Feral druids need a buff

Yeah, that’s when they get Frost Bomb and Frozen Orb. I honestly can’t wait for MoP :slight_smile:

Mage becomes a one button class again, continuously spamming Ice Lance non stop.

Why is it that you refuse to post on the “main raiders” to show that you actually raid on a regular basis? Your trolling song and dance grows tiresome and boring. The fact is: you’re a liar, a troll, and have no consequential proof/evidence/corroboration to back your claim. You’re a joke.

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I have posted on my main characters multiple times. The same question can be asked of you since you’re hiding on a level 70 character and posting on a Cataclysm forum. I am not sure why you find it hard to believe that someone raids on more than one character a week.

Your accusation that I’m a liar and a troll, without providing any factual evidence or proof, is exactly what you’re accusing me of. This makes your claims hypocritical and unfounded. Stating facts and backing them up with evidence is not trolling; it’s contributing constructively to the discussion. By making baseless accusations, you undermine your own credibility and engage in the behavior you’re criticizing

I have asked you several times to keep the discussion civil and free from insults, as throwing insults only hinders the constructive dialogue I’m trying to have. Additionally, such behavior falls under trolling, harassment, and other inappropriate actions.

I’m trying to have one. I just won’t look through 544 comments, most of which is trolling, to find the specific one where you said what Blizz should do, particularly for addressing positional issues and target swapping, which are the main contributors to the problem. Throw me a bone, and we can have that, or don’t. I don’t really mind either way, just giving you one more chance before I move on.

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I don’t want to look through them either. I actually sat down and did the math on the percentage needed to buff feral to help bring them up to mid-tier damage.

I also pitched an idea that worked like the rogue’s poisons, where the poison ticks helped with energy regeneration, but instead of poisons, it was bleeds for feral. People shot that down and called it trolling.

This idea addresses energy regeneration, which is why bearweaving exists. It would have resolved the issue since feral druids go into bear form during energy downtime.

The fact that feral gets penalized for target swapping is horrible. Honestly, I haven’t sat down and thought of a way to change that, unless Blizzard does what they did in retail where the unused combo points transfer to the new target. However, that involves a lot of work, and I don’t see the devs putting in that much effort

Totally fair.

Ehhh, I feel like that makes it too much like rogue, plus it’d probably have to be a talent. BTW, it’s the rogue’s rupture ticks that causes the energy regen, not the poisons, but I get what you’re saying. I guess you could make it a glyph, but that’s really strong for a glyph. I’d pass on that one.

Giving feral an equivalent of Redirect would help here. Wouldn’t mind that.

Thing is, upping number calcs won’t really change much unless it’s overtuned because of how the bosses are and the fact that casters have legendaries. You’d have to really beef them up so they destroy on fights that are favorable. I guess it depends on where you want them to be. It looks worse if you include add and cleave, but if you look at just boss damage, which is what feral should be doing in a raid setup that makes sense, they are middle of the pack. So they’re pretty good as far as making the boss itself die goes.

I’m of the camp to not do anything because it might break something. But if I had to choose a way to buff them, simply making specific bosses have a hitbox that can be hit by shred, backstab, and ambush would be the way to go, because it’s not that dangerous of a change and it solves the problem that certain specs can’t use half of their kit. It’s the only reasonable path I could see.

The only issue is that this would be much harder to change and pose a greater risk of breaking something in the game compared to buffing feral. Additionally, this would in return buffs rogues, and all three of their specs currently outperform feral dps.

Absolutely not. Making an adjustment to one boss’s hitbox is much safer than changing how a class functions. Class balance is paramount to combat. You’re changing the entire game instead of one boss.

Fair is fair. The three specs that would be first to hit the chopping block next tier on bosses where it matters would be Assassination, Subtlety, and Feral. The two that get the most being Sub and Feral. Feral would probably perform better than Sub. I mean, we’re just going to keep having this discussion next tier when a certain forward facing boss skews the results. If you want them to be mid-tier, this is the way.

While I do agree that this would help feral since their 4-piece allows for Ravage to be used for 6 seconds every 30 seconds because of the 4-set, feral might jump up from F tier to D tier. However, there is no way that they will become B-tier DPS next phase just because a single boss’s hitbox is changed without a real buff.

I’ll guess we’ll have to agree to disagree there. DS is a very different raid from Firelands. Will just have to see. Can’t really say unless we see what people are doing in DS, since numbers in Firelands are pretty much irrelevant at this point. But I suspect Feral will be middle of the pack. Feral has more fights where they aren’t completely griefed in comparison, and less fights/gimmicks that inflate certain specs

Again, it should be no problem for you to post on them to prove it.

I have nothing to hide. I haven’t raided in cata and I’m not making (aka lying) about a claim.

I don’t. However, I doubt the validity of your claim.

I’ve already provided the evidence. You don’t raid on a regular basis because you refuse to prove it by posting on those alts.

Hahahaha! No, I’m not making claims that I raid on a regular basis. I’ve made it clear that I have not raided. My credibility is not at hand and I’m certainly not engaging in what I’m criticizing. What a joke.

Facts are not insults.

You always result to this when cornered. Post on those regular raiders that you claim to have. But we all know you won’t and you’ll continue to troll and be a liar and coward.


They are Moistkittÿ. They posted on that toon in this thread 25 days ago, the only difference between the 2 toons is they use Chatgpt on Ltdán and didn’t on Moistkittÿ.


You have also forgotten about my Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Pally, Shaman & Warrior.

People have multiple max-level toons; it’s not a surprise. Why should I have to swap between each and every single toon to prove that I have multiple toons that I raid on each week? While they hide on a level 70 and won’t post on their 85 toon, it’s really hypocritical if you think about it.

Why would someone need to post on a lvl 85 toon when they said right here…


Since they are not raiding, their opinion is irrelevant.

Yeah well it turns out Moist has been trolling this entire time anyway, was caught in another thread liking their own posts with alts.

They have been silent on the forums ever since.


That response sure sounds like a troll.

Not exactly sure what they sound like, they uses Chatgpt on Ltdan.

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I was merely speaking on your post. it sure seems like your post was a troll post.