Feral is still broken. Why is this okay?

Note that I didn’t even request buffs per se, I requested some changes that would mellow out the risk versus reward curve of feral and end up increasing feral performance because even the absolute best players are having trouble with Rip/Rake/Lacerate/Savage Roar timings.

The lacerate is killer, dropping it once means you shouldn’t have lacerated at all.

Feral is completely viable, level 61 Mages are not.

Says the ret.

I’m not Ret. Again, Blizzard if you’re reading this, stop allowing trolls to post with impunity from a dozen throw away characters.

Someone is always going to be at the bottom though. Either you enjoy feral and will make the best of it, or you can go balance and have an easier time doing better. If your only goal is to be the absolute best, apparently you should reroll affliction lock, since from what I can tell they’re the best.

They already tried that and reverted it immediately. Sorry :slight_smile:

No one wants that.

For years we had an account wide post count that could be used to determine if someone was trolling a thread with multiple low level characters. They did not revert it immediately.

Check the ugh retail forums, there’s rumblings of battle tags being used for forum posts. #neveragain

I only post on this char lul. My post count is clear. YOu just want to try and find people in game so you can annoy them.

No one believes you.

No one is going to give you what you want…

If you mean the RealId thing they tried, that was because it was tied to your IRL name. There’s a difference between posting everybody’s real name and having a fixed forum alt. Like, I don’t actually give a crap if they do this or not, but you have to see a difference here.

I suppose if you have an ultra common name, even RealId doesn’t bother you… but if Blizzard posts my name, you can be guaranteed it’s me.

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I’m here to support this because the John Madden rotation should be rewarded. I’m a lazy mono cat on my druid and it’s still a much more difficult rotation versus many other dps specs.

And now I’m slumming it with thanks until I start to pick up the higher end playstyles. I just stopped playing Hunter in TBC too :[

There’s already a strong campaign on the general forum for this. Many threads being made, lots of upvotes:


We’ll see. People are sick of the trolling and sockpuppeting.


I execute the easier version of the bearweaving, idolweaving, snakeweaving rotation and do fairly well as a dad.

Maul/Mangle vs Lacerate specifically. Lacerate is very challenging.

It would be nice that all the things that are added to the feral rotation weren’t such minor dps gains. bearweaving amounts to what? 200dps? snake weaving even less so - though this is entirely automated with weak auras. Even with doing all of the extra stuff you can just RNG clearcasts to make the basic cat rotation do more damage anyways.

This is more knowing which fights you can lacerateweave on and which ones you can’t. Maexxna I always got screwed trying to maintain my stacks, but most every other fight I didn’t really have any trouble - unless it was just grief like horseman.

No you are sick of people disagreeing with you and want to exact social justice on them for daring to disagree with you.

It’s very cringe.

So here’s the thing:

Flowerweaving over and over and over (which is ridiculous and obviously broken) is approximately as good as Maul/Mangle weaving and much easier to execute, whereas Lacerate weaving is a couple hundred DPS better than both but very difficult to execute. I’ve been looking at uptimes for top parses and even the best players don’t keep lacerate up properly. I’m pretty sure they lose DPS over flowerweaving.

That’s called harassment and I’m not going to risk a suspension because I’m mad about something some nobody said to me on the forums. Anyways, I’ve derailed this enough.

Feral is fine, they could add a glyph to remove the bonus threat from Bear form or some other minor adjustment. Ret gained something like 10% DPS from the new glyph, Feral doesn’t need that much at all.

It’s hard to believe you when you disagree with the post and then post about how you want players to not be able to post on alt accounts.

Kinda hard to take you serious.

Also, he is bringing up a valid point… No one cares if YOU personally disagree.