Feral spec bonuses

Please do not vote.

we took it in season 1 and season 2 still… so you are only hurting yourself and you can play anyway you like but if you don’t have any clue how to play the spec don’t vote for the rest of us

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while everyone acts like druids are blizzards favorite class i always argue its mage. druid is the middle child at best. when it comes to feral i have 0 confidence in the developers to do anything but make the problem worse. the rework last season was so interesting since it was the first time guardian wasnt on a crutch and they got nerfed into the ground cause of it and while hpallys were op healers ide argue that pallys in general regardless of the spec were the best healers last season because of how bad blizzard did healing. shadow gets a rework every xpac anyway so it was bound to have a good season atleast once. im just mad i couldnt main my druid once this season without feeling like a burden on my friends/guild. it was easier for me to play a spec i never knew learn it and run with that than to play feral. i dont even want feral to be meta cause i never do, i feel like if feral ends up being a meta spec for a season we will have another decade of feral being the worst spec in the game. i just dont want to feel like im doing everything right and im bottom of the dps because blizzard doesnt even understand how to balance feral.

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Why is everything in spanish,wtf


cause were stuck with the south american and Brazil servers.

qué es lo que tú?

The bonus of the S1 is way better, and the feral was seen in the MDI for several reasons, one of them it is because his damage was worth it.

Right now, the feral is the worst DPS on raid and the 5th worst in M+. This is not just my opinion; you can check the data on warcraft logs.

All the people who are voting S3 set it is because they are pushing top of +20, but guess what? The convoque build doesn`t work for keys higher than +24. Again, you can check that info on warcraft logs. Is not my opinion is a fact, and if any of you want to show that I’m wrong, show us your logs pushing keys avobe +28 using the convoque build.


dude what are you saying you dont know anything ima keep it real w u

Sure man i don´t have idea, and all the ferals making top of +28 of M+ neither.

Feral was meta in MDI because of a very favorable dungeon pool and Blizzard hadn’t shifted a ton of our damage from AOE to ST yet. Our S1 talent options made us close to the best, if not the best, damage on big AOE pulls that lasted longer than 20ish seconds. We simply do not have that potency anymore regardless of our tier set options. If you dropped the S3 tier set into S1 talents, it would easily outperform the S1 tier set in M+.

The most popular build on subcreation uses convoke, with a max key listed as +25.

There is only 1 feral druid that has timed any +28s, and they have timed 2 of them. This isn’t exactly a large sample size so any talent choice could be influenced by the dungeon itself, the group composition, or even just personal preference if the two are close enough.

Both +28s they timed were on fortified week with incarn, but most tyrannical key they ran including timing some +27s was with convoke. So when looking at the top feral druid on raider.io, it seems to be more that they run incarn on fortified and convoke on tyrannical, both above the +24 keys you claim the convoke build doesn’t work for.


Worst DPS on raid, 5th worst on M+, I would be glad to share the links or the pictures but didn’t let me.

It says that the S3 bonus would be better than the S1 bonus with the S1 talent tree. This is a supposition; above are the facts. Also, if you check out the logs of the 4 or 5 guys doing higher keys, all of them are using encarnation the most of the time. The S3 set is designed to be played with convoque; otherwise, it is a waste, and those guys, for sure better than you and me, prefer to waste those miserable 8 seconds for being more versatile in the output damage.

One of the few good things about the S3 bonus is that it downgraded the skill cap of the class, famous to be one of the most complicated DPS, and maybe, for that reason, a lot of people voted for that bonus because any chimp can do bleeds+feral frenzy+convoque.

That are constantly changing. So I wouldn’t use the word “facts”. I would use “fluid”

On Tyr weeks where trash dies faster than you can get uses out of longer windows, sure. Seems to be in 25 keys though that Incarn pulls ahead with larger pulls and fitting in more PW in the 4pc window.

With or without the tier set, anyone can do this. The tier set didn’t downgrade any “skill cap” lol

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Do you know what does the bonus of the S3 set? Apparently you don´t, because there is only 1 reason to do feral frenzy+convoke, the same reason that why never was used before.

The people who insist on kepping that bonus it is because is not between their plans to do higher keys; that just don`t work for higher keys is very build conditionant and keeps you attached to only one way to play.

It’s not the worst DPS in raid no matter what source you use. It’s in the bottom third, but it’s not last on any fight currently.

The fact is that both the spec itself and the tier set are different in S3 than in S1. A relative difference in performance from one season to another indicates some combination of spec changes, tier set changes, and changes to the other specs. But you cannot claim that any one factor is the cause of a performance change because one or more of the other factors could carry more weight.

You claimed the convoke build can’t work above a +24. The top feral druid has timed multiple +27s running convoke. You’re welcome to amend your original statement, but the existence of a timed +27 with convoke makes that original statement untrue.

Incarn is definitely more flexible and will oftentimes be better. I’m not sitting here saying convoke should be played 100% of the time. I’m simply saying that there are times when convoke is a competitive option, going by the builds the top feral druid in keys chooses to bring.

The S3 set makes convoke a viable option as opposed to never being competitive with incarn. But that doesn’t mean it is designed exclusively for convoke. You still get quite a bit from it when you run incarn or even neither. The point is that it gives feral another small burst window when not using berserk or convoke, something feral sorely lacks in WoW.

While still allowing better players to spec into incarn with all the complexity that comes with it. Honestly for a spec that’s barely played, giving an option for folks to ease into the spec that’s more forgiving without eliminating the depth experienced players can bring can only be a positive for the game. You said it yourself, 4 of the 5 top ferals are still running incarn, so clearly they think that’s still a competitive build when compared with convoke.

Besides, it’s not like any feral cooldowns hold a candle to most other melee DPS cooldowns. Even running what you deem a simpleton spec still will require a competent feral player at the helm to do decent damage; frenzy+convoke every minute won’t pull a bad feral out of the bottom of the meters.

Most people who play WoW aren’t going to run high keys. Why would people vote for a set bonus that is only best if they run a build they don’t like just to allow players at levels above them to enjoy the game more?

Also, feral frenzy was the meta play for feral during the second half of S2 before we even knew about the S3 bonus. And a 45 second feral frenzy might be the clunkiest ability I’ve ever used in WoW. So long as the tuning of feral frenzy keeps it competitive, it needs to have a 30 second cooldown to make it bearable. I’ll run keys that are above the average level during fated, but I will still prioritize spec comfort over the raw max throughput. If feral frenzy becomes worthless for PvE again or is changed to naturally have a 30 second CD, then I’ll consider voting for one of the other sets; but as it stands today, that part alone is more appealing than the boring S1 bonus and atrocious S2.


Because of the tier set.
Before we didn’t even add in FF, so there was no “skill cap” decrease lol.

And season 1 did what exactly? Nothing…you just played your normal rotation with a little more energy pooling than normal.

Talk about being stuck in your ways. It’s okay that you’re not good with S3. But S3 is probably the best set we’ve got going forward.


I was waiting this kind of answer, read this clearly just 1 guy in the entire world did a couple of +28, meanwhile for example the best 3 bommies in the world are doing +31 keys.

This guy is the perfect example, just hitted a couple of +18 keys and thinks that he´s an expert, i´m comparing the data of the best feral players in the world, and let me repet this again, Worst performance in raid, 5th worst in M+ with this bonus set.

This has nothing to do with tier sets. Feral has always lagged behind Boomkin.

You’re interpreting data incorrectly and the way you think it makes sense to you. Like:

Yet, we see 3 different, VIABLE (as in they all show up in the top 10 logs) different builds.


Did you ever check the data from warcraft logs? is not rocket science, is really simple, and is not necessary to interpret anything.

Good luck with your +16 keys; I did that easily with my gear from the last season in week 1. This is why this kind of in-game decisions are not good with the votes; anybody can vote even when they don’t have a clue.

And yet you still interpret it incorrectly. Shocking.

Yeah this isn’t my main, and your first 16 wasn’t completed until the second week and with 4pc at 462 ilvl.


Cute attempt though. Whereas I was actually running 15-18’s with last seasons gear on my other Druid.

Talk about not having a clue.

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Again, you do not have a control of the other changes that happened since S1. The tier set is only one factor, but the log data is going to reflect all these factors. If we dropped the S1 set bonus into the game today, we have no way to assess where feral would be, but it’s highly doubtful druid would magically jump to the top. Mage, paladin, rogue, and DH received major reworks and BM hunter got large buffs coming into S3 for example, and all of them got significantly better after their respective reworks.