Feral got a mortal strike talent?!

Per a post on Wowhead:

Nice to see the spec getting 24% healing reduction. Doesn’t compare to what Fury warriors just got… my god they’re going to destroy all healers.

BUT, it applies from RIP and Rake, imagine how powerful a Necrolord feral druid will be in 2’s. Maybe I’m just crazy, but seems strong. Especially with another resto druid, or disc priest? (added dmg)

It looks like Balance got one too with the high winds change?

I certainly agree! Necrolord would put huge pressure on them for sure.

Also I can see Primal Wrath being solid in RBGs

Holy balls, I didn’t even think of that actually :open_mouth:

Safe to assume the snare stacks too? So 40% snare and 24% reduced healing?

25% Healing reduction oh my god YES.

It just sucks that they introduce these really strong pvp talents that feel mandatory to take but arent that engaging or fun to use, I wanted something like the ice wall or rift from lock and mages but instead we’re just forced to take a mortal wound talent every single match now, its really strong and all but why cant it just be tied into rake/rip baseline and only work in pvp scenarios and leave the 3 slots open to fun and things that can only be a thing in pvp like, nevermind feral literally has zero fun pvp talents its leader of the pack, thorns and now the healing reduction every game, against casters swap thorns for protector of the grove. 3 lame passive, wooooo


Agreed, I feel like Leader of the Pack should be Baseline for Feral to give us some extra PvE incentive aswell.


theres a lot of things that just feel like they should be baseline like wild charge for example and leader of the pack to name a few.

Just compare what guardian druid got, a spec that is only played in very few rbgs gets something super fun like channeling to reduce all cooldowns and healing allies, meanwhile feral a class that see’s a lot of pvp play gets a mortal wound effect that is mandatory to take and isnt engaging at all, lame but it is what it is


What id love to see is a small rework / change on Regular and H talents.
H talents for a start

  • Leader of the Pack : Change it to baseline talent for Feral
  • King of the Jungle : Removed or Reworked, its way to small of a buff to spread Bleeds and by the time it would get to anything significant the first bleeds would be almost out
  • Fresh Wounds : Should just be Rake Rank 2 from leveling, giving us a confirmed crit on Rake as a talent is just… a waste of breath, there is essentially 0 situations where its worth it
  • Malorne’s Swiftness & Freedom of the Herd : Merge them into one talent.
  • High winds : Change to a 30% quicker cast ontop of the current effect, and extend it to 6 seconds. Maybe after using a Clearcast ability we have 10 seconds to cast a faster Cyclone?

As for Regular Talents the only thing id like to see changed is the 45 talent row, Its just utter garbage, Remove Scent of Blood, maybe Primal Wrath baseline and just put 2 new talents there.

but thats one guys opinion.


imo id like savage roar to be baseline, moment of clarity be moved down to where it is, sabertooth put in the final row and a new talent for the first row,

pvp talents just need a full rework, we literally have 0 fun actives or even passives that enhance feral in pvp, making stuff baseline so we arent forced to play 3 lame passives every game wont fix it, we would just use 3 different lame passive every game

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I thought about savage roar baseline, but its really strong, I use it atm as necro and if you can maintain it then its a really solid DPS increase, to strong to be baseline

yeah im necro aswell and use it 100% of the time, i just dislike picking between talents that every feral had baseline before

Kinda, cyclone reduces that target’s healing and damage for 4s by 30%. Cc enemy heals then 4s of lower healing? Seems very strong tbh for kill setups, especially with a MS effect

didnt notice that the cyuclone buff also reduces healing now, thats neat.

Yea boomie utility seems very strong now. If sin rogue comes out as strong as it looks, pairing the cyclone debuff with rogue MS will be nasty.

I feel that there is no place for my shortcut key to put this skill
Does Blizzard consider certain skill integrations?

That needs to not go live , but it will.

lol pvp balance.

Bind your rake and wild charge in a macro on one keybind, bind your prowl with cat form on the same keybind, bam 2 extra keybinds