Feral simming higher then Shadowmourne BIS Fury

That seems to be an issue of your raid.
Honestly, i would understand the complaints more if this was content that had super harsh requirements on everything, where min-maxing is needed to kill stuff.

We usually have 3 Warrior dps in our raid. Atleast 2, when the bench rotation hits one of the warriors sometimes.
Im pretty sure this setup did cost us nothing in our progress, since we´re not day 1 fullclear raiders, and needed a few weeks to have everything on farm anyway, and at this point in time having classes that only deal B or C tier damage is irrelevant anyways.

Removing someones raidspot for fotm reasons is stupid.

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For one Locks are a pure dps class so they should be top. They also fall off after Ulduar. They also have more buttons to press.

so from what i understand you are saying Feral is going to be top dps once the game is finished and theres nothing left to do. is that such a threat to your ego? feral was BOTTOM tier dps(behind the hardest rotation) and only brought for their utility, we got by. did our jobs. “bres this guy RN during your beserk” “innervate the healer, right after you bres him” also maintain 4 debuffs on a rng proc based system. while the rest of you top the charts on one button classes and get mad when someone tells you to rebuff the dead, or in the case of paladins… if theres 4 of you in my group and i only have a kings i count myself blessed that one of you found the kings button.

in all of this, a feral buff DOES NOT devalue other classes input.
only egos are hurt here.


there was no reduction in complexity, what there was was a removal of obsurdity.
shift to tank form to do more dps which remains mediocre at best - bearweaving was stupid.

also its only your ego thats bruised, it will heal.


Okay seriously we’re not even at the phase yet Yes I know that there are a lot of people that are going to sim stuff but seriously guys if it’s one thing classic has shown us.

You can’t trust the sims one hundred per cent until it actually happens I mean at the beginning of classic wrath Everyone thinks ret in op Not the way it’s worked out is it.

Don’t get me wrong i’m not saying they’re Is one hundred percent incorrect I’m just saying how about we get to icc First before everybody has a conniption fit.

Actually, warriors were pretty insane in original wrath until they got multiple nerfs - but comparing OG wrath/warmane to classic is disingenuous as the game is quite a bit different. People have found new ways to abuse talents/scaling that have never been used in other versions of the game.

Warriors will be ok - but they will definitely not scale off the planet like everyone hypes them up to be. You can see now even in near full uld bis (which is not much different from full ToGC bis due to ilvl increase) warriors are still near the bottom.


I agree, comparing classic to warmane is glue eating levels of intelligence.

They have different numbers and damage output on bosses, plus warmane is janky as hell. Did you know in pvp on warmane you can mocking blow someone for full damage? On classic you can’t because you can’t taunt players.

Warmane is a joke - there is a reason people who have been stuck there in the past for 10 years prio to wotlk classic aren’t any better than the people who returned for wotlk classic

That is like comparing classic wow to feenix private server from 2012 LOL

Buff fury please! Heck buff prot, just make a warrior spot that is like good for warrior lol.


Warlock does not fall off after ulduar, idk where you heard this from but its still the 3rd highest simming dps class in ICC, only behind feral and fire mage!!!

Again with this private server information that is ruining everyones opinions, let me get it straight. On the version of wotlk classic we are on, fury scales poorly and warlock DOES NOT “FALL OFF” warlock scales INSANELY with haste which they get capped in in ICC. if you call this falling off, then idk what to tell you. going from 1st to 3rd simming dps isnt a fall off. Stop spreading mis information, you havent played wotlk classic icc and toc before and clearly havent simmed it. so stop talking


Lock does NOT fall off, they remain an S tier dps throughout


No shot locks fall off rofl.

Their t9 and t10 is very strong.

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I’m going off what I’ve seen in videos/ranking guides. They all have affliction as the top 2nd caster behind Fire Mage. I have been playing since original wrath but was an arena junkie. I didn’t mean they fall off hard, they just fall alittle behind. Mages take the top caster spot. Chill out it’s just a damn game, sounds like you need to get a life getting so offended over this lmaooo. Blizz already ruined the game who cares…

What a lazy post. “Lol get a life loser” surrounded by a bunch of rambling.

Pot calling the kettle black.


Sass me like that again and you’ll be next!

Whats the feral sims in ICC?

this is utter gibberish

pure dps = 3 dps specs


Anyone who says otherwise are just bending the term to fit their narrative.

In phase bis after the buff, I believe it is simming over 19k iirc.

That’s around what fire mage is simming at

But people keep talking about warrior sims. But I haven’t seen anybody post what they are

Raw dps depends on settings but I show non-shadowmourne bis Dps War simming about 10% below a shadowmourne warrior, who is about 10% below a Bis warlock. (And Arcane mage about 4-5% below lock. Fmage seems bugged)

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I can actually. Warrior does NOT need a buff. They are 100% “playable.” They’re also 100% viable.