Ok so, when I made the thread that feral was free, it was just a fun thread on how I finally got to play my alt and I climbed so fast because it was just really, really strong. I wasn’t like asking for nerfs. I just want to make that clear. It was more just laughing at how easy it was.
Now personally I would prefer when the skill floor of classes isn’t too low. And that was feral’s problem. Fundamentals weren’t as necessary and overall solid play was overshadowed by unrelenting and oppressive cleave damage. So it’s not that I was asking for any nerfs. No one would be able to quote or find me saying that anywhere. However when they came, I wasn’t in the least bit surprised and ultimately felt it was deserved.
To answer your question more specifically, I wouldn’t want other classes brought up to what feral was. And frankly, I doubt anyone else does either because they’d be calling for nerfs on them lol. I just want a solid pacing game that isn’t full of one shots or cheese or 6-10min dampening fests. And preferably I’d like it if all specs actually required at least some skill to exceed at.
For the record I did some 2’s before shut down and made a bite build that could get 100k+ bites. It may be worth looking into that. I know people prefer bleeds and I know sure that’s still accessible too. I didn’t even take circle anymore.