Feral got a mortal strike talent?!

I’m confused. What skill?

This PvP talent affects the infected wounds passive so your rake (and now Rip too) both apply infected wounds, and it stacks up to 2 times.

I agree with all but High Winds. That sounds a bit too busted, especially if someone is stacking a ton of haste.

Healer matches simply last too long. They are being quite liberal with spreading around the healing reduction likely because they are tired of seeing 20minute matches where people do nothing for the entire match but for about 10 seconds every minute or 2.


Yea this, this is important to call blizz out on, giving lots of classes a healing reduc is a joke of a fix

I think a great pvp talent for feral would have been like nature’s swiftness on like a 1 min cd for an insta cyclone or a rly big regrowth if your resto aff or like a bigger starsurge if your balance aff or something. High winds change seems busted. This new ms pvp talent change is great but rly shud jist be baseline as well as lotp imo. Like has been said we need more fun and engaging pvp talents

That makes me wander if the new mortal strike effect on top of high winds will stack.

Yea of course they will. High winds debuff on healer and mortal wounds on kill target. But I believe high winds is dispellable

How come it isn’t? It seems like common sense.

Because then it would be a mandatory spec for all content.

Intelligence buff is brought by 3 specs (1 class)
Stam buff brought by 6 specs (2 classes)
Magic debuff brought by 2 specs (1 class)
Physical debuff brought by 3 specs (1 class)

All these buffs are brought by an entire class (or 2). So you don’t need a specific spec, just the class. So it gives you variance.

Giving a Crit buff to Feral would make it be so you needed the one specific spec. The way to fix that would be give it to all Druids. But then we’re back at square one because it’s not lack of utility where Feral suffers.

It’s lack of unique utility. We’re not really in competition with other classes, more so than it is with our owlkin ranged brethren who have the same utility, and then some!, with historically better DPS.

Making LotP baseline is not the solution. I used to be on the bandwagon as well until I sat down and gave it some real thought. I’d rather continue to he the upsetting underdog that surprises everyone vs the new fotm re-roller spec because we’re guaranteed a spot due to a broken “buff”

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Disagree, leader of the pack needs to be baseline because a) we don’t have to take it as a almost mandatory pvp talent. And b) become desirable for once in raids and keys.

A) that’s a lot classes and pvp talents
B) we’d be required, not just desired and that doesn’t solve the problem, just makes another one

Help me out here Priest gives Stam buff right or they change that and another class does as well ?

I also see your point on “Feral” only getting LoTP as it shoehorns in a “spec” of a class “NEEDED” for a spcial “buff” that would of course become mandatory.

Warriors have shout :slight_smile:

Oh wait that’s attack power!! Lol sorry haven’t been sleeping much lately.

Health buff shout is temporary.

But all other buffs only cover specific areas. Meaning you need multiple classes to go fully get the buffs as well.

Crit would be used and beneficial to everyone.

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Thanks for clearing that up and hope you get some sleep.

Yea if they gave “Feral” only a crit buff it would be 100% mandatory and thus create a bigger problem. We can see that now with the Monk and DH. While they are given by the whole class, you must bring one of them.

If it was Druid wide well we already know Balance > Feral 90% of the time due to range and all the other things a Balance can do.

Precisely. And that’s the problem, we’re competing against Balance more than we are for a melee spot.

Ferals are doing just fine in SL…but Boomies are just doing it that much better lol

to be fair, Rogues similarly lack in group utility for PvE so if they were to limit LotP to a spec, it would probably be on more classes. So Rogue gaining it for a specific spec (or the entire class) wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.

Right, and no real objections but AFAIK, LotP has always been a feral thing and wouldn’t really fit the theme.

Not that they couldn’t change it to fit both. But now we have the issue of…rogue vs feral for that buff spot. So it would come down to who does more DPS or has the niche utility for that specific boss because Balance is still going to be taken.

Overall it’s kind of a mess. Bring back Mark of the wild for all Druids. Symbols for Paladins, and give the Crit buff to rogues :ok_hand:

Do you play Feral without Rip and Rake? This talent is a passive that gets applied from those abilities.

To be fair, clicking in the link and following down to the ability, it does show the ability to be a row one for “tank spec” with a 1 minute cool down.

Even with infected wounds being a passive ability. :man_shrugging:

Leader of the pack is the only sensible thing to give ferals to make them wanted. It wouldnt be mandatory either like you say. Classes that dont take value from crit wouldnt benefit as much where as classes that benefit from a 5% flat increase in magic damage from a DH would for example.

Leader of the pack also in turn benefits ferals as we rely heavily on crit for combo points our primary mechanic.