion (and much of last expansion) so I welcome the aoe buffs. In addition, will this apply to rdruids catweaving?

Depends on how they implement it. Since this is targeted at feral, it’s probably going to be on the spec aura for swipe/thrash

No, I might actually dust my feral druid off again. If the buffs are too much, Blizz will gladly nerf them back into oblivion.

Ferals are a complex class to play , they have to micro manage energy, bleeds , buffs and understand their other form utilities

Complexity should reward greater not like 3 button DHs

No they’re not lol

Yes, they are.

“That which can be claimed without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” -CH

So either cite some evidence (preferably), and/or tell us what class you actually consider “complex.”

It’s not like any of them require a Master’s Degree or anything. But to say that Feral isn’t a more complicated spec than most is opening yourself up to ridicule. It’s OBVIOUSLY more involved that all but 1-2 other specs.

edit: And for the record, I think the Feral buffs are entirely unwarranted. Because Feral is a much harder spec to play, I think most people just fail at it. I say that watching the uber-pro Feral in my raid consistently top the meters any time we run.

Give me a break with the “we’re only good at ST!111”.

Like how Arms was supposed to be so meta in SoD, but the reality is that Arms is really only good on a TWO-target fight.

Single target? Trash. UTTER trash.
Multi-target? Not good. Can be ok for a snapshot, but snapshots don’t kill bosses.

But ST-with-an-add?? AWWW yeah, Arms rocks the clocks!

So uh… how is that any different than all the Feral whining? Or a lot of other classes that have a very specific niche?? We all have these little things we’re good at WHICH SHOULD MAKE THE GAME/ RAIDING AS A WHOLE MORE FUN, as we each bring something to the table.

Instead, with each passing Raid tier, WoW devolves more and more into a min-max spreadsheet simulator in every worst way possible.

But Feral? Feral is FINE. It’s just HARD.