Feral simming higher then Shadowmourne BIS Fury

I wouldn’t care…and prob more happy than sad. Would help our warriors.
And no, I’m not Feral. I never was. I never will be. I’m resto. For past 10 years.

All these are PvE changes. Heck. Buff everyone by 30%. I will be happy indeed, as it boosts my raid team members. Why wouldn’t I be happy?

Im not nearly as stingy as you guys are.

Literslly not a single feral was around here crying “BUFF ME”, and they they were worse than Fury.
Heck, not even paladins are on here asking for more buffs. And they were FAR behind Fury and still are behind.


Let’s get something a little straight here though. Warrior players aren’t a personality type. We all behave the same. Most of us play multiple classes. Druid players are the same array of people and personalities that play Warriors.

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Bitter warrior is bitter and needs some cuddles, maybe she just needs more kitties to snuggle?

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and yet somehow the loudest.


What’s your point? Ret and feral aren’t pure dps, they got buffed. Classic ret hypocritical stance.

I think you should take a step back and realize that the class you have spent hundreds of posts complaining about how broken they are post buffs highest overall boss dps right now is ranked 414, and there are a grand total of two ferals with higher overall boss dps than the highest warrior.

Ferals threat issues would have gotten even worse next phase due poor tank damage scaling, and once again the Ret buff was a bigger percentage single target dps gain than Feral and buffed their already strong cleave.

For all your complaining Fury will still be beating in Feral in overall boss damage in ICC, they just won’t be better at both single target and cleave.

I don’t think anyone cares what your guild is doing. If it was all based solely upon what your guild was doing then nothing would of gotten buffed or nerfed in the first place. Giving us examples of what your guild is doing is irrelevant. Ret players wanted more dmg regardless of if they were being bought along or not, same with ferals. Now Fury’s aren’t allowed to because your guild has one? Lol

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Dude I honk.Warriors are fine. You’ve completely missed the point.

These issues are why Blizzard stopped making class-specific legendaries.

If a legendary only puts a spec in mid or amongst the top compared to specs with far more achievable gear then what exactly is the point of the legendary? It feels more like MoP where the legendary felt required to keep up rather than something special.

To me the best legendaries Blizz have made are ones that help your guild progress (either in the same tier or the next). Thunderfury and Val’anyr are very good at this and make you feel a lot better at your job, in my opinion.

Stuff like Aetish and Shadowmourne coming in after the last raid in an expansion on farm are basically just status symbols and honestly let those dps classes be OP for the half a patch they have the item on.

If blizzard were to be balancing the game then imo DK/Ret/Warriors should all top ICC damage if they have Shadowmourne. It’s an item that requires more commitment than other items, it should deliver a benefit on that.

Note I’d much rather Blizzard not touch class balancing.

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Yeah, which is why it’s dumb when people keep telling rets they needed to stay at meme spec levels of damage because prot is overpowered and holy is super strong.

By WotLK the definition of hybrid was that you could fill more than one role. Specs are deep enough at this point that trying to do two at once just leaves you pretty painfully bad at both.

By blizzard’s definition of hybrid at the time, warriors were one. The only pure classes are hunter, rogue, warlock, and mage, whom each have 3 DPS specs.

That’s a flat out lie.

care to post where you are pulling this data from?

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i’m seeing feral not even top 5 overall , who cares if they’re #1 on a few bosses. I fail to see your point. The fact that warlock has 2 out of 3 dps specs in the top 5, and the 3rd spec better than both shaman specs, yet no one is crying about warlocks.

font style copy paste


You two really don’t understand that it was a deliberate and targeted change that made ferals go from below warrior to above warrior? This is what’s making warriors angry.

It’s not right to have a Classic game and make one spec do better than another spec mid-game. Remove the Titan’s Grip penalty to restore the natural ranking order in this expansion and then we can all be happy for each other.

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Yep yep, someone needs to get those warriors a cushy pillow to sit on.

I’ll take the one Blizzard just gave you thanks ;p

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Or maybe the one rogues and DK’s already had?

That wasn’t a gift - that’s just how it played out. But when Blizzard picks an actually winner then yeah I put my hand up to be chosen - why not? Lucky you though - you got the chair lift. Blizzard likes you :wink:


Sure, and instead of being whiny about it why can’t you just be happy feral got something nice?


Fine line between whiny and just telling the truth eh. BTW I am happy for you - but I don’t think it will last. We all know it went further than the devs expected. You’ll have a ball for a few weeks and that’s great - but we all know it won’t stay that way, other classes exist and will get a turn. We’re playing the balance game now - Bliz went all in.