I tried once to run SS as feral and it took over 20 min to queue. I gave up queue as dps a while ago. I prefer to queue in 1 min as resto. Resto isnt in a bad spot either.
I just dont have time to wait for queues
But we’ll see how it works out for those that says the latest tuning is fine. When it is a gutting of your cleave and ST by consequence, let’s see how “fun” it is when regen is also lower AND the stealth nerf to PotP that now prevents it from critting.
See ya in the GY.
It’s kind of necessary because of what they wanted now. Now specs get it baseline. They didn’t want to give everyone big dam baseline though so they let you use the talent they gave you to acquire it back. It’s just the way they did things. Like sure they could have made it so resto did less damage but what if they wanted the full damage version? Now they need to take the point too.
It’s really not a big deal man lol.
An adjustment. It’s not going to do no damage or heal the enemy for crying out loud. Not to mention you’ll have tier which I doubt you had before. Chill man. Try it out first.
This was silly I agree but let’s be honest, it barely does crap anyway. A few thousand left seems irrelevant. I also personally don’t think rake needed touched but again, we’ll see how it feels.
More people have been asking for clone baseline than swipe. It’s iconic. And that talent point sure would be nice to help grab clone.
Tomato Motato. I would call a roughly 20% nerf to be gutting. Rake and Rip is where all of the damage is.
It’s also not going to be as useful for kills now as many tops are already mapping out the bite build.
Yes, but just as spending one talent to undo a nerf, it will be using tier to almost undo another overall nerf. So for those with no tier, getting tier will almost feel pre-nerf. I’m not really one that was a fan of what started in WoD with “taking away to give back later as if it’s new and improved.”
Once you consider that everyone will be getting tier, it was 3 steps back, 2 steps forward along with reduced survivability that includes a stealth nerf to protector.
Yeah, we’ll see how it feels. I certainly won’t be surprised if top ferals are pushed into being sin instead. Bite spamming just doesn’t create that same pressure.
Ok but they obviously see that as too strong lol. I mean it’s not like they’re unaware clone exists.
I mean, and that’s fine lol.
You forget the point was to nerf them. Then not coming out equal is kind of the point.
I mean they may but that’s because people always chase the best. And there’s always a “best” no matter how good everything else is.
You currently have to “burn a talent point” just to have swipe/BrS at all. Not choosing swipe leads to a 100% nerf in swipe/BrS damage.
Now swipe is baseline, but at 50% reduced damage.
If you are currently choosing swipe, then you will no doubt be choosing improved swipe, increasing its damage by 100%. Reverting the “nerf”. You’re not being forced to “burn” a talent point, at least no more than you were before.
Swipe/BrS will continue to do the same damage it has done before.
There is no change.
All you’ve proven is that you don’t understand patch notes and have knee jerk reactions to things beyond your comprehension.
Say less.
Yeah…. That’s how talents work. If you don’t choose it, you don’t benefit from it.
If you don’t use an umbrella in the rain, you’re going to get wet. More news at 11.
Brutal slash is only nerfed for resto, ferals get a talent for it making it back to what it was.
They did that specifically for resto, feral will have a talent to bring it back in line.
Not just ferals…
It’s in the class tree.
Everyone has access to it. Kitty weaving resto Druids, guardian and feral…. Even boomkins can spec into improved swipe if that’s how they wanna play.
Then that’s even better and he has no reason to be crying about it. Ty for the clarification.
Yeah…. Just hyperbole. If he had scrolled down two more lines he would have seen it
- Class
All druids now learn Swipe at level 10.
Swipe and Brutal slash damage reduced by 50%.
New Talent: Improved Swipe – Increases Swipe and Brutal Slash damage by 100%.
Non issue.
Just play a rogue lmao
I respect you brother, and your take, but I’m not sure I can take a thread labeled “Feral is free in pvp lol” as anything other than “Please nerf this spec.”
ASSUMING it’s true (which I don’t think it is) everything done would have been better attacked by PvP auras. Instead we’re facing down these wild changes with bleed builds right after finally getting back what was gutted from feral almost a decade ago.
And honestly all of this makes me want to just quit WoW, because instead of chasing fun, it seems the game devs are taking my $15 to chase fair instead. It’s not fair to finally feel good about playing and land back somewhere behind baseline. I don’t really want to closet my druid again, after finally feeling like it’s coming back to a place where it’s fun and interesting.
oh… im just talking specifically about the comment about swipe being “gutted” being hyperbole.
Swipe and brutal slash damage wasnt even affected at all. The damage is exactly the same.
This. Blizzard need to change their design philosophy. They should be buffing other specs instead.
I mean, in spirit, that was my intention. It was absurdly easy to succeed. You got rewarded so much for just pressing primal wrath over and over again.
So you are a troll.
It’s not trolling when you can readily admit that a spec is in need of some tuning, in the downward position.
He’s also mentioned when Boomie was OP and needing a nerf (Convoke S1 of SL)
All you Ricky Bobby mentality folks need to relax a bit
Then focus on that.
Should primal wrath apply RnT? No, probably not. Should PW apply Rip at 100% potency? No, probably not. Some of that lost damage can be somewhat buffed back on the exchange ratio for TOW, because you don’t see that damage re-“gained” until the second CP spend (and at the opportunity cost of priority cleave for bites).
But that’s never been how Blizzard goes after rework changes – they almost always burn the candle from both ends. I think we both agree that it feels terrible to not be able to pick up half of the fun skills we had in our talent trees from before Tuesday. Granted, feral and resto feel the most “escaped” from that, it still doesn’t feel great to come in tomorrow and wonder how you’re going to play today missing three buttons or having your CD usage nerfed 50% (Thrash AoE with Berserk).
I still feel that without getting a chance to actually see arena stats backed by numbers, current feral is probably not ludicrously overtuned. It’s just good. It’s still very reliant on a strong healer or being trained pushes you back into bear in a guaranteed failure in the war of attrition (unless you can extract some kind of cooldown exchange from it). You still need to play all of the fundamentals and it’s not any less ridiculous than, say, demon form lasting for 30 seconds in the first two minutes of a match (just one example but many of the meta specs have some kind of equal “answer”).
All of that said though, the skill floor for melee of all kinds is fairly zug zug. Except for a few lock and spriest options, most casters require some kind of galaxy brain ebb and flow to play – it’s not fun or rewarding to try and counterplay pillar peekaboo, where an enemy just maintains full range and the melee is able to do zero damage either. We saw the caster cleaves creep out in BFA and that wasn’t exactly the best of times. That’s just an eventual L condition where the enemy can be permanently kept at arms reach and dampening opens the window to burst kills.
So I guess I just want to understand what you’d prefer to see happen that brings others up instead of pushing feral down.