im so happy they nerfed feral. Feral had too much utility / healing / damage. Good riddance.
Quite the opposite in my experience. He’s always been very outspoken about his love for this class.
His insight is valuable and his experience/achievements in pvp speaks for itself.
You would be wise to listen to what he has to say.
It is typical of boomies too. Supatease is a bit like that. That is always a problem with classes with very different specs.
I’m not sure what you’re saying with this response. Everything you’d said, you said already. I understand the aoe application of rip and its ramifications. What I don’t think others understand is how in ST, they’ll still do great damage despite these nerfs. In fact, in aoe they’re still gonna pump.
How am I a troll dude? I love Druids. I main boomy these days but I play feral too and it was my first main spec since 2004. I love it. I just can acknowledge when it’s busted and I also can recognize that just because something was nerfed doesn’t mean it’s garbage now.
I’m not sure this applies… supa plays resto and boomy. I don’t know why that would make them more inclined to bash another spec? I advocated against boomys and wanted convoke changed too when it was acting stupid SL season 1. I just don’t want things broken is all.
He’s one of the most positive posters on the druid forums. You’re either purposefully trolling or can’t read… and I can’t decide which.
I can second this. I’m not a regular but I can honestly say “Flapz” is the ONLY name I have ever recognized and remembered on a forum (and this was from along time ago)as strange as that is. I will not remember anyone else’s name in this thread nor do I care. This WAS a pretty interesting thread to read with good points made. I’d like to see it stay on track and I’d also like to point out:
Feedback and response from devs has been good so far, if this kills Ferals, I’m hopeful it will be undone sooner than later. I Dont like nerfs, but I’d rather know I’m playing well than just an OP Meta class destroying it all. We Dont want a stigma about feral now do we??
Like DH
I appreciate you both.
Look, I promise I have no vendetta against Druids of any spec. I just really don’t like the pattern of seeing a class get adjusted, nerf or buff, and then seeing comments and crying like it’s now 100% busted or 100% unplayable. It’s too much bias.
Like dks. Remember how loud the forums were when the death strike nerf happened? It was an outrage. They’re gonna die instantly! They have no defense now. They’re paper. Etc. what do we still see, in tourneys even, succeeding and the top of all leaderboards? Dks.
Change is just change. You have to be able to evaluate it. And yes, death strike did get reverted slightly (not pre nerf levels) which is also proof further tuning can happen to dial it in. They also nerfed spellwarding which is great.
My only point has been that NO ONE on these forums has actually played 10.0.5 feral. So don’t look at -18% and think it suddenly now heals its opponent with rip. Just, acknowledge that feral was doing bonkers damage and see where the chips fall.
I mean heck, look at my spec. Bottom of every tier list, and this patch buffs things we don’t use and severely nerfs our tree lol. I’m not thrilled because I disagree with the directly pretty vehemently but… we’ll see. I’m gonna succeed no matter what anyway.
There is a weird type of intra class jealousy when one spec performs much better than the other. Samething happens with disc/holy. Probably because it feels bad to play boomy when you could be playing feral. But I agree buff boomy.
I have abandoned my feral until they realize they just screwed it over. I will be surprised if Brutal Slash will even be worth taking after it’s gutted by 50% tomorrow. Weaker dots and gutted builder doesn’t sound like a good thing when they just further nerfed regen for some reason.
Why be a feral when you could perform better as a sin rogue?
Why be anything other than FOTM by that logic
Because Feral is fun.
Or maybe they could play the classes and balance them properly. Have fun in the gy.
A 50% gutting of brutal slash sure sounds fun!
Swing and a miss.
I could see this to some degree, esp when frost gets collateral nerfed via unholy changes. But in this case nothing about them overlap really and I play feral and love it as well. So I’m not sure this applies in my case. I have no problems with ferals being good.
I’m almost positive it’s not getting nerfed like that. You positive?
Well, that’s certainly one way to prove you have no idea what you’re talking about…
Read the patch notes and not just the tuning notes.
Unless the 10.0.5 patch notes are lying. Yep.
- Class
All druids now learn Swipe at level 10.
Swipe and Brutal slash damage reduced by 50%.
- Class
But don’t they allow you to take a talent to bring it back up, and it’s essentially free because you no longer have to take the talent to learn swipe or whatever in the first place…?
I feel like this is net equal for you in this specific instance.
As the link desc said, you will have to burn a talent point just to revert the change. A net equal to have to burn a talent point just to undo a nerf? Why? Swipe will be baseline. So if you don’t burn that point there and follow that cookie cutter design, it’s gutted.
That’s going to china just to get next door.
It was amusing though that this apparently slipped by the know-it-alls.
How is it slipped?
If you want strong brutal slash, you will literally not lose anything to get it. You will simply not gain. But it wasn’t a change intended to buff your talent point amount. It was intended to buff the specs that don’t need it super strong and to have it baseline.
I call it slipped because most everyone is focusing on the latest tuning notes rather than the tuning of the official patch notes. Slipped by them, not “slipped in” if that’s how you took it.
But yes, I already stated that you have to burn the talent point to undo a nerf. Yeah, it’s not a gain. But it is sure af unnecessary to have a throw away talent to unnerf what we already have.
Not going to pretend like they don’t modify damage of shared spells between the specs