Feral simming higher then Shadowmourne BIS Fury

Take it up with blizzard. They deemed it as not ferals intended playstyle. You can try telling them that swing timers, which have been around since vanilla, are now a degenerate playstyle.

Im sure you being the only warrior i have ever heard mentioning that It will be rushed to the front line of changes

Agreed. Even a broken clock is right twice a day…

Nah - it’s your argument I think stinks - not theirs.

Non bear weaving Ferals were doing a lot better than non desyncing Warriors. The problem is that Warriors need to do this to be competitive with the middle of the pack. The only spec the average Fury beats is Arms and the so called “pvp” specs.


They beat ret. Which is where blizzard said was the baseline of where you should be

Using WA to bypass munching is the issue.

Once that is fixed warriors won’t do any of that anymore.

However feral would of still had to do all this extra stuff.

Read better dude. I said the average. The average Fury does worse than the average Ret. Because they don’t use a player created macro.

But that’s a munching issue not a balance issue.

Across all percentiles, AKA the average, fury is outperforming ret

Oh I agree. I’m just refuting Slicy’s suggestion that it’s not degenerate whereas Bearweaving is.

That’s actually not at all true. Fury only start beating Ret at the 75% mark and higher.

“All percentiles” is a log option to look at all combined logs at once and create an average

You’re welcome

Learn to read a boxplot.

Looking at the average now. Fury>ret

To go to any % is not looking at the average. You have to incorporate all data.

You’re wrong.

I am - the top of the boxplot is not the average.

4 students take a test. If you want the average score you take all their grades to create an average. You don’t say “well 1 doesn’t count because blah blah blah.”

I don’t have crayons so I’m trying to use examples to teach what “average” means

To obtain an average you have to look at ALL data. And from there you determine the average. According to logs on average fury>ret

Let me clarify - the median is a more useful average than the mean in this case as we’re talking about the average player parser not the average parse.

bleed weaving and overpower weaving is degenerate playstyle, thank you for supporting warrior buffs

you probably think vezax and hodir should be included in understanding how powerful a class is, lmao :clown_face:

Now you’re just making stuff up

Its all they do

never forget the “nobody brings warriors” lie

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